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Clinical Depression Research Paper

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Words 1682
Pages 7
Karensa Cadet
Ms. Sinisi
English I - Honors
May 14th, 2015

Depression Affects Us From the stages of a newborn to infancy to adolescence and later an adult, we all develop and grow out of habits and into new ones. From the day we took our first breath to the day we take our last one, we never cease to grow and to develop personally. However, there are events that occur in our life that take a toll on our personal development, such as clinical depression. Clinical depression is a conflict that happens within our minds and that hinders our growth. Depression, is a term we hear quite frequently and is used very vaguely, but what is depression? According to University Health Services Tang Center at Berkley, “clinical depression is a serious …show more content…
Recurrent thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, restlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, anxiousness, death, suicide, and irritability are those that pervade the mind of those who face depression. In fact, people who undergo any form of depression are said to feel like they are a prisoner of their own minds and locked behind bars by their own thoughts. David D. Burns is a well-known adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry and he says “ depression has been called the world’s number one public health problem… it is so widespread it is considered the common cold of psychiatric disturbances, but there is a grim difference between depression and cold, depression can kill you.” Clinical depression is a global mental illness and much more serious than a cold. Many, are aware of the seriousness of clinical depression; however, some still brush pass it and disregard the importance of …show more content…
Tens of thousands of organizations and self-help websites but also doctors and psychiatrists, provide a safe haven and aid to those who suffer mental illnesses. However, during depression people often feel unloved and hopeless so those negative thoughts that they feel makes it very hard for them to ask for help. The road to recovery from clinical depression takes action and takes courage. According to Melinda Smith, the key or steps to self-help depression recovery is: “to cultivate supportive relationship, challenge negative thinking, taking care of yourself, getting regular exercise, eating a healthy and mood-boosting diet, and knowing when to get additional help” ( Granted, battling depression is difficult but those who are victims of depression don’t have to deal with it themselves, there are many tools and people to help those suffering from

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