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Roles and Functions Paper


Submitted By jolanani
Words 650
Pages 3
Managers that work in the health care industry have many roles and functions that are important. A manager’s main goal is to lead the organization to success and to add value to their employees. They have to be willing to change and also learn from these changes. Managers have to strive to perform effectively and efficiently on a daily basis to ensure achievement (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). They are constantly trying to find new ways to improve the organizations daily operations. Managers have to constantly think strategically about the future and also think of what can be done to improve the quality of their work environment. According to Lombardi and Schermerhorn (2007), managers must realize when there is a performance problem and also realize when opportunities arise. They must make decisions wisely, and take action when it is appropriate. All of these actions are performed through a process known as management. There are four processes in management which is organizing, planning, controlling any resources, and leading which is meant to accomplish performance goals (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). * Each function is important and has a purpose to ensure that the facility is running as smoothly as possible. Organizing is the process of coming up with plans, allocating resources, coordinating all activities, and defining jobs. Planning is the process of planning and making important decisions. Controlling is the process of controlling the work environment to ensure everything is run smoothly. Leading is the process of leading the organization successfully. All managers regardless of what level they are on must ensure that all of these functions are being carried out. Although all of these functions are important leading is a very important responsibility. Managers are responsible for leading their team and encouraging them to work hard. Managers

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