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Roller Coaster Rides Investigation

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In order to perform and fathom my experiment, there are multiple topics used that are necessary to understand and comprehend. In reality, A simple roller coaster ride inhibits numerous, complex forces and energy to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. My experiment looks into the effects of these elements and tests the limits of factors such as inertia and gravity.


Inertia was the subject of Newton’s First Law of motion, and states that every object will continue in its state of rest or motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change by outside forces acting upon it. Simpler, Inertia describes the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion, and is a property of all matter. This Law applies …show more content…
This concept of attraction is necessary to understand throughout my experiment, as it describes the way in which the marble falls down the track and leads to some of the energy loss, as without gravity, there would be no experiment as the marble would not be able to complete the track. The gravity also contributes to the energy conversions throughout the track, as not only is potential energy being converted into kinetic, sound and heat energy, but the potential energy referred to is more specifically known as gravitational potential energy, as it is the gravity that will push the energy to convert into other …show more content…
When a car is being pulled up to the peak of the first slope of the roller coaster, it acquires potential energy, which when dropped down the downward slope, is converted into useful kinetic energy, making the car move quicker until once again approaching an upwards slope. This conversion between Potential and Kinetic energy is vital to my experiment as this contributes to finding how energy efficient each loop circumference is.

Potential Energy can appear in many ways, although in this case, the stored energy is known as ‘gravitational potential energy,’ as it is the force of gravity that converts the energy into different forms. The gravitational potential energy can be calculated using the formula mgh, in which m = mass of the object, g = gravitational force and h = height of the object. This formula is incredibly useful for our experiment, as we use it on multiple occasions to determine the energy before and after the tests, using this to find the energy efficiency of the marble.

Kinetic energy describes the energy of motion and is used throughout the experiment, as the only useful form of energy present in the test. Kinetic energy is essential for my experiment as it ensures the movement of the marble, and without the conversion of potential into kinetic energy, the marble would not move throughout the track.

Conservation of

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