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Rome Vs America

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The U.S. is very similar to the Roman Empire and just like the way Rome’s empire fell the U.S. may have a similar fate. We have learned how Rome was ruled and the fall of the Republic, the daily life of its citizens, and the progress they have made in many fields of study. America is almost of mirror image of what Rome was in that they have a highly economical society, a great military body, leaders in science and other studies, and just like Rome we have an ego and a untouchable demeanor. I feel the power of the government is like Rome and their Caesars in that they hold way too much power and only listen to the voice full of money while depending on the growth and expansion of the empire from the sweat of the poor. Really we are headed to a similar fate with the every growing debt and economic depression always on the cusp. …show more content…
population works very hard and still have trouble with bills or live in poverty. America spends a lot on their military and certain military issues that are very similar to Rome’s overexpansion and military overspending. Finally, I think the major issue that Rome faced and will be an issue for the U.S. is foreign attacks. Rome faced major invasion by Barbarian tribes such as the Goths and Huns. I believe that America will have the same issue with foreign relations and the growing fear of a major war. I don’t think the U.S. can be invaded and sacked, but Rome never thought it was possible and their empire

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