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Rosie Batty Research Paper

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It’s the face behind the shopping center counter. The face that delivers your mail, the face that greets you as you walk into work and the face that you see on the cover of magazines. It’s the face of torment and affliction. It’s the face of concealed bruises and pain. It’s the face of a woman.

When the recent Australian of the Year award was given to Rosie Batty, a domestic violence campaigner, a light was shed on Australia’s underlying domestic abuse issue.

Rosie Batty is a domestic abuse survivor; unfortunately her son was not as lucky. Similarly, domestic goddess turned domestic violence campaigner, Nigella Lawson has called for awareness after her partner was seen wrapping his hands around her neck at an uptown restaurant in London. …show more content…
The inability to pursue anything independently, the suffocation of rights and the isolation is all key to achieving total authority.

The sentiment of control on the males behalf is not totally self conceived however. A late 19th century married woman was precisely a man’s property. The law doctrine vanquished a women’s legal rights on her wedding day and assigned them to her husband. This law doctrine was abolished in 1882, but the concept remained. Until the 1990’s, a marriage certificate stated permanent sexual consent, Australian men were permitted by law to rape their wives.

So when the question is asked; Why do women stay silent? The answer is often found within the woman herself. As previously stated, with the added risk after leaving the husband, women find it difficult to find enough courage to leave. Even if a woman could leave her partner, many do not have the financial means to live on their own, especially if they had children, or had been the victim of abuse. Police failing is also what scares many women when the prospect of leaving is presented. In the past, Rosie Batty was let down by the police, who should have taken Greg Anderson’s restraining orders infinitely more

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