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Summary: The Death Of Due Process

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1. What is due process?
a. Due process is a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution in the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments. These rights ensure procedural fairness as it recognizes the individual rights of the criminal defendants that are facing prosecution by the state or federal government. Due process of law contains key features that ensure individual rights are protected. These are confirming a law exists that defines the offense, proper jurisdiction over the case, the accusation was made properly, the defendant had notice and the opportunity to defend him/herself, are ensured a trial, and if not convicted, are discharged from any penalties (Schmalleger, 2014).
2. Why is due process such a central notion in American criminal justice?
a. The Constitution guarantees our rights and freedoms as American citizens. If we are being accused of a crime, we have certain and specific rights we are able to exercise to protect ourselves. Due process ensures that we are granted procedural …show more content…
Without due process, a country would be in chaos. Criminals of all kinds would never be brought to justice and innocent people could potentially be wrongly accused and never have the opportunity to defend themselves. The Jamaican government is thought to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. People in power seem to have full reign on what they are able to do, without anyone to tell them otherwise. The article, “The Death of Due Process” written by Peter Espeut reflects what a country would become without due process. He describes a country where politicians breach guidelines, are connected with gangs that operate gun and drug-dealing operations, and enter into contracts with companies owned by foreign militarized governments (Espeut, 2014). Without due process, our justice system would cease to exist. It would be powerless and have no purpose if due process is not enforced. Countries would undoubtedly begin to become corrupt and have the same fate as

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