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Swoon Research Paper

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Paper is not known for its ability to survive the downpour of rain or the rough hands of constant passersby. It is this cracking and yellowing attribute that draws blossoming street artist Swoon to its aging nature. She remarks upon its ability to weather and how vital that is to her craft. Her work is resonant, its purpose to impact the nearby residents in shared, but personal experiences, and awareness of the surrounding area. Swoon is unique in her ability to charge public space with new and different types of imagery.

Developing Questions:
How does having a degree in art affect her standing as a street artist?
Is there a difference between her type of street art and other forms of graffiti?
What influences can be seen in her work?
Who is her targeted audience - if she has one at all?
Why did she give up traditional painting?
Do galleries or exhibits hold any influence …show more content…
She started as a street artist; her charming name coming in the form of a dream derived by her ex-boyfriend. Caledonia Dance Curry, her given name, used the title in small amounts, marking her work for the rest of the streets to slowly gain recognition. Her name and paper cutouts would arise in casual conversations, only to be accompanied with masculine pronouns. Her gender was a useful tool in hiding the truth behind the artist. Still, Swoon found herself at home in cities like New York, constantly leaving traces of her art across the walls of buildings. She posted her work in what she calls “third spaces” – those walls and surfaces acting as the public arena that forms the urban landscape. (Art21) Going further, many of the people depicted in her works are from the same neighborhood. They’re the faces one can see and pass on the street at any time. Swoon takes pictures as she explores the area; her material coming in forms of the individuals that make up the social sphere. These people, she finds, are the liveliness of the city. (The Morning

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