Premium Essay

Safetrak Teen Tracking System

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Words 591
Pages 3
Many parents use tracking devices on their teenage children. But is using Safetrak Teen Tracking system crossing a line? This device tells parents not just where their child is, but where they have been, where they are going, and how fast they are driving. However, is this device really worth the time and money? Think about it, no matter how the child finds out about the device they will be upset, the tracker will not stop them from getting into an accident, and if found there are ways around the device. The disadvantages of the tracking system outweighs its limited benefits.

Contrary to what parents may think, the Safetrak device will not keep a teenagers out of danger. Picture this: a worried parent paces the living room late at night waiting for their daughter to come home. Then they remember to check Safetrak. The parent sees that their child is almost home, so they go to bed. However, as the driver turns at the last stop sign, a deer jumps onto the road and the child crashes. The tracking …show more content…
If the child finds out about the tracker, there is no doubt they will be upset with their parents. When confronting a child about where they went last night, the child may wonder; how do they know where i was? Whether a teenager finds out about the tracker by discovering it in their car, or if there parents confront them, it will not end well. Good relationships require trust, putting Safetrak in a driver's car definitely crosses the line between safety and invasion of privacy. If the driver is not trustworthy enough to be allowed to drive freely, they should not be driving at all. It would be much easier and less costly to simply talk to the child that is driving. Setting fair ground rules not only benefits the relationship but even improves teens’ ability to be self sufficient. Although this device tells parents where their child is, it will ruin their

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