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Salary and Perks at Google


Submitted By juhong
Words 559
Pages 3
Salary at Google is relatively high compared to competitors. If we count all kinds of job in Google, the average salary is $56,000, which is secondly highest salary following Yahoo. But if we only consider engineers, the average salary becomes $141,000 and this is the highest one in the industry. Within Google, engineers tend to get more paid than designers. Moreover within the engineers, research engineers get more salary.
Google raises employees’ salary not by tenure, but based on their performance. They give 25%~30% of additional bonus to employees per year if they got good results. This pay policy also contributes to active work environment in Google.
Google is also well-known for great compensations. The benefits for Google employees can be categorized into 4 areas: Health & Wellness, Retirement & Savings, Time away, and others. First, in terms of health & wellness benefits include basic medical insurance. This also includes dental and vision insurance such as exams, lenses and frames for glasses. Google also provide EAP which includes legal consultations, financial counseling, child care referrals, pet care referrals, and more. They are offering Flex Spending Account Plan to their employees. This plan is literally providing an account for medical purposes. Also there is Short Term Disability Insurance that gives at nearly 100% of take-home pay and if it is exhausted, employees can get Long Term Disability that provides at 60% of take-home pay. There are more benefits related to health and wellness like Life and AD&D Insurance, Voluntary Life Insurance, Business Travel Accident Insurance, and so on.
Google also provided benefits relevant to retirement & savings. First, there is Google 401(k) Plan. Employees can get financial advices that personalized to them through this plan. Also they can access financial engines with this plan. In addition, there is 529

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