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Sales and Operations Leader


Submitted By shamaraka
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Why Didn't We Know

...Development of project team References ……………………………………………………………………………..…... 8 Problem Identification In the Harvard Business Review Case Study, “Why Didn’t We Know?” Ralph Hasson describes circumstances where communication, listening, and the development of a sales team could have greatly circumvented a lawsuit against the Galvatrens Company. Three of the problem areas that affect this case are, ineffective communication skills, ineffective listening abilities, and the ineffective development of the sales team. Ineffective Communication Engleberg & Wynn identifies communication as an instrument used by members of a group to share information and opinions, make decisions, solve problems, and develop interpersonal relationships. (Engleberg & Wynn, 2013, p. 5). The managers and employees of Galvatrens lack these communication skills and have caused major issues throughout the organization. In this article, it shows Galvatrens lacking in effective communication between departments, employees and managers to be a major issue. Ineffective Listening Abilities The ability to actually listen is a communication skill that greatly affects one’s ability to become a great leader. Effective leaders listen to their people in order to understand unseen problems and opportunities for the organization (Engleberg & Wynn, 2013, p. 151). This is...

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