...IT 302 LINUX ADMIN PROJECT I chose to do my final project on the Samba server, such as how to set up the server, security, and maintenance. Samba “is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. Samba is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based clients.” (source1) The whole purpose of the samba software is to make it possible to operate on many platforms. To install the server you would use the yum command in terminal. You then would enter su for the “super user” to install files as root. Then create a new directory containing three empty files which you'll share. While logged on as root create the new directory “/smbdemo” using this command “mkdir /smbdemo”. Then you would change permissions on the new directory to 770 with the following command “chmod 770 /smbdemo”. Now you navigate to the new directory with “cd /smbdemo” for the command. Add three empty files to the directory with the following command “touch file1 file2 file3”. Next step one would most likely add a user to the server. You do this first by “adding users to the Samba database in order for them to have access to their home directory and other Samba shares.”(source2) Using this command “smbpasswd -a ” you will then be able to add a new samba user. The user must be an existing Linux user or else the command will fail. Then if you “perform the following...
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...Race and Struggle of Samba Samba exists throughout Brazil, peculiarly in the states of Bahia, Mahranhão, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo. Samba has two popular forms of expression: music and dance. A majority of people identify samba as the musical expression of urban Rio de Janeiro. Although samba is commonly identified with Brazil, the start of samba begins in Africa. According to Marc Hertzman, the origins of samba in Brazil can be trace back to the 1800s-a time when Brazil was still in the process of finding its own national identity. After Brazil freed the last of its remaining slaves, Brazil faced racial and economic divides, but with all this issues samba emerged as a building block of national identity. Samba is something unique that could be embraced by all Brazilians. Samba had an impact on Brazil as nation, but also it had an enormous impact on the individual and the African-Brazilian population. Throughout the world’s history, music has had the capability to tell the story of many slaves. Slaves in both the United States and Brazil had slave hymns. For example, the famous song Wade In the Water, which now commonly associated with the Underground Railroad. Once slavery ended, the sounds of those who were discriminated against changed. In the United States, slave hymns became the sound of jazz and the blues and in Brazil, samba was created. Samba is a word that is believed to come from the West African Bantu word, meaning “to pray” or “to invoke the spirits...
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...influences. Capoeira - A style of martial arts developed by Brazilian slaves in the 1700s. Capoeira was developed surreptiously, with practitioners pretending that they were taking parts in dances, when in fact they were practicing their kicks and blows. Thus, there is also a whole style of capoeira music which goes along with the martial arts culture. Choro - An improvisational instrumental style from the late 19th and early half of the 20th Century. Similar to New Orleans trad jazz, choro was closely connected with the early development of samba, and is typically played by a small ensemble -- over the years the instrumentation has expanded to include more instruments, such as clarinet and mandolin... Early stars of the genre include flautist Pixinguinha, mandolin player Jacob do Bandolim, and guitarist Garoto. Forro - Upbeat, catchy dance music from the Northeast of Brazil. Usually features an accordion, and syncopated rhythms similar to samba. In some ways, forro is analagous to mariachi in Mexico, or cumbia music in Columbia: although a few artists (such as...
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...mariachi. Mariachis origin is Mexico. Linda Ronstadt is known for promoting her mariachi music in North America. In her music the vocals are very prominent which reflects the ranchera style of mariachi. Mariachi has the stereotype that is connected to images such as sombreros. It is also said that all Mexican music is the same, which is untrue. Samba- The origin of this style of music is Afro-Brazilian and from Rio. The instruments that are primarily used in samba are the agogo, tambourines, reco-reco, and drums. The majority of the instruments are percussion based. The culca is the most distinctive instrument used in samba. It has a stick inside of it and uses a moist cloth. When the stick is put in motion its rubs the inside to produce different sounds. Brazil first viewed samba as an ill-mannered dance that was done by low-class citizens of Rio de Janerio. When Getulio Vargas took power he looked at samba as positive and used it to unify Brazil. Samba was found mostly when Carnival took place. It wasn’t until Vargas came along and made Carnival a national event and supported samba schools. Not only did he support the samba schools, he also offered public funds to help the school financially. Vargas was a cultural icon for this style of music. Tango- This style of music is from Argentina. The istruments used in this music are the violin, guitar, flute, piano, and the bandoneon. The bandoneon is the most important instrument used in tango because it is made up...
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...de samba Samba é um tipo de dança brasileira e um gênero de música que veio originalmente da África. No Bantu-palavra "Semba" de Angola descreve o "movimento do umbigo." Os movimentos eróticos, circulares ao redor da pélvis são típicos de samba. Escravos enviados para trabalhar nas plantações de açúcar tomou as primeiras formas de esta dança para a Bahia, na região nordeste do Brasil. Cidadãos carentes usou este tipo de dança para representar seus desejos e sonhos. Foi uma maneira de as pessoas se expressam através de uma forma diferente de arte. Como se pode imaginar, estas primeiras formas de Samba foram consideradas obscenas e de mau gosto por classes mais altas do Brasil. Por um tempo a dança foi proibida e praticada apenas nos bairros de classe baixa e até mesmo em sociedades secretas. No Brasil, o samba dançarinos são conhecidos por seus costumes muito coloridos que revelam uma grande quantidade de pele. Lantejoulas, miçangas e peças de penas são vistas na maioria das suas roupas. Seus trajes representam a natureza escandalosa do Samba, que é um termo genérico para mais de cem danças diferentes. Samba tem um ritmo muito específico, que pode ser destacado por instrumentos musicais brasileiros, como o tamborim, chocalho, reco-reco e Cabaça. No entanto, Samba pode ser dançado sem instrumentos. Samba reque uma ação de inclinação pélvica, que pode ser difícil de realizar, mas sem este movimento a dança perde seu efeito principal. As principais características do Samba são...
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...cultural and economic impacts which affect Brazil community. Rio de Janeiro carnival dates back to 1723 it is one of the world’s biggest carnivals, it is a hallmark event. It is known to be one of the most interesting artistic celebrations it involves 4 days of continuous partying and having fun before Ash Wednesday. This event provides an insight into the true culture of Brazil it showcases their beliefs and moralities. It is considered to be a performance of farewell to the pleasures of flesh which is the absence of human temptation and food desires. This event is performed annually 46 days before Easter and the celebration involves dancing, singing, party and having loads of fun with one of the major highpoints being the "samba" music. The purpose of the samba is to signify hedonism also the true celebration of life. It is known in Brazil that 75 % of the population is Roman Catholic therefore the carnival demonstrates all the different cultures and their backgrounds. (Enjoy festivals 2013) Having the Rio de Janeiro carnival it benefits the community by improving social ties and it gives the opportunity for the community that they can pull it together for the greater good. (Perry, S 2010) Rio de Janerio carnival is classed as a hallmark event. A hallmark event is an event that takes place annually in the same place; this will then bring to mind the location of where the event was held. It is also where the event becomes synonymous with the name of the place and it will gain widespread...
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...as capoeira, the national sport, the cult of soccer, Catholic holidays, rituals of the local religion such as Candomble, and the earthly revelry of Carnival are just a few of the festivities that go on in Brazil. Carnival is a traditional festival of decadence before Lent begins, it is celebrated widely across Brazil. Rio de Janeiro and Salvador host huge parades involving performers who spend months preparing. Local community bands play throughout Rio’s neighborhoods for two weeks preceding the festival, also fancy balls take place throughout the city’s more upscale venues, this is called ‘blocos’. Blocos has two things that the citizens of Rio enjoy the most, this being The Copacabana Palace Ball and crowding the streets to watch the Samba School Parade from Sunday night into early Monday morning. Carnival originated in the 1830s as a continuation of the Portuguese tradition of celebrating and indulging on the day before Lent begins. Rio is also home to...
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...Installing Samba Connect our server on our virtual network on the shell and install the Samba packages as instructed: apt-get update apt-get install libcups2 samba samba-common Edit the smb.conf file: vi (or desired text editor) /etc/samba/smb.conf On the website provided, it is said to look in the global section to remove the “#” at the beginning of the line security = user but actually it is further down. Anyhow you will remove the “#” to enable Linux systems users to log in to the Samba server. Close the file after editing and restart Samba: /etc/init.d/samba restart Adding Samba Shares Now we can begin to add shares that is accessible by all users by creating the directories (allusers, acctng, adminaffairs, humres, itstaff) for sharing the files and changes to the group: mkdir -p /home/shares/allusers chown -R root:users /home/shares/allusers/ chmod -R ug+rwx,o+rx-w /home/shares/allusers/ Then at the end edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf and add the following: vi (or desired text editor) /etc/samba/smb.conf Followed by restarting Samba: /etc/init.d/samba restart Adding and Managing Users Now we will add users, for this example I used typical names that are common amongst office settings and importantly are short. Then I used basketball players like the following: useradd lebron -m -G users And set a password for lebron in the Linux system databases for my virtual network. passwd lebron Then enter the password for the new user ...
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...SYNOPSIS TOPIC: ROLE OF NANOWIRE IN FUTURE STOREAGE TECHNOLOGY: SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Kuljeet kaur Vanita B40 INTRODUCTION A nanowire is an extremely thin wire with a diameter on the order of a few nanometres (nm) or less, where 1 nm = 10 -9 meters. Two processes in nanotechnology by which nanowires can be manufactured are suspension and deposition. Fields expected to benefit from nanotechnology include water purification, sanitation, agriculture, alternative energy (particularly photovoltaics), home and business construction, computer manufacturing, communications, and medicine. Vertically oriented 1-D nanowire growth. Directed growth is a critical challenge for the practical design of nanowire-based electronics. At the ACNT, we have developed a synthesis technique in which the one-dimensional nanowires are epitaxially grown in the vertical direction. A large array of vertical nanowires can find many applications in next-generation nanoelectronics. For a logic chip for computing, these vertically free-standing nanowires are used as channel materials of MOS transistors. Examples include 3-D integration of CMOS logic gates (see Figure 2). With a surrounded gate architecture, these tiny transistors offer great scalability due to superior control of short-channel effect and leakage, providing the ideal device architecture for sub-10nm CMOS. The nanowires...
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...of Musics in Transit with specific detail of the Transnational Samba, we can learn a lot about how an art form rooted so strongly in one culture can have such a profound presence in another. The Brazilian samba traveled with the migrants as they moved to Canada. The Brazilian music genre has been gaining worldwide popularity since the early 1900’s, but it was in Toronto, Canada that capoeira and samba are especially celebrated. For that reason, Pravaz welcomes native Canadians in her definition of the diasporic musical space. By properly appreciating the culture of Brazilian migrants, Canadians work with all members of their community to create a place that can be considered home. The first aspect of Pravaz’s research that I found to be particularly interesting was how she argued that the diasporic musical space should includes both those from Brazil and those who have a profound...
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...The main point the author is making under this subtopic “First Impressions” is that Samba is a very popular music and type of dance from Brazil which has the sensuous celebratory sound. Samba music makes you move your body from your feet to the top of your head. (II) Aural Analysis. The main point the author is making under this subtopic “Aural Analysis” is that Samba is Afro-Brazilian which contains the characteristics of African music including Polyrhythm. The instruments in Samba are percussion, for example, tambourines, scraping instruments (rêco-rêco) double bells (agogo) and drums are found in samba styles. “Call and response” which is used in Africa to create Polyrhythm is also reflected in Brazil accompanied by a...
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...read-only access? cat /nfs (ro,sync) D. What entry would you place in /etc/fstab to mount the above export at boot time? Presume the directory hierarchy is being exported by a server named nfsserv, and the mount point is /mnt/nfs. nfsserv: /nfs (ro,sync) /nfsserv.nfs E. What command line utility is used to create/change passwords for Samba user accounts? smbpasswd F. Why is it a bad idea to run swat (Samba Web Administration Tool) across an insecure network? The password is sent in cleartext over the connection you are using and can easily be “sniffed” G. What Samba share will allow users to use their home directories across a Windows network? [homes] H. What is the name of the main Samba configuration file? /etc/samba/smb.conf 2. Create an entry for the above file that would allow Samba to share a directory named /data. The share should be named Data, should be browsable and writable, and should only be accessible by a user named bob. cat /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] Workgroup = WORKGROUP server string = Samba Server Version %v log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m ; max log size = 50 ; hosts allow =, ; hosts deny = ALL ; security = user ; encrypt passwords = YES ; guest ok = NO ; guest account = nobody [homes] comment = Home Directories read only = NO browsable = NO [Data] comment = Directory path = /bob writeable = YES guest = NO ; available = YES ; browsable = YES ...
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...To remove this functionality, set the following Registry key settings: Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Path: System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters Key: AutoShareServer Type: DWORD Value: 0 To remove automatic administrative shares functionality, set or modify the following registry settings: Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Path: System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters Key: AutoShareWks Type: DWORD Value: 0 To restrict the allocation of CDROMs to only the interactive user, set the following registry key settings: Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Path: Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value: AllocateCDRoms Type: REG_SZ Data: 1 Allow the user to change their password by doing the following: 1. Open User Manager. 2. Select the user from the list box. 3. Select properties from the User menu. 4. Uncheck "User Cannot Change Password." 5. Click "OK". This is a security-related warning. The File System Object (FSO) should be disabled and restricted if not needed for administrative tasks or core applications#42;. To unregister the File System Object, perform one of the following: Delete the FSO registry keys "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}" including the subkeys, and "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}" including the subkeys. or Unregister the FSO using the Microsoft "regsvr32" utility. Obtain the FSO file path using the...
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...Learning Objectives and Outcomes <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->You will be able to explore design and firewall rules for a bastion host. <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->You will examine how a bastion host allows administrators to access Samba and Secure Shell (SSH) for remotely managing a server. Assignment Requirements As the Linux system administrator of insurance company Secure All, Inc., you need to design firewall rules for the organization’s bastion host file server, which uses Samba. This server is located in the local area network (LAN) with the network address and subnet The server should also allow Web application access for its online transaction platform to mount the filesystem. The Web application resides on the Web server located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). This server has two interface cards. One card, which is for the traffic from the DMZ firewall, is linked to the wide area network (WAN). This card’s IP address is The other interface card has the IP address and is linked to the LAN. Which firewall rules should be written using iptables for the server hosting Samba? Discuss and suggest firewall rules to allow administrators to remotely manage the server using SSH. Use the concept of “default deny” when designing the rules. Participate in this discussion by engaging in a meaningful debate regarding the firewall rules that can be written using...
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...highly. Although critiqued a lot of their way of living, Brazilian music has made a direct impact on its nation. Perrone and Dunne state, “Such critiques are part of a process that has generated models for engaging critically and creatively with the musical cultures of other nations, especially those that have exercised disproportionate influence in Brazil during the twentieth century,” (ix). Music has evaded many parts of Brazil’s culture, giving more meaning to national celebrations as well as dances. Most obvious is the nationalization of Brazilian samba, Brazil’s unification through music, and globalization of Brazilian music as a whole. I believe that samba is the greatest type of Brazilian music that has the ability to bring the world together. Samba is a specific type of music that is innovative in such a way no other type of music can. Its way to connect with so many different types of cultures is fascinating. Samba started in Rio de Janeiro where people thought nothing of it until it became a symbol of Brazil which then spread across the globe. Perrone and Dunn state in their book, “Festive occasions at private homes provided a haven for musicians to avoid police repression during a time when much of the Eurocentric elite was still hostile to and fearful of black expressive culture,”...
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