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Same Sex Classes In The United States

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There are more than 1,000 single sex classes in the United States. Single Sex classrooms are a bad thing because they cause boys and girls to not to be able to work as good together. Not being able to work together makes a lot of people not get jobs and have to worry about financial needs. Although I understand that single sex classes can provide the right learning environment, I still believe single sex classes are not good because they cause poor social skills with the opposite sex. Same sex classrooms are not beneficial, therefore American schools should not create same sex classrooms because they promote poor social skills, cause gender stereotypes, and high tutions.

Having same sex classes protes poor social skills with the opposite …show more content…
The author writes “‘ When teachers believe that boys and girls need to be taught differently, they can end up reinforcing gender stereotypes instead of fighting them”’(Krings Page 1). This reveals that when you put only one gender in a class the teachers strat to treat the kids how they think all girls and boys act. This also reveals that kids can start to think something is wrong with them if the teacher thinks they all act how there stereotype sees them. “‘ Mixed gender schools teach students to respect gender differences and similarities from an early age”’ states the author( team Page 1). This demonstrates when you put only one sex together they do not learn as much respect they should learn. This means that they do not get to learn how they may have things in common with the opposite gender. “‘ When schools prohibit boys and girls from studying together in the same classroom, they may think that their gender is either better or inferior”’ the author reveals(Saunders Page 1). This illustrates that single gender schools prohibit girls and boys from learning that there gender is equal to the other. Also single gender schools can cause protests and genders to stop being friends. To sum up same sex classes cause gender

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