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Gay Marriage Discriminatory

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Did you know that the Missouri State Constitution currently states that marriage is only between a man and a woman even though the United States Supreme Court overruled it in 2015? Banning same-sex marriage is discriminatory, especially when there are benefits only married couples can get. There are benefits for family values due to same-sex marriage due to things like adoption. Marriage is marriage no matter who is allowed to get married or not. Same-sex marriage is a fundamental right because banning same-sex marriage is discriminatory, there are benefits only married couples can get, same-sex marriage benefits family values, some people do not view it as a sin, and it will not change the definition of marriage. Gordon Babst states that …show more content…
I personally do not see homosexuality or same-sex marriage as a sin, but even if it was, it is in the same section of the bible that says eating shrimp and wearing mixed fabrics are sins. These are both things that people commonly do and aren’t seen as bad, so homosexuality shouldn’t be looked down upon either. In the twenty-first century, religious people are not supportive of polygamy or a widow marrying her dead husband’s brother even though the bible supports both of these (Andryszewski 34). Some religious people believe that God created LGBT people the way there are, so they should be loved the way they are (Andryszewski 24). Churches that allow same-sex marriage usually require same-sex couples to go to special classes, counseling sessions, and to confess their faith in order to get married, but heterosexual couples are not required to do the same, which is discriminatory (Andryszewski 6). Then there are religious people who believe same-sex marriage will redefine …show more content…
Research shows that homosexuality is not generic but biological (Messerli). Many revisionists believe that the bible was mistranslated and that Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 refer to male prostitutes associated with a cult (Andryszewski 26). There are also Christians that believe that Paul in Romans 1:26-27 condemns homosexuality, but revisionists believe that Paul was talking about pedophiles (Andryszewski 26). Supporters of same-sex marriage point out that the judicial branch makes decisions over controversial topics all the time and that one of its duties is to protect the rights of all people, including minorities (Andryszewski 48). Condemning homosexuality will not keep a child from being a homosexual; it will actually keep the child from being themselves to their parents if they are actually in the LGBT community, straining the relationship between the child and their

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