...Executive Summary Las Vegas Sands Corporation (“LVS”) is arguably the world’s premier casino resort operator. With its operations in Las Vegas, Macau, Pennsylvania, and its new development in Singapore and Europe LVS, is now well-positioned to capture a large slice of what is becoming an increasingly huge pie. They are the biggest company in its industry with a USD market cap of 35.1 billion as of 2011. The casino operator has been a pioneer in opening new markets in Asia, and will continue to aggressively focus on a variety of other development opportunities where it’s needed. However, LVS has faced significant financial challenges since the economic recession began in the fourth quarter of 2008. Among the significant ones is its large amount of long term debt currently at 9.58 billion. Las Vegas Sands Corporation has strategically sold some of their “non-core” assets such as the Venetian retail mall, and its Shoppes at the Palazzo in order to remain compliance with its credit covenants. With this said, there are now in the position to return to profitable operations with its Asian pipeline and its new development project in Europe with the assumption that upon completing these projects it will generate enough revenue to get rid of all their debts. In addition, to their debt issues are the ongoing lawsuits that have brought a threat from government officials questioning how the company conducts its domestic and foreign operations. This is an issue of growing importance especially...
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...following the merger of Cominco and Teck Corporation. It is a Canadian based integrated mining, mineral processing and metallurgical company. Seven years ago in 2001(1) when the Teck Cominco merger was completed, two strong Canadian companies with a tradition of excellence in mining and metal refining were brought together. In October of 2008 (1), the management of the company announced the launch of a simplified brand name, Teck, and the formation of five business units specializing in copper, metallurgical coal, zinc, gold and energy. The company has expertise across the full range of activities related to mining, including exploration, development, smelting, refining, safety, environmental protection, product stewardship, recycling and research. Presently they are actively exploring in countries throughout the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and Africa. The company’s product portfolio comprises of...
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...625,000,000 millions dollars are made a year around the world buying prosthetics. Most people think if you have a prosthetic you are at a definite weakness but what if i told you some people fought over that disadvantage and are now pro athletes and olympic gold medalist. In this research paper i will explain an event that changed the game for sports prosthetics the oscar pistorius case of 2007-2008. In sports like track all evidence points back to those prosthetics being advantages in the paper i will give you a few reasons why from world renowned scientist and college professors Due to the significant evidence, I believe that prosthetics give runners in sports an advantage for many reasons some of which I will tell you why I believe. In...
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...MGMT 102 Strategy Las Vegas Sands A Company and Industry Analysis Submitted by: Adhitya Christian Martin (G3525406X) Chye Hui Lin (S8734971C) Darren Chng Meng Hoe (S8509392D) Jasmin Hamdani Ham (G3529740K) Karina Ondang (G0638741T) Liu Fang (G3529124K) Louis Lim Wei Chun (S8416257D) * Contents Executive Summary | 1 | Company Overview | 2 | External Environment | 2 | Internal Environment | 4 | Acquisitions, Restructuring and Cooperative Strategies | 6 | Business-Level Strategy of Las Vegas Sands in the U.S. | 6 | Corporate- Level Strategy of Las Vegas Sands in the U.S. | 11 | International Business-Level Strategy of Las Vegas Sands | | Macau | 14 | Singapore | 17 | Bibliography | i | Appendix | iv | * Executive Summary Las Vegas Sands is a hotel, gaming and resort development company which operates in many countries worldwide. It has 3 significant establishments; The Venetian and The Palazzo in United States, The Venetian Macao in Macau and Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. The company places strong focus on their code of conduct and ethical behavior of their employees. The company has both tangible and intangible resources. Their capabilities include excellent management of operations and human resources, specifically tailored offerings to the Asian market, the MICE business and Eco 360 cost savings initiative. We have identified their core competencies to be in MICE, the Eco 360 program, its Paiza Club which...
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...Classification of natural resources of Bangladesh In the context of Bangladesh the natural resources are classified into two types. Followings are the categories of natural resources of Bangladesh. Natural Resources Natural resource determines the course of development and constitutes the challenge which may or may not be accepted by the human mind, we house the following natural resource as- * Land * Water resources * Fisheries * Forest * Mineral resources * Marine resources * climate * Rainfall * Oil and natural gas * Energy and power resources * Topography. • Renewable Natural Resources are Water, Fish, Forested and • Nonrenewable Mineral Natural Resources are Gas & Oil, Coal, Rock, and Sand etc. Renewable Natural Resources: 1. Water Resources: Water is the available renewable natural resources of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is endowed with plenty of surface and ground water resources. Surface water inflows of the country vary from a maximum of 140,000 m3/s in August to a minimum of about 7,000 m3/s in February. Several resources of water are- River Bangladesh is the country of rivers. Main rivers in Bangladesh are- Padma, Meghna, Shurma, Brahmaputra, Jomuna, Kapotaksha, Matamuhuri etc. Bay of Bengal Another surface water...
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...Fracking Before I began writing this paper I was neutral on the subject of natural gas fracking, I had never heard of it and had no idea how destructive this process of extraction was. The further I got on this report, the more furious I became that this was happening on US soil, and not only that but people in the highest levels of government were not only sanctioning it, but using their power in public office to advance the agenda of companies that they were either running before they cae into office, or companies that friends were running, or were just giving them kickbacks, which would be the only reason that anyone would let this go on. After doing just a small amount of research you realize rather quickly how detrimental this process is, not only to the environment, but to the helpless animals who had had wells built in their migration patterns. Not to mention the helpless children whos parents had no idea what the were getting themselves and their families into when they signed what appeared to be a harmless contract allowing a drilling company to put up a small rig on their property. Who didn’t realize that in a short amount of time they would be able to light the water coming out of their faucet on fire, that their animals would loose their hair, have problems eating and die. The fact that any human being would allow this to be done to other human beings all in the name of money is beyond me, but I’ll get into that later. What is hydraulic fracturing anyway? The...
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...Question 1:__________________________________________________________________________ There are many key issues pressing on Canadians for a wide variety of reasons. One of the largest and most debated issues is the Canadian Healthcare system. The main concerns of both the government and the people are the extraordinary costs that are required by tax payers to maintain the system. Another concern is the long wait times required by patients due to the ease of access to healthcare. I have some suggestions to not only save money, but also to reduce wait times. My first suggestion is to increase the budget for homecare and senior care. Senior citizens make up a very large portion of healthcare patients. Increasing financial support of homecare could reduce the number of hospitalized seniors by providing in home support in the form of Personal Support Workers, Registered Practical Nurse’s, Registered Nurse’s and visiting doctors. The average cost of a hospitalization for one day is $7,000. By providing visiting nursing/ doctors we could reduce that cost to $25-$500 per day depending on the care needed. A second suggestion would be to introduce the very much debated 2-tier system (allowing private hospitals, in addition to the public hospitals currently in place). By introducing this system, all patients would...
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...Biodiversity 1 The following is a paper discussing the earth’s biodiversity between Capuchin monkeys and domestic ferrets, scorpion flies and grasshoppers, Lapland longspur and ivory-billed woodpeckers and the sea urchins and jellyfish. Under the mammal category, I chose to research Capuchin monkeys and ferrets. Capuchin monkeys are small, weighing between 3 to 9 pounds with varying fur, but commonly colored dark brown with cream or light tan coloring around their face, neck and shoulders. Capuchin monkeys are classified under the primates’ order because, for one, they carry the adaptation for climbing trees and walking on two or four limbs. Capuchin monkeys are in the same order as lemurs and mountain gorillas. Domestic ferrets are long, slender bodied animals with brown, black, white or mixed colored fur. The average length of a ferret is 20 inches which includes a 2 inch tail and weighs between 1.5 and 4 pounds. Ferrets are a part of the carnivore order and the reason they are classified as such is because they are meat-eating animals. They are joined in this order with animals such as polecats and weasels. One characteristic Capuchin monkeys and ferrets share is their abilities to adapt to living in different environments such as captivity. A second characteristic is that both types of animals can be considered a nuisance to their...
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...Louis 1 Ansley Louis Professor Matthew McEver English Composition 1101 September 20, 2015 A World Divided The crystal blue waterfalls and crystalized sand shimmered as it fell through our hands. Beautiful people came from around the world to glimpse famous people visiting the island, or to get away from the hardship and stress of their everyday lives. As for me, I saw the poverty of Nassau, Bahamas. Desperate people crowded the straw market and stared across the bridge at Atlantis where vacationers slept in Mahogany furnished rooms with luxurious bedding. Why did the residents have to live the way they do, sleeping on dirt floors? Into the night, the brilliant lights of Atlantis became a world miles away, but out of grasp. We approached the market eager to do some local shopping. Hundreds of vendors brought everything they created to start their marketing line. We live in the U.S., where items are ready-made and disposable, and, if something breaks, we buy a new one. I began thinking about my Michael Kors sunglasses that I had broken on the boat and how I was going to order a new pair when I arrived home. This venue, this world I walked into, was a world that required thought and imagination, of taking the very least commodity they had and turning it into a marketable item to sell, not for the latest technological device or new shoes, but to put food on the table. It humbled me immensely. Louis 2 I approached an elderly man, who looked to be about eighty years...
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...Johansen 140988-1838 Advisor Niels Blomgren-Hansen 17.05.2010 Executive summary In this thesis a financial transaction tax in the form of the Tobin Tax is examined as a means to reduce volatility on the foreign exchange market. James Tobin original proposal is presented followed by his 1995 paper and Frankel’s contribution to the discussion. Frankel gives merit to Tobin’s line of reasoning on reducing stability by dividing investors into short-term speculators and long-term fundamentalists and defines the former’s activities as destabilizing and the latter as stabilizing. However, we find this segmentation problematic since it is not possible to divide the market participants into these categories in the foreign exchange market. Many of the short-term investors do not necessarily speculate or disregard fundamentals, but rather try to avoid risk. Accordingly, many of the short term market movements are instead stabilizing. Therefore, the Tobin Tax would not only deter the destabilizing transactions, but also the stabilizing ones. If the foreign exchange market is in fact excessively volatile as Tobin argues then the tax could possibly have a positive effect by throwing sand in the wheels and thereby slowing short-term reactions. Our findings suggest that the foreign exchange market is in fact highly volatile, but we find no convincing evidence concluding this volatility to be excessive. More importantly our findings suggest that imposing this tax would be at least as likely...
Words: 24467 - Pages: 98
...environment and leaders in the struggle to eradicate poverty. The history of green washing begins with research of environmentalist Jay Westerveld in 1986, in an essay regarding the hotel industry’s practice of placing green placards in each room, promoting reuse of guest-towels, ostensibly to “save the environment. Energy sector represents “biomass, coal, electricity, geothermal energy, hydrogen, hydropower, natural gas, nuclear power, petroleum, solar power, and power wind”, companies involved in generating energy. In this research paper, main focus is analyzing major energy industry components such as Petroleum industry, Nuclear power industry and Coal power industry, in order to explore the related Green Washing phenomenon. As an example for green washing, “Australian Federal Government’s Green Washing Campaign of nuclear power as a “clean” energy source and as the primary solution to reduce Australia’s green house emissions”, analyzed in this research. As an example in coal industry “ the clean coal” campaign recognized and analyzed as an green washing propaganda done by both government and private corporations. In petroleum industry, green washing occurs in two ways such as marketing campaign and research contributions. BP’s Beyond petroleum, and Chevrons “people do” advertising campaigns recognized as a green washing attempts and analyzed. Also ten chosen research agreements between corporations and universities is...
Words: 2720 - Pages: 11
...Suncor’s Basic EPS – December 31st, 2011 20 Appendix 6: Husky's Financials 21 Appendix 7: Suncor's Financials 24 Introduction The purpose of this report is to carry out a financial analysis on Husky Energy Inc. and Suncor Energy Inc, to determine which of these two companies make up the appropriate energy-related exposure for our client’s stock portfolio. Thus, a financial analysis evaluation will be presented for the above mentioned companies as well as a reasoned investment recommendation to support our proposal. Acting as financial analysts, our team will reveal the macro and micro economic conditions along with the company's fundamentals, sector, and industry recommendations (Investopedia, 2012). Throughout the body of this paper, these companies will be assessed based on their overall appeal in terms of industry, primary businesses activities, and financial performance over the last three years. In order to apply our knowledge of course material and develop our...
Words: 4044 - Pages: 17
...[pic] Bachelor of Science Program BMGT 3003s Marketing Research Name : Liu TongLu Student No. : 11212950 Lecturer In-Charge : Mr. Shawn Wong Submission Date : 12 July 2013 Word Count : 2800 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND DUBLIN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Corporate and Product Profilo............................................................................. 3 2. Research Objective.......................................................................................... ......3 3.Research Methodology......................................................................................................3 3.1 Over Research Design .............................................................................3 3.2 Questionnaire Design................................................ ..............................5 3.3 Sampling Plan..................................... .....................................................7 3.4 Method of Data Collection and Analysis..................................................7 3.5 Limitation..................................................................................................8 4. Findings and Analysis.............................................................................................9 Recommendiations.....................
Words: 2514 - Pages: 11
...Research Paper Your name: Chris Woolford Your Capella email address: cwoolford@capellauniversity.edu The course number: BUS3004 Instructor name: Richard Sands Date submitted: 07/15/2012 Title of your paper: How information technology changed investing Introduction Let’s discuss Information technology and how it has changed the way we invest in today’s society. The New Era of technology shapes everything that we do within the financial world. Modern technology has changed the way investing has been done in previous years by providing the market easier access, which appears to be faster and inexpensive. With that being said it has allowed money managers to have access to unlimited information at their fingertips. Information technology also has its down falls when it comes down to investing due to security issues. In today’s society you have people who have the knowledge to gain access to your investments and pilferage from your investments. There are many different ways how someone can gain access to your investments and how to prevent it from happening to you. How information technology changed investing Information technology has been the biggest breakthrough in investments it has opened a whole new world for investors. This world has opened up the stock exchange to become open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and 365 day a year and investors can have access to it at any place in the world via computer or smart phone Apps. As you are reading this, technology...
Words: 1812 - Pages: 8
...Associates * ALDO Group * Algonquin Power * Allied Shipbuilders * Alta Newspaper Group * Alterra Power * Angoss Software Corporation (software) * Appnovation * Arc'teryx (outdoor apparel/equipment) * Atimi Software Inc * Aritzia (clothing) * Army & Navy Stores (Canada) * Arsenal Pulp Press (publisher) * ATI technologies (semiconductors) * Atmosphere Visual Effects (movie special effects) * AVI Sound International (audio/visual equipment manufacture) B * Ballard Power Systems * Banff Lodging Co * Bank of Montreal * Bank West * Barrick Gold * Bard Ventures Company * BBC Kids (television) * BC Biomedical Laboratories Ltd. * BC Hydro * BC Research Inc * Becancour Silicon (silicon manufacture) * Bell Canada * Bennett Environmental * Becker's * Ben Moss Jewellers * Big Blue Bubble (software firm) * BigPark (software firm) * Biovail * BioWare (video games) * Bison Transport Inc. (Transportation) * Black Diamond Cheese Limited * Black Hen Music (record label) * Black Photo Corporation * BlackBerry (wireless devices) * Blake, Cassels & Graydon (law firm) * Blackburn Radio * Bleeding Art Industries (special effects) * Blenz Coffee * Blue Water Studios (recording studio) * Bombardier Inc. * Bombardier Recreational Products spun off as an independent company in 2003 * Boeing Canada * Boston...
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