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Santa Ines Research Paper

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The ressidents of Santa ines are the Chumas tribe.The chumas was a larger tribe that moved locations often, ussal when garbage pilled up to quickly or to follow the food.The men of the tribe hunted and the women gather nuts,berrie and other materials to feed the familys.

Santa ines was built on top of mountain next to the Santa Ynez River.It was so butifull in fact that the indians reffered to the mission as"hidden gem of the missions".The Mission was built to fill a gap between Mission Santa Barbara and Mission San Luis Obispo so its kind of filler but it is still …show more content…
indians attended the cerimony to fouind the mission.Santa ines has been standing for 210 years and it has faced many problems such as natural dissaster and finacial hardship.It was built and designed by newly arrived American immigrant Joseph John Chapman.

Santa ines in 1832 had 7000 cattle and 2000 sheep that where eventualy distributed into 3 other missions.Other than the the live stock always where fairly stable.Inside the mission there is also a garden with many different types of flowers.It also has an art gallary and a statue.

Santa ines is mainly used for church, tours, weddings, and burials today.My mission along with all the others are state land marks.Many of my missons walls and buildings still stand sturdy.The reson my mission is in such good shape is because of a man named fray alexander.He started a program for 20 years that restored the mission.

Father Serra was born in a small village on November 24 1713.His real name is Miguel Jose Serra.He was babitize the next day after he was born because his dad thought that he was small, and weak.When he got older and went to school he was picked on because he was small.He loved to

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