...Company—SAP Company Overview SAP is the world leader in enterprise applications in terms of software and software-related service. SAP AG, headquarter of SAP, is a German multinational software corporation founded in June 1972. Today, the company has 65,667 full time employees all over the world. Based on market capitalization of 93.04 billion, SAP is the world’s third largest independent software manufacturer, behind Microsoft Corporation and Oracle Corporation. SAP delivers products and services for more than 194,000 customers in more than 120 countries. The company aims at helping every customer become a best-run business by delivering new technology innovations without disruptions. Relevant SC Related Products and Features Netflix provides various software to help companies managing different function areas, like finance, human resources, marketing, and manufacturing. It also has software to manage supply chain cross companies and to achieve sustainability. Netflix’s software for supply chain management has three major features to create value for customers by delivering the perfect order, improving responsiveness, and controlling costs. Therefore, its products can be divided into three areas—demand and supply planning, logistics and fulfillment, and manufacturing network collaboration. Under the three areas, there are different solutions for Supply Chain Management. For example, integrated sales and operation planning solution, which is belong to demand...
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...habla do d e ir a Noru ega. La ma dre: So is tonte ares. Yo n o qui ero que via jéis. Voso tras no sap éis na da so bre el pa ís. El hi jo de l ve cino con oce un a chi ca que tra baja en Ver gen. No e s fác il. Del B La situ ación d e Ye sica y Ana stasio es m uy proble mática. N o tie nen tra bajo o alo jam iento en Esp aña, aun que acab an a i r a Es paña de sde Gre cia porq ue crey eron q ue ha y má s traba jo. Pe ro Esp aña n o ha y tr abajo a ca usa de la cris is econó mica. Aho ra h an bus cado trab ajo ca da dí a pe ro sin gr an éx ito. Está n desesp erado po rque no tien en di nero y tien en q ue dor mir en u n sop ortal. Yo pien so q ue ha n he cho mucha s co sas p ara sac ar trab ajo. Yes ica ha ma ndado 300 cur rículos y l o q ue es m uchos. L a ún ica co sa qu e h ay es qu e visi tar las ocu paciones a efe ctos de l os emplea dores pue den verlo s. Pued en emp ezar a estu diar tambi én. Pe ro yo cre o qu e a lo m ejo r es ca ro. E n el tex to 2 encon tramos do s chic as, Susa na y Sis sy q ue está n en Be rgen en N oru ega p ara trabaj ar. E n Ber gen limpia n y frie gan p ara gan ar din ero. Ga nan 18 eur os l a ho ra y traba jan tre s hora s al d ía. ¡E s ni siqu iera 150 eur os al me s en tota l! Ademá s de es o dic e un es pañol an ónimo qu e él trab aja cua tro o ci nco hor as pe ro sola mente re cibe s alario par a t res hor as. E s incali ficable, pe ro no sap en ha cer nad a. Lo s sind icatos noru egos ha n res uelto q ue lo s inmi grantes tien en per miso...
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...Charla Sap El siguiente resumen engloba información acerca del software SAP, el cual fue discutido y explicado en la charla. Se comienza definiendo SAP como una compañía de software empresarial alemana encargada de proveer soluciones de negocios por casi cuatro décadas. SAP es sinónimo de "Sistemas, Aplicaciones y Productos (procesamiento de datos)". Investigando un poco, se encontró que este nombre se basa en el nombre original alemán "Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte Cuando uno se encuentra con el mundo de SAP, uno se encuentra con muchas jergas como mySAP ERP, ECC, SAP Business Suite, etc.; esto se refiere a la oferta de productos de SAP. Se menciona el hecho que uno puede quedar confundido acerca de toda esta terminología, solo es cuestión de diferenciarla. ¿Pero de qué trata SAP de forma aplicada? Una vez que una empresa implementa software SAP, tiene sus procesos de negocio en línea a disposición de sus usuarios a través de los departamentos. Por ejemplo, el director del departamento materiales compras (como se le quiera llamar) que es responsable de tomar medidas para materiales en escasez, puede elevar la solicitud de compra después de ejecutar MRP (Material Requirements Planning) en el sistema SAP. El MRP de ejecución calcula la disponibilidad de materiales o déficit sobre la base de los requerimientos actuales en inventtario. El ejecutivo autorizado en el departamento de adquisición contempla la solicitud de compra y levanta orden de compra. El proveedor suministra...
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...SAP NetWeaver BI – Integrated Planning IM256 Exercises / Solutions MARC BERNARD, SAP LABS, LLC. KAREN COMER, SAP LABS, LLC. HARTMUT KÖRNER, SAP AG CLAUDIA PHILIPP, SAP AG INGO RAASCH, SAP AG Im256 EXERCISE 1: PLANNING IN A BEX ANALYZER WORKBOOK 1. Open BEx Analyzer Open BEx Analyzer as stated by the instructor. Go to the menu “Tools” ( Macro ( Security ->Trusted Publishers and mark “Trust access to Visual Basic objects”. 2. Open Workbook Click on “Open Workbook “. Connect to the system as stated by the instructor. Choose role "PM_BI70" from the pop up. Then choose folder "BEx Analyzer". Open here workbook "TechEd IM256 Sales Planning". [pic] 3. You have accessed the Sales Planning Workbook. You have accessed the Sales Planning Workbook. The Global Sales Manager has to plan the Sales figures for each country and the country managers plans for the different distribution channels within a country. At the moment you are in the initial status of the workbook. [pic] 4. This is a query view with 'Country' and the deviation between plan and actual data. This is a query view with 'Country' and the deviation between plan and actual data. The planning starts with -100% because there is no plan data yet. In this case -100% is displayed as (100)% [pic] 5. This is another query view with 'Distribution Channel' and 'Percentage Share Total Revenue (Plan) This query view displays the 'Percentage Share Total Revenue (Plan)'...
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...pet nutrition products in over 200 countries and territories. Since implementing its first SaP® solution in 1994, Colgate has significantly improved global visibility for its supply chain management processes, automated many of these processes, improved supply chain decision making, increased the speed to market for its products, and reduced costs. SAP Business Transformation Study Consumer Products Oral, Personal, and Home Care and Pet Nutrition CONteNt 3 4 7 9 10 11 13 14 Colgate-Palmolive Creating a Global Supply Chain Supporting an International Enterprise Helping Ensure Supply Chain Success Reducing Total Cost of Ownership Transforming Business Processes Future Road Map Building a Firm Foundation Colgate-Palmolive better Data Quality, timeliNeSS, aND aCCeSSibility QuiCk faCtS Industry Consumer products – oral, personal, and home care and pet nutrition Revenue uS$15.3 billion Employees 36,000 Headquarters New york City Web Site www.colgate.com SAP® Solutions and Services SaP® Supply Chain management application Implementation Partner SaP Consulting organization Implementation Best Practices • involved global cross-functional business and it teams • appointed a global owner to drive process standardization across subsidiaries • tested real-life scenarios and used pilots in significant markets before global rollouts • Worked closely with business owners and the SaP® Consulting organization • used an internal project management process Financial and Strategic...
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...JACG Consulting Group JACG Consulting Group SAP ERP Implementation SAP ERP Implementation By Jonathan Deroza, Audry Vazquez, Crystal Wheeler and George Sergi By Jonathan Deroza, Audry Vazquez, Crystal Wheeler and George Sergi Abstract We are working on the implementation of an ERP system from SAP for our coop with a total of 51 member owners. We are under a compelling opinion that the SAP R/3 software package gives us the best opportunity to achieve our objectives by reducing reporting and invoicing errors, reducing labor and transition costs and increasing productivity throughout JACG and its membership companies. 1. Overview JACG is a consulting firm modeled a coop that provides innovation business solutions in the food industry for their member-owners and customers. Today JACG has 51 active members with sales totaling fourteen billion dollars. JACG leverages the total volume, knowledge and loyalty of their membership to establish a competitive advantage by reducing costs and offering business building competencies. The value proposition that JACG brings to the membership is defined in many area including procurement, sourcing, quality assurance and best in class consulting services for its member-owners. The AS400 system JACG has in place today is very antiquated. The system is more than 20 years old and has been customized to the juncture where the updates to the software suite provided by the manufacturer are no longer useful; it is not flexible...
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...Case study of ERP Topic:Compare SAP at TATA Steel and SAP at CO-OPERATIVE BULK HANDLING LTD.(CBH) Submitted to:Mr. Pradeep Kumar Date: April 6, 2013 Section: K1108 Roll no: B34, B36, B40 Index: 1. Introduction 2. SAP 3. TISCO 4. Implementation of ERP at TATA Steel 5.1 Problems occurred 5.2 Solution and implementation 5.3 Benefits 5. What change has occurred after the SAP implementation at Tata steel? 6. Sap at Co- Operative Bulk Handling ltd (CBH) 7.4 Problems occurred 7.5 Solution and implementation 7.6 Benefits 7. Comparison SAP at Tata steel and Co -operative bulk handling 8. References Acknowledgement Through this case study we get the opportunity to learn about the process of implementation of ERP so we thanks to all those who guided us and corrected us at each step in making of this case study and helped us for making successful and satisfactory completion of this case study. We are highly thankful to our subject teacher Mr. Pradeep Kumar for providing his active support, valuable time, guidance and sincere cooperation during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the said project within the time. Lastly, we are thankful to all those, particularly the group friends, who have been helped us in creating proper and conductive environment and including new and fresh innovative ideas for us during the project. Introduction: Through this case study we...
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...Inquiry and Design Phase of SAP Software Cody K. Hobson Upper Iowa University Inquiry and Design Phase of the SAP System PB Leiner USA and PB Gelatins have been working for numerous years with software that is not affiliated with another. Every system carries out the essential functions needed to run each plant facility located in different parts of the world yet there is no unified connection, nothing that ties all financials together. The inquiry phase of this paper will demonstrate the areas in which the Action-Learning Team will conduct a review into the corporate wide system of PB Leiner USA and PB Gelatins looking for potential improvement points. The design phase of this paper will demonstrate the creation and process steps of what the ALT formulated based on the PIP discoveries. Inquiry Phase PB Family The PB family is made up of six facilities across the globe and is the third largest gelatin manufacturer in the world. Each PB facility thrives on creating value for customers at competitive prices and is committed to achieving the highest standards of product safety and quality. There are high expectations of close cooperation with customers while offering the necessary technical support to jointly search for solutions that fit customers’ needs in terms of product applications and technology. Possible Improvement Points within PB Each site was initially using its own Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which resulted in each site’s...
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...major software project. In 1999, Hershey stumbled while rushing to complete an enterprise systems overhaul, with a new SAP implementation at its core. Basic order management and fulfillment processes broke down, causing the company to fail to meet many retailers' orders. The immediate impact was about $150 million in lost sales for the year. The damage to sales and retailer confidence lingered into early 2000. Hershey is still reluctant to discuss what happened and what caused it; the company declined repeated requests for interviews from Baseline over the past year, and asked SAP and Accenture (which helped with the mySAP implementation) not to talk, either. But we gathered insight from insiders and former employees, and from some public statements Hershey has made about its supply-chain improvements. Here's a look at three things that went wrong at Hershey—and the subsequent lessons learned. #1: The Big Bang"> What Went Wrong #1: The Big Bang The overriding problem appears clear: Hershey was simply trying to do too much at once. In cosmology, the Big Bang theory tells us the universe sprang into being in an instant, wiping out everything that went before. In Hershey's case, it was the old logistics systems that had allowed it to do business for years that were wiped out in a flash. In late 1996, Hershey's management approved what came to be known as the Enterprise 21 project, which would largely replace legacy mainframe systems with new enterprise client/server software. Enterprise...
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...simply manufacturing decorative coatings, the company is increasing customer satisfaction and boosting sales by engaging with customers, dealers, and other partners to provide complete home painting solutions. to achieve the necessary 360-degree view of all stakeholders, asian Paints chose the SaP® Customer relationship management (SaP Crm) application to integrate customer-facing processes. SAP Business Transformation Study Superior Customer Value Content 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 Asian Paints Key Challenges Why SAP Was Selected Implementation Process and Best Practices Strong Governance and Project Management Business Process Transformation and Value Realized Future Road Map Lessons Learned AsiAn PAints GaininG a 360-DeGree View of the CuStomer QuiCk faCtS Industry Consumer products Revenue uS$1.1 billion Employees 5,000 (worldwide) Headquarters mumbai, india Web Site www.asianpaints.com SAP® Solutions and Services SaP® Customer relationship management application (functionality for marketing, interaction center, sales, service, and partner channel management), SaP ramp-up program Implementation Partners mahindra it Consulting Pvt. Ltd., a unit of mahindra & mahindra Group; SaP Consulting Key Challenges • Gain visibility of relevant customer data • increase opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling • reduce time needed to configure customer relationship management (Crm) functionality • Simplify user interfaces and workflows • integrate call center processes • Provide...
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...CASE: SM-153 DATE: 08/08/06 SAP AG IN 2006: DRIVING CORPORATE TRANSFORMATION Success can be seductive. It can trick us into focusing too rigidly on long-established patterns of thought. That’s why it is often so tempting to recycle yesterday’s ideas to form the guidelines and dogmas of tomorrow. I hope that we can use the right vision and strategy to avoid this trap. ⎯Henning Kagermann, CEO, SAP AG INTRODUCTION On a windy April evening in Walldorf, Germany, Henning Kagermann took a sip of his tea and picked up the 60-page document lying on his desk. Several months earlier, Kagermann, CEO of SAP AG, had tasked his Corporate Strategy Group with preparing a strategic analysis, informally nicknamed the “Sun-Tzu document” in deference to the legendary Chinese general. It outlined the strategic opportunities and challenges that SAP should expect to face between 2006 and 2010, and examined the prevailing forces shaping the enterprise software industry in 2006: technological change, consolidation, and shifting customer needs. Kagermann believed that emerging Internet-based technologies and standards known collectively as “Web services” soon would transform the $79.8 billion enterprise software applications industry, in which SAP held the leading market position.1 Although sales of SAP’s existing products had begun to rebound in 2004 after a multi-year slowdown, Kagermann had committed SAP to deploy new Web services-based technology on a massive scale by the end of 2007. (See Exhibit...
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...SAP Business ByDesign by SAP SAP is the largest software company in Europe and the fourth largest in the world. The company operates three segments: Product, Consulting, and Training. SAP currently has sales and development locations in more than 50 countries over the world and is listed on several exchanges, including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and NYSE under the symbol "SAP”. SAP Business ByDesign is a fully integrated on-demand Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and business management software solution for small and medium sized enterprises as an offering from SAP. The solution can be run on a PC with an Internet connection and a web browser, while the software and data are stored on the host servers. Business applications delivered as an on-demand service via a secure Internet connection and a standard Web browser is referred to as software-as-a-service (SaaS). The SAP Business ByDesign solution is designed to enable integrated end-to-end business processes across the following modules: • Customer Relationship Management: This module supports processes that span marketing, sales and service activities • Financial Management: This module can help provide companies with a single, up-to-date view of financial condition • Project Management: This module contains an integrated project management solution • Supply Chain Management: This module covers Supply Chain Setup Management, Supply Chain Planning and Control, and Manufacturing Warehousing...
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...Organisational Analysis of SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd SECTION-D, GROUP-IV Archit Prasad (12 DM-037) Debaleena Biswas (12HR-007) Himanshu Garg (12 FN-054) Madhavi Verma (12 DM-081) Tapapriyo Maitra (12 DM-151) Yogaesh Sharda (12 FN-159) Yogesh Khanna (12 IB- 061) Introduction India has always been chosen as the preferred Research and Development centre by many multinational organisations; SAP Labs was no exception. SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd is SAP AG's largest R& D center in the world. The functional areas of SAP Labs India are Research & Breakthrough Innovation, Product Development, Customer solutions and Operations, etc. Due to its excellent employee learning system, effective management control and state-of-the art infrastructure, SAP Labs India is rated among Top 5 Best workplaces in IT software industry. The next few Pages aims at analysing the Oragnisational structure, culture, life/cycle stage , size , business environment and finally the right “fit” of SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. About SAP Labs India Pvt Ltd SAP Labs is the research and development organization of the parent company. SAP has its development organization spread across the globe. SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd was opened in the year 1998. Other labs are located in Germany, France, Bulgaria and Hungary in Europe; Palo Alto, USA; Bangalore and Gurgaon, India; São Leopoldo, Brazil; Ra'anana and Karmiel, Israel; Montreal and Vancouver, Canada and Shanghai, China. SAP Labs India is the largest development...
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...Problems with Fitter Snacker’s Sales Process Fitter-Snacker Case and SAP Configuration • Fitter Snacker has separate information systems for three functional areas: – Sales order processing – Warehouse management – Accounting • Sales transaction data is shared with accounting via periodic file transfers • Credit data is shared between accounting and sales via paper printout – High number of manual transactions leads to many opportunities for data error 4 Overview of Fitter Snacker • Fictitious Fitter Snacker Company produces two snack bars: – NRG-A: “Advanced Energy” – NRG-B: “Body-building proteins” • Fitter Snacker has two sales divisions: – Wholesale: sells to middlemen who distribute bars to small shops, vending machine operators, health food stores – Direct: large grocery stores, sporting goods stores, other large chain stores Sales Process • The Sales Process involves a series of steps that require coordination between: – – – – Sales Warehouse Accounting Receiving • Note that manufacturing is not generally involved in the sales process as NRG bars are usually sold from warehouse stock 2 5 Overview of Fitter Snacker Sales Process • Direct Sales: offers volume discounts to encourage large orders which are more efficient to process • Wholesale: charges lower fixed price because customer orders are already large (otherwise, the customer would be handled by Direct division) • Both divisions offer terms...
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...Corporate Express Australia Limited solves the challenges of growth Switching to integrated software creates new opportunities Published on 06 Aug 2012 "With the new SAP software we can scale the business at a much more rapid rate, with fewer resources, which will allow us to be more aggressive in going to market. The IBM Global Business Services team provided us with the robust infrastructure that we can rely on to support the business as it continues to grow." - Garry Whatley, Chief Information Officer, Corporate Express Australia Limited Customer: Corporate Express Australia Limited Industry: Retail Deployment country: Australia Solution: Business Intelligence, Enterprise Resource Planning, Information Integration, Transforming Business IBM Business Partner: SAP Overview A wholly-owned subsidiary of US parent company Staples, Corporate Express Australia Limited is one of Australia and New Zealand’s leading single-source suppliers of business essentials. The company employs more than 2,500 people at some 38 locations throughout the region. Corporate Express offers products and services ranging from IT solutions to office products, and provides a reliable one-stop-shop for all business supply needs. Business need: Corporate Express Australia is a steadily-growing company, having acquired some 71 different businesses to date. Acquisition had led to a lack of consistent processes across the company. Corporate Express wanted to move from this environment and introduce...
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