...Maple Leaf Foods has recently lost a noticeable market share amidst stiff competition. Problems contributing to the loss in the internal environment include deficiencies in the value creating activities. Some core issues for MLF are low morale among employees, an unfocused brand message, and a lack of proper responsibility and accountability in profit-making. Lastly, Maple Leaf has so many brands that the company is competing with itself in some instances. They are differentiating its product labels but not the product. The public consensus that hot dogs are not nutritious coupled with the widespread promotion of living a healthy lifestyle, points to a socio-cultural aspect that effects the general environment. Other forces in the general environment influence one another as well. The public was concerned with the contents of hot dogs and this led to the federal governments of the U.S. and Canada to intervene in the industry allowing only “muscle meat” in the food products. Changes like this effect the entire manufacturing process. The meat now has to be more carefully separated and the additional machines or manpower is expensive. Also, the government imposed rules on calcium supplements added to one of the product lines forcing costly activities like re-sourcing and reformulating the additive. Government regulations will typically affect the value chain and companies should analyze the effects to ensure there competencies continue. The threat of new entrants to the hot...
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...Top Dog Hotdogs Project Proposal Proj592 Professor Grover Siriporn Sarah Goodwin C: 707-334-9089 E: ssbgoodwin@yahoo.com Executive Summary Due to the lack of fast food hotdog restaurants nearby college campuses in San Jose and San Francisco, this project aims to fill that void and succeed in attracting customers who seek fast, unique, authentic, and high quality affordable sausages to choose from. The project will be executed by acquiring a small building approximately 700 Sq. Ft within walking distance from San Jose State University and San Francisco State University. The restaurant will be open from 11am to 2am on most nights except Sunday with the business will be closed. The restaurant location and hours open are design to accommodate college students. The milestones of the project include: * Research Phase * Procurement Phase * Renovation & Styling * Advertising * Staff * Grand Opening Project Scope Statement Product or Service Description The scope of the project is to plan the launch of another Top Dog franchise nearby college campuses in San Francisco and San Jose. This will be beneficial for the company as it will generate more revenue and profits amongst college students and tourists. Top Dog started out in Berkeley, CA and has already created a brand for themselves within the East Bay with locations throughout Oakland and Berkeley. With the expansion of its franchise, it will give the company more opportunities to show...
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...Big Game Headquarters CONCORD FOODS Guacamole Mix YOUR CHOICE! 1.2 OZ. 88 SMALL CREAMY ¢ EA. Chicken Leg Quarters Hass Avocados 41 FOR $ 35 LB. LB. ¢ LB. LB. FROZEN, SOLD IN NET WEIGHT 10 LB. BAG AT $3.50 EACH. LIMIT 1 PKG. PER FAMILY WITH $10 ADD’L. PURCHASE PLEASE. EXCLUDES BEER, WINE OR CIGARETTES. ADD’L. QTY. 69¢ LB. OR $6.90 EA. FAMILY PACK JUMBO PACK! FRESH Country Style Pork Ribs Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $ 47 JUMBO PACK! 1 $ 77 JUMBO PACK! BEEF 1 Bufalo Wings HEAT ‘N EAT $ 99 CALIFORNIA SWEET 2 $ 99 LB. GARDEN FRESH Skirt Steak for Fajitas 3 Baby Carrots 16 OZ. Crisp Celery 99 99 1 EA. ¢ EA. CONCORD FOODS 99 Potato Topping YOUR CHOICE! 1.1 OZ. ¢ EA. GARDEN FRESH Red & Ripe Roma Tomatoes 88 ¢ EA. Russet Baking Potatoes ¢ LB. 3 99 LBS. HINES ¢ LOCALLY GROWN Jacket Caulilower Jumbo Viginia Peanuts ROASTED OR SALTED, 10 OZ. $ 99 750 ML. ALL VARIETIES 99 7.9 TO 8.3 LBS. ALL VARIETIES ¢ EA. Ooh LaLa Wine Parade Charcoal Heinz Simply Heinz or Tomato Ketchup 34 TO 38 OZ. 25 FOR $ $ 99 1 $ 79 EA. 1 EA. Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops or Apple Jacks BONUS PACK 14.7 TO 18 OZ. Lipton Instant Iced Tea Mix 74.2 OZ. $ 99 2 $ 99 Red Baron Classic & Thin Crust Pizza EA. 3 EA. 15.77 TO 22.63 OZ. ALL VARIETIES 25 FOR $ Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits ...
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...Case Study for Saxonville Sausage Company 1. What is the current situation? The primary situation in the Saxonville Sausage Company case was their need to increase the awareness, customer base, and sales with their Italian Sausage products. The flat sales they were experiencing in their breakfast sausage and bratwurst sales influenced the company to try and expand the market they were offering their Italian Sausage products to. The company was unsure of the way they were positioning their product and before launching a new marketing strategy to a possibly new market they needed to do some very essential research and analysis of consumers. The name of the Italian Sausage, the packaging on the product, the way they would advertise the sausage as well as the people they needed to target the sausage to were just a few of the objectives the company planned to focus on while conducting their marketing research. 2. How was the research methodology determined? The research methodology was determined by Ann Banks based upon her previous work experience. Saxxonville Sausage did not know who their target consumer was and the research methodology was chosen to learn this. In addition to gaining a better understanding of who the Saxxonville Sausage customer was Banks needed to find a way to link the Italian Sausage product with the "core values" of their target consumer. To accomplish this she chose a method that combined both quantitative and qualitative research. The qualitative...
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...1.Saxonville Sausage company was launched 70 years ago with 2005 revenues of approximately $1.5 billion. However, since 2004, the main products of bratwurst and breakfast categories across all sausage producers has been flat, and the company themselves were struggling to position one of their Italian sausages in the market in order to achieve its profit objectives for the next fiscal year. Products: The company produced a variety of pork sausage products, the heart of the business consisted of branded products: bratwurst (70% of Saxonville’s revenues); breakfast sausage, both links and patties (20% of revenues); and an Italian sausage named Vivio (5% of revenues). Store-brand products accounted for the additional 5% of revenues. Sales: The flat sales they were experiencing in their breakfast sausage and bratwurst sales influenced the company by tapping and expanding the market of Italian Sausage products category. Sales promotion: The company prepares to use “Product Development” organizational growth strategy, seeking to create new product to meet their profit goal, while the company was unsure of the way they were positioning their products. And before launching a new marketing strategy to a possibly new market, they needed to do some very essential research and analysis of consumers. Competitors: There are some competitors according to market segmentation. For example, “Mama Mia”, that shares the same implied angle as Vivio, is a direct competitor offering the same products;...
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...NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION At Frisch’s, you will always find fresh, wholesome food, served by real, friendly people. Since 1946, that’s what has set Frisch’s Big Boy apart.What makes our food so delicious and different is that we make so much from scratch with carefully sourced ingredients. It is our pleasure providing you with information on the selections we serve to help you achieve your dietary goals. ITEM BURGERS & SANDWICHES BEEF Super Big Boy® Big Boy ® SERVING CALORIES SIZE FAT (g) SAT. FAT (g) TRANS FAT (g) CHOLEST. SODIUM (mg) (mg) CARB. (g) FIBER (g) SUGAR (g) PROTEIN (g) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1190 680 460 690 1020 710 930 810 690 600 530 480 680 610 710 880 84 44 22 46 63 32 54 57 47 40 35 31 45 19 45 48 24 12 8 13 20 12 17 18 14 10 8 6 8 12 19 20 2 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 2.5 3.5 220 110 95 115 185 140 155 150 120 100 65 55 50 90 140 140 1660 940 420 960 1570 970 1470 1270 1110 710 880 680 910 3410 1220 1420 35 32 30 31 55 57 56 31 30 28 31 30 52 65 34 64 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 7 5 4 5 5 11 11 10 6 4 2 4 3 3 7 9 13 63 34 31 35 53 48 49 41 35 31 21 19 18 44 43 48 Brawny Lad® Swiss Miss Primetime BLT Cheeseburger Primetime Mushroom & Swiss Primetime Cheeseburger Bacon Cheeseburger 1/4 lb. Cheeseburger 1/4 lb. Hamburger Small Cheeseburger Small Hamburger Country Fried Steak Cheese Steak Patty Melt Lg. Patty Melt Sm. FISH Fish Sandwich Small Fish Sandwich Whitefish Sandwich Tuna Salad Sandwich Tuna Melt Lg. Tuna Melt Sm...
Words: 6065 - Pages: 25
...ribs. Prosciutto pork chop sirloin turducken t-bone, ham hock cupim swine sausage ball tip beef drumstick capicola landjaeger. Shank bresaola flank ham hock kevin cow spare ribs. Tongue spare ribs shank meatloaf flank shankle cow pancetta leberkas frankfurter porchetta capicola hamburger. Turducken beef ribs corned beef pig shoulder ham chicken swine picanha ground round pork loin. Frankfurter fatback andouille salami t-bone pastrami. Pork loin corned beef venison tongue spare ribs sausage beef. Ribeye pig flank, bacon shankle shoulder andouille beef ribs shank ball tip brisket. Filet mignon doner sausage, picanha prosciutto pork alcatra pancetta t-bone hamburger meatball. Tri-tip biltong chicken, turkey pork loin pork belly leberkas. Cupim ham hock meatball, bresaola jerky filet mignon corned beef short loin. Sausage tenderloin ribeye tongue shankle beef. Alcatra jerky flank meatloaf hamburger spare ribs ham hock jowl salami. Tenderloin sirloin tongue pork chop. Drumstick porchetta ham hock cow. Short ribs pork chicken pork chop. Boudin doner fatback hamburger, landjaeger prosciutto t-bone swine frankfurter chicken venison drumstick chuck. Andouille kielbasa pancetta frankfurter, spare ribs shankle swine landjaeger doner tri-tip. Pig pancetta leberkas cupim beef ribs ham hock kielbasa alcatra sausage ground round sirloin andouille frankfurter bacon. Fatback ham jerky, landjaeger pork loin cupim sausage rump frankfurter corned beef porchetta. Salami kevin turducken beef, beef...
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...Case Questions In answering the questions for any case, DO NOT do any research on the company and its progress since the case was written. You must only use the information presented in the case. Adding outside information beyond what is in the case will reduce your grade! Pedigree Dog Food The Pedigree dog food brand is in a slump. Julie Smith, the marketing manager, is faced with preparing the 2005 marketing plan for the market share leading brand. What can she do to reverse the trends of the last two years? Please answer all questions 1. Is dog food an attractive category? In answering this question, please consider category size and growth rates, competitive intensity, competitive shares, advertising spending, and any trends you see. 2. The dog food category can be segmented in several ways. Please identify at least three ways the dog food category can be segmented and the implications for brand marketing. 3. a) Who are the influencers on brand purchasing and how has this changed? b) Is there high or low levels of brand loyalty and why? c) What is the implication of this for Pedigree? 4. In reviewing the Pedigree financial statements, how has the company been managing this brand? 5. a)What is the current positioning of Pedigree? b)What, if any, are there issues with this positioning? 6. a) What options does Pedigree see moving forward? b) What are pros and cons of each? c) What do you recommend and why? London...
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...Skip NavigationJump to Side Bar These resources are brought to you by the Cooperative Extension System and your Local Institution Welcome eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. Find a U.S. Institution eXtension: more mind reach Home About Resource Areas News Articles Answers Calendar Learning Lessons Small Meat Processors Home Have a question? Try asking one of our Experts Print Business Plan for Regional Meat Marketing Company Last Updated: October 31, 2011 Business Plan for a Producer-Owned Meat Marketing Company April 2011. Prepared by Keith DeHaan, Food and Livestock Planning, and funded by USDA Rural Development, for the South Coast Meat Project. Includes financials. Table of Contents Plan Summary Download full plan (pdf, 41 pages, 310KB) Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Market Plan Market Development Target Markets Products Manufactured Features and Benefits of Products Market Concept Names and Branding Marketing Budget and Requirements Competitive Programs Livestock Supply Numbers Production Types Compensation Strategies for Producers Numbers and Species Used For Planning Other Species Harvest and Processing Plan Facilities Expected Processing Cost Dry Aging Beef Composite Carcass Value Distribution Plans Corporate and Management Plan Best Fit Legal Structure ...
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...Date: 10/8/12 To: A Person From: A Person Re: Assessing the Italian Sausage Brand Opportunity in United States 1) Facts of the Case Key Market Facts: 1) Little to no growth in retail sausage market for bratwursts and breakfast sausages across all sausage producers nationwide. 2) No national players in fresh Italian sausage, but there are 29 local/regional brands. 3) Italian sausage annual growth rate was 9% in 2004 and 15% in 2005 across all sausage producer nationwide. 4) Local/regional brands position themselves as either “authentic Italian heritage” or “freshly & locally made”. 5) National brands are not in the same category because their sausage products are predominantly frozen. Takeaways: The current situation Ann Banks faces is successfully launching a national brand of fresh Italian sausage could provide the needed profit to meet company objectives. Market Research: Target Market: Themes (emerged from focus groups): 1. Family connection 2. Clever cooking 3. Confidence 4. Appreciation 5. Quick & easy 6. Tradition Concepts (developed based on themes and consumer values) * “Family Connection” * “Clever Cooking” * “Balancing Act” * “Labor of Love” Italian Sausage “Brand Ladder”: Takeaways: Market research tells us who to target for market positioning, but it does not tell us any quantitative numbers to determine any sort of profitability numbers, such as costs and Saxonville/competitor...
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...® WORLD’S GREATEST MEAL DEALS Dough made fresh daily Whole Milk Mozzarella Cheese Premium toppings PIZZA Add $1 for pan pizza. PCM® FOR ONE 8.99 LUNCH Shakey’s 9” Cheese Pizza Baked FRESH to order! 4.99 Add any toppings (up to 5) 1.50 Make it pan crust 1.00 Add Mojo®s .99 ® White meat extra. Thin crust only. WITH INDIVIDUAL CHEESE PIZZA CAL: 1,193 THIN CRUST CHEESE PIZZA PIZZA & SALAD 9.99 Individual pizza with up to 2 toppings and unlimited salad bar CAL: VARIES PIZZA & WINGS 13.99 Small one topping pizza and 6 wings CAL: VARIES PIZZA & MOJO S ® SERVING SIZE: 2 SLICES OF PIZZA AND 5 MOJO®S CAL RANGE: 447-829 Small 9.99 Medium 17.99 Thin crust pizza. Add $1 for pan pizza. ® Unlimited pizza, fried chicken, garden salad, Mojo® potatoes, pasta, dessert & more! (Leg and thigh only, white meat extra) 8.59 Mon-Fri SERVING SIZE: 1 SLICE THIN CRUST CALORIES: SM 103 Large 20.99 Less than 200 calories per slice with thin crust. Served Daily 11 AM - 2 PM 51.99 (Serves 8) SERVING SIZE: 1 SLICE MED 150 LRG 196 PAN CRUST CALORIES: SM 136 MED 203 Wings With a choice of sauce 2pcs. LRG 244 THIN CRUST CALORIES: SM 105 MED 152 LRG 197 PAN CRUST CALORIES: SM 137 MED 205 4.99 ONE STRIP CAL: 125 4.75 Super Mug (22oz) 5.75 Pitcher 13.99 Premium Draft Beer Glass 5.50 Super Mug (22oz) 6.50 Pitcher 15.99 Soft Drinks All Natural Large 2.59 Glass 4.25 PARTY PACKAGES Pizzas include up to one topping, additional charge for additional toppings. Add $1...
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...Saxonville Sausage Company | Marketing Management II | Executive Summary Saxonville Sausage Company located in Saxonville, Ohio has been a family owned business for 70 years. They strive on their quality and ability to produce always fresh never frozen bratwurst, breakfast sausage and patties as well as their recently launched Vivio Italian brand of sausage. The Vivio brand never received the attention that it required however now with the Italian sausage market growing annually at a rapid pace they have hired Ann Banks to create a marketing plan and launch the Italian sausage product properly. Ann decided to keep the name Vivio Italian Sausage but add that it was from Saxonville because everyone knew their reputation of quality, healthfulness and freshness in their pork product. In addition to the name of the brand Ann added “ A family tradition for 70 years” to the label giving the product an emotional feel for the potential consumer. The target market that was chosen was the “Home Maker Mom” due to the research provided by the Director of Market research Laura Bishops. The Home Maker Mom was 93% of user and the family member most frequently preparing dinner. Furthermore because of the family background and Italian symbolising family Ann decided it was best to promote the “Family Connection” as oppose to “Creative Cooking.” Ann will price the product a little higher than their competitors to remain complementary to the high quality they offered. The product...
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...Saxonville Saxonville’s Vivio Italian The Italian Opportunity Strategic Marke6ng – Brian Broadway Sindhuri Rajkumar – 039 353 149 Ushna Siddiqui – 105 428 155 Vivio Italian by Saxonville Saxonville’s Vivio Italian Sausage should strengthen its national position to achieve their profit objectives for the next fiscal year. • Saxonville’s core products ‘Bratwurst” and “Breakfast sausage” sales have been flat and is estimated to have little or no growth in the short term. • The Italian sausage Vivio, was launched into the market without a positioning strategy and market research, yet the annual growth rate increased from 9% in 2004 to 15% in 2005. • Vivio was only available at 16% of the nation’s large supermarkets, in the North Eastern part of the nation unlike Bratwurst and Breakfast sausages which are available throughout. Vivio 5% Store brands 5% Breakfast sausage 20% Revenue Bratwurst 70% Vivio Italian by Saxonville Saxonville’s current strategy should be modified to launch Vivio in the national market. Function Saxonville’s Current Strategy Name Saxonville’s Future Strategy Vivio Saxonville’s Vivio Italian Sausage Problem: Benefit: The name was made up - Utilizes the ‘Saxonville’ name to leverage by the management and the company’s brand equity. had no symbolic meaning - Versatile: The suggested name is simple and in Italian. directly linked to the product...
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...four is not easy but spending on a budget is even harder. Being allotted a certain amount of money from food stamps, has really made me realize the true value of your choices. I shopped at BI-LO because it was close to my home. That’s another barrier when your choices of grocery stores are not available. My main objective was to make sure that my family of four was feed for the entire week. My family consists of myself, my husband, and our two children. The amount of my food stamps for the week was $162.25. That’s not a whole lot but I succeeded at feeding my family. The first thing I had to do was to make a grocery list. My original grocery list consisted of: Grits, eggs, toast, orange juice, bacon, milk, red hot links, Roger wood sausage, hamburger meat, French fries, Cranberry juice, peaches, hot dogs, Hawaiian punch, Pepsi, tuna, apples, peanut butter, jelly, noodles and oodles, corn chips, potato chips, chicken, rice, cornbread, collards, pork chop, roast beef, cabbages, neck bones, turkey necks, sweet peas, liver pudding, oatmeal, and kool aid. When I made my list I was thinking of buying items in bulk. That way we could use some of the items for more than one meal. When living on a budget, you have to make very important choices about quantity. I know that kids do eat a lot but as adults we will sacrifice for our children. Upon entrance into BI-LO the only thing on my mind was to shop wisely and look for bargains. Once I collected all the items from my original list...
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...Smoking Time and Temperature Chart Item To Be Smoked Smoking Target Temperature Approximate Smoking Time Final Intenal Temperature Brisket (Thin Sliced) 8 to 12 lbs. Brisket (Thick Sliced) 8 to 12 lbs. Brisket (Pulled) 8 to 12 lbs. Bottom Round (inject with marinate - bacon wrapped) Chuck Roast (Sliced Rare) Chuck Roast (Sliced Medium) Chuck Roast (Sliced Well Done) Chuck Roast (Pulled) Filet Mignon Smoked Hamburgers Jerky (Sliced Meat) Jerky (Hamburger) Boneles Prime Rib Prime Rib Rare Prime Rib Medium Prime Rib Well Done Sirloin Tip Roasts Steamship Round (40 Lbs.) Whole Ribeye Loin Rare Whole Ribeye Loin Medium Whole Ribeye Loin Well Done Rump Roast Last Updated 9/23/2007 Beef and Venison 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 200° F to 225° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F Cold Smoke then 350° F 225° F to 250° F 140° F 140° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 190ºF 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 225° F to 250° F 1.5 hours per pound 1.5 hours per pound 1.5 hours per pound 1.5 hours per pound 1 hour per pound 1.25 hours per pound 1.5 hours per pound 1.5 hours per pound Until Done 30 to 40 Minutes 3 to 4 hours 3 to 4 hours 12 Minutes/lb 10 minutes/lb 15 minutes/lb 20 minutes/lb 8 Hours 12 to 14 Hours 20 minutes/lb 25 minutes/lb 30 minutes/lb 30 minutes/lb 185° F 195° F 205°F 125° F 155° F 185° F 195° F Until Done Until Done Until Done Until...
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