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Scared Straight Research Paper

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Scared Straight
Mommy told me not to talk to the bad man. Mommy said it was my imagination. Mommy said I was safe with her. But they were wrong. They must be wrong because the bad man was always watching. I had seen the man first on my 9th birthday. Mommy told me to always be a good boy, or else the dreaded Birthday Spirit, a thing that fed on nightmares, would come, and fix you. But I knew that it was just a myth. That day, mommy and I had gone to the park to celebrate, but I wanted to see the playground. Even though mommy had said no, it was my birthday, and I could do what I want. But when I turned around, she was not there, and suddenly, I was alone. Mommy told me never to talk to strangers. But, my body froze as I realized I was in a sea of …show more content…
The sound was persistent, the white noise filling my ears. But I looked out of our window, and something caught my eye. Out there, standing in the rain, was a figure, outlined by the faint moonlight of the cloudy night. As I looked closer, I could see a gleam, where his mouth should be. It was the shine of something sharp, like a knife. I could not see who it was, yet I knew. It was him - the bad man. That was 4 years ago. I was about to turn 13 tomorrow, and I had tried so hard to shut the hauntings of the man out. But through the years, in my darkest memories, in my lowest moments, he was always there, taunting me. Every year, I would see him. He was always watching, never coming close. Mom would never see him, though. But I knew she was wrong. At least tomorrow was my birthday, so good thoughts were on my mind that night, as I fell asleep. But most of all, I hoped - prayed that he would go away. I woke up, and nothing special seemed to be happening. But it was pitch black outside, and I could not see a thing. So I walked downstairs and saw that my mother was still sleeping. So I went to wake her up and go get ready for my big party

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