Premium Essay

Scared or Prepared


Submitted By lynne063
Words 713
Pages 3
Leadership Style
P. Lynne Prather
Novemeber 30, 2015
Donna Perkett

Leadership Style
On January 20th, 1981 Ronald Reagan took the oath of office for president of the United States, and at the time our nation was facing serious problems. We were crippled with high unemployment, major energy shortages, interest rates were over 21 percent and we were in the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Our military capability was in a shameful state due to the Vietnam War, our military planes needed parts, our ships were in need of trained crews and the army tanks were in need of fuel and ammunition. Many people questioned whether Americans still had faith in our country and the foundations that created this great nation. This was the country that Ronald Reagan inherited.
When Reagan left office eight years later, he had revitalized the economy, our military capabilities had been rebuilt, our position of world leadership had been restored and the spirit of the American people was revived.
Reagan Leadership Style
Along with several other exceptional presidents Reagan was definitely what would be considered a charismatic leader. A charismatic leader is someone who has attributes of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities. Reagan had a concept of America’s potential and what needed to be accomplished. While serving as the California governor Reagan had managed to balance the state’s budget. Reagan applied the same theory and study to develop his vision and resolved America’s economic challenges.
Reagan made a point to study both domestic and international forms of communism to reach a greater understanding of the Soviet Union. With this new found knowledge he created a plan to engage the Soviet Union morally, diplomatically, and methodically. This vision was discussed throughout the campaign and was implemented and initiated as

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