...Scenario Evaluation Plan Karen Crawford HSM/270 Dakira Starks-Walker 12/29/2012 As you read this paper you will find that it is going to be about a fictional program scenario that I have chosen to work with. The scenario that I have chosen is scenario three PEACE Domestic Violence Agency. Also it will be comparing program planning with program evaluation in human services organizations and how the components are related. It will be identifying specific examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in the scenario that was chosen. Last it will be identifying technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation that may be encountered in the scenario and how the aspects could affect the planning and evaluation process. After reviewing the material provided about program planning and program evaluation in human service organizations it seems as though they do compare to each other. According to the reading it states that “When planned carefully, these two set of activities can be integrated into an organized set of ongoing operations that promote and support each other” (Mika, 1996, p. 6). “Program planning and evaluation are both the process and the product of the political and economic environments” (Yuen & Terao, 2003). So from what can be understood they both are a process, but they do differ in how they process things in an organization. They way that both of the components are related is once one has his or her plan in order then...
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...enario Scenario Evaluation Plan 3/4/13 HSM/270 Dakira Starks-Walker Scenario Evaluation Plan Evaluation is one of the most important steps in the development and implementation of any program or project. As imperative as it is to lay a solid foundation through mission, goals, and objectives, it is equally as important to have a way to define success or failure through use of appropriate tools, accurate reporting, and proper evaluation techniques. Deciding whether to use a process evaluation format or outcome evaluation can be challenging, but often a coordinated system is most telling. The main objective of any evaluation technique is to provide the state of the agency and how well or poorly their programs are working, what may need to be changed, and how well they continue to meet their mission, goals and objectives. The PEACE Domestic Violence is an organization to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services. PEACE is committed to reducing the incidence of sexual assault and domestic violence through education and strives to challenge societal norms and beliefs that condone and perpetuate violence in the community. The mission, goals, and objectives that are presented in the scenario are fairly generalized. Without an adequate, detailed description of how the program will be administrated and implemented, it is nearly impossible to perform a process evaluation. Process evaluations serve to collect the information...
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...Scenario Evaluation Plan Deanna Potter HSM 270 Septemeber 3, 2015 Florence Wisn Scenario Evaluation Plan One of the most important steps that need to be developed and implemented in a program is the evaluation plan. The evaluation plan will tell if a program has been a failure or success. Having the right tools with accurate reporting, plus making sure no bases has played a role in the evaluation, will tell you if the programs missions and goals have been achieved or not. PEACE Domestic Violence agencies have a purpose, and the purpose of the Peace Domestic Violence Agency is helping provide the victims with support, shelter, advocacy and education. Giving the victims and those who are affected by domestic violence empowerment will also help them to break away from the abuse. There is a wide range of evaluations that can be used, and it would be best to do some research on the different types to see what works best for the agency or organization. The evaluation plan that would work best for the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency would be a project-wide evaluation with an empowerment approach. A project-wide evaluation will work with the agency's domestic violence program because it not only involves the victims it also involves the staff in the evaluation development and implementation processes. With PEACE being committed to reducing domestic violence and sexual assaults, they can do that by educating the victims and the community. Education will help make a difference...
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... |Program Planning and Grant Proposal Writing in Human Services | Copyright © 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides practical knowledge in program planning, grant proposal writing, and program evaluation. Students will examine the planning process from conceptualization to implementation and evaluation. Also discussed is how to locate private and public funding for human service programs and agencies. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Yuen, F. & Terao, K. (2003). Practical grant writing & program evaluation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole—Thomson Learning. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Understanding Program...
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...Professor: Daniel Goldsmith, DBA Email: Daniel.Goldsmith@strayer.edu Phone: 202-744-3467 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction and overview of government contracting and its unique nature, demonstrating the differences between commercial and government contracting, with a concentration on the federal system. Based on online resources, students cover the organization of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and how to interpret relevant subject coverage. Current reforms in the acquisition field will be incorporated into the course and emerging controversies will be highlighted to provide students with an up-to-date view of the profession. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Compton, P. B. (2010). Federal acquisition: Key issues and guidance. Vienna, VA: Management Concepts, Inc. Feldman, S. W., & Keyes, W. N. (2011). Government contracts in a nutshell (5th ed.). St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters. Supplemental Resources Brown, T. L., Potoski, M., & Van Slyke, D. M. (2009). The challenge of contracting for large complex projects: A case study of the coast guard’s Deepwater program. IBM Center for the Business of Government. Retrieved from http://www.businessofgovernment.org/sites/default/files/deepwater_magazine_0.pdf Rendon, R. G. Critical success factors in government contract management. Retrieved from http://www.ippa.org/IPPC4/Proceedings/19Others/Paper19-2.pdf Schwartz, M. (2009). Defense Acquisitions: How DOD Acquires Weapon...
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...Case questions What are the strengths and weaknesses of scenario planning? What is your evaluation of UPS’s 1997 scenario planning exercise? Its Horizon 2017 planning exercise? How do the two efforts compare? Evaluate the following elements of UPS’s approach to strategic planning: The UPS charter The Centennial Plan The Strategy Road Map Why was John McDevitt put in charge of “strategic integration?” Should he remain in that role? What is the strength and weakness of scenario planning? Strength Build foundation for source of long term competitive advantage Provide backdrop of strategic decision (pg.6) • Acquisition of Mail Boxes Etc. Change mind-set • Make people think beyond the operational mind • Prepare to be proactive and creative Enable to be sensitive for change in external environment Alternative views of the future Provide and prepare the company for potential change in the future’s market. Weakness Lack of realism Requires learning curve to have adequate result Too abstract and difficult to apply Indirect linkage to daily operation or strategy Depend on participants’ motivation and knowledge Not point out the strengths and weakness of company What is your evaluation of UPS’s 1997 scenario planning exercise? Evaluation on 1997 Scenario planning Initiative to build foundation for source of long term competitive advantage Positive aspects • Become backdrop of UPS Charter and changed mission statement • Initiate...
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...Planning and Evaluation Paper HSM 270 Date Your Name As you read this paper you will find that it is going to be about a fictional program scenario that I have chosen to work with. The scenario that I have chosen is scenario three, the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency. Also I will be comparing program planning with program evaluation in human services organizations and how the components are related. Identified will be: specific examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in the scenario that was chosen. Lastly, we will be identifying technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation that may be encountered in the scenario and how the aspects could affect the planning and evaluation process. After reviewing the material provided about program planning and program evaluation in human service organizations it seems as though they do compare to each other. According to the reading it states that “When planned carefully, these two set of activities can be integrated into an organized set of ongoing operations that promote and support each other” (Mika, 1996, p. 6). “Program planning and evaluation are both the process and the product of the political and economic environments” (Yuen, F., Terao, K., 2003). So from what can be understood they both are a process, but they do differ in how they process things in an organization. They way that both of the components are related is once one has his or her plan in order...
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...PEACE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGENCY I have chosen to work with the program scenario three, Peace Domestic Violence Agency. Yuen/Terao (2003) states, “Program planning is an organized process through which a set of coordinated activities or interventions is developed to address and facilitate change in some or all of the identified problems.” “Program Evaluation is the application of different social research designs in assessing the needs and results of programs.” In short, Program Planning and Program Evaluation is the process of assessing needs, organizing an effective ways and means to meet the needs, examining the process throughout, making sure that the end result brings about a change for the affected population targeted. These components are related in that they both address the need of the identified problems and according to Yuen/Terao (2003) which quotes Mika, 1996, they are not separate as much as program planning and evaluation, when planned properly can be integrated into an organized set of ongoing operations that promote and support each other. The example of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency scenario begins with the organizing of a plan that will promote the well-being of young men, women, and affected. The targeted population is defined, and the areas to be addressed are defined, but the plan of execution needs to be defined. The objectives speak of helping those affected by domestic violence and...
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... | |Daytona State College Cell phone Bomb Threat Seminar | | | Table of Contents Introduction & Background 3 Mission 3 Exercise Design & Evaluation Plan 4 Capabilities 4 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 4 Demographics 5 Residential Campus Student Demographics (Fall 2013) 5 Exercise Overview 6 Exercise Design & Development Plan 6 Exercise Needs 6 Exercise Purpose 6 Exercise Scope 7 Exercise Objectives 7 Participants 7 Players 7 Moderator 7 Facilitator 8 Mediators 8 Scenario 8 Initial Scenario 8 Secondary Scenario 12 Exercise Development 13 Exercise Timeline 13 Milestones and Tasks 14 Evaluation Guides (EEGs) 14 Capability 14 Capability Outcome 14 Tasks 15 Public Education & Training 15 HSEEP Compliance 16 Planning & Organization 16 Observation & Data Collection 17 Analyze Data 17 Draft After-Action Report (AAR) 18 After Action Conference 19 Identify Improvements & Implementation 20 Finalize the AAR and IP 20 Track Implementation 20 Recruit/Assign/Train 21 Conclusion & Recommendations 21 Recommendations 23...
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...difficulties of strategic planning and the strengths and weakness of the process used . It also provides a comprehensive introduction to scenario planning. Scenarios are possible views of the world that provide context in wich managers can make a decision In a range of possible worlds, decisions are better informed and the strategy is more likely to succeed In scenarios we can understand the drivers of change and have more control of the situation. 1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of scenario planning? Strenghts Allows one to project the future back into the present to help articulate the strategies necessary to achieve the point in future the scenario is conducive to success or help implement strategies to avoid the scenario in cases where it is not going to be successful - Allow a shared view of the future to be developed - Provide the oportunity for an organization to consider how they want to be positioned in that future - Promotes flexibility and responsiveness - Permit to see the mayor drivers of change: globalisation, economics, technology, - It can be used to do Risk assesment, identify early warning indicators and decide how will we respond. Weakness Simplification of the future: Difficult to predict the future as the number of variables used maybe less |than required for a better plan. Scenario planning is expensive because it requires a huge commitment of time: time consumer and there are necesary consultants Dificult to convince...
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...Planning is an iterative activity. If the world did not change, we would only have to develop one plan and stick to it. However, we live in a turbulent world. David Brinkley, during the breakup of the former Soviet Union, stated that each day seems to bring the dawn of a new era. In such a world we need a planning model that allows us to anticipate the future and to use this anticipation in conjunction with an analysis of our organization--its culture, mission, strengths and weaknesses--to define strategic issues, to chart our direction by developing strategic vision and plans, to define how we will implement these plans and to specify how we will evaluate how well we are implementing these plans. The fact that the world is changing as we move forward in the future demands that the process be an iterative one. Strategic Management Strategic management is a technique you can use to create a favorable future and help your organization to prosper. To create this favorable future, you must involve your organization's stakeholders (i.e., anyone with a vested interest in achieving your organization's goals) in envisioning the most desirable future and then in working together to make this vision a reality. The key to strategic management is to understand that people communicating and working together will create this future, not some words written down on paper. Strategic management does not replace traditional management activities such as budgeting, planning, monitoring, marketing...
Words: 2060 - Pages: 9
...purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ References Owl Purdue (2011). Retrieved March 1, 2011 from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ While you did a wonderful job with the title page, it is not APA appropriate and you need to use APA style of writing when formatting your assignments. 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 Microsoft account Laura Harris Microsoft account Laura Harris Program Planning and Evaluation PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Program Planning and Evaluation Plan Program Planning and Evaluation PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Program Planning and Evaluation Plan Program Planning and Evaluation PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Program Planning and Evaluation Plan The overall purpose of this Program Planning and Evaluation paper is to make a comparative analysis of program planning and evaluation processes in a human service organization like PEACE. We do not use first voice will also look at how technical and political factors can affect program planning and evaluation processes. According to Michael Quinn Patton (publication date), program evaluation is carefully collecting information about a program or some aspects of a program...
Words: 1730 - Pages: 7
...Scenario Evaluation Plan Holly Regan HSM/270 June 20, 2014 Fedder Williams Scenario Evaluation Plan PEACE Domestic Violence Agency’s main purpose is to provide victim support and shelter, victim advocacy and education, and empower those who are directly or indirectly affected by domestic violence. To continue helping the many who suffer from domestic abuse, PEACE Domestic Violence Agency will develop an evaluation plan to assess the program services and the effects those program services have on participant’s lives. The purpose of the evaluation is so PEACE can either show means for improvement on provided program services or show means for eradicating the program service all together. The decision to eradicate a provided service or implement improvements is the primary purpose of the assessment. The evaluation plan that PEACE Domestic Violence Agency will employ is a project-wide evaluation with empowerment approach. This particular evaluation plan compliments the domestic violence program offered by the agency due to the amount of concentration put upon the purpose of the program and also provides a structured framework for the programs future success. A project-wide evaluation plan involves the program staff in the evaluation development and implementation process, thus enabling them to feel empowered. The first step in developing a project-wide evaluation plan is to “identify the answer to the big question,” (Yuen & Terao, 2003, p. 53) which in regards to PEACE...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix C Goal Evaluation Scenarios Goal Evaluation Scenario 1 Name: James Gender: Male Age: Late 30s Description: James has an average build. He works at a local university, is married, and has two children in elementary school. Goal: James wants to pursue his dream since high school of playing for the San Diego Chargers football team. Goal Action Plan 1. Goal: Play middle linebacker for the San Diego Chargers 2. Type of goal: Personal, professional, and financial 3. Purpose of goal: I will be able to fulfill my lifelong dream of being paid to play a game. The notoriety and perks associated with being a professional athlete will be nice, too. 4. Major benefit to me: Larger paycheck, better physical condition, travel, and some fame 5. Benefit to others: My family will benefit from the extra money. The rest of the linebacking corps will benefit from my spirited play and nose for the football. 6. Barriers: My age and size could be factors. Lack of experience is another obstacle. Geographic location is also a problem. 7. Solution: I can’t do much about my age, but I can begin bulking up through proper diet and exercise. I can gain experience by joining a full-contact league here in my city. I can wait to move until after I make the team. 8. Action milestones: Gain 20 pounds; gain another 20 pounds; join a full-contact league; try out for the Chargers 9. Overall target date: 2 years from...
Words: 3157 - Pages: 13
...Associate Level Material Appendix C Goal Evaluation Scenarios Goal Evaluation Scenario 1 Name: James Gender: Male Age: Late 30s Description: James has an average build. He works at a local university, is married, and has two children in elementary school. Goal: James wants to pursue his dream since high school of playing for the San Diego Chargers football team. Goal Action Plan 1. Goal: Play middle linebacker for the San Diego Chargers 2. Type of goal: Personal, professional, and financial 3. Purpose of goal: I will be able to fulfill my lifelong dream of being paid to play a game. The notoriety and perks associated with being a professional athlete will be nice, too. 4. Major benefit to me: Larger paycheck, better physical condition, travel, and some fame 5. Benefit to others: My family will benefit from the extra money. The rest of the linebacking corps will benefit from my spirited play and nose for the football. 6. Barriers: My age and size could be factors. Lack of experience is another obstacle. Geographic location is also a problem. 7. Solution: I can’t do much about my age, but I can begin bulking up through proper diet and exercise. I can gain experience by joining a full-contact league here in my city. I can wait to move until after I make the team. 8. Action milestones: Gain 20 pounds; gain another 20 pounds; join a full-contact league; try out for the Chargers 9. Overall target date: 2 years from...
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