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Scheduling Process Map


Submitted By weinnkugels
Words 262
Pages 2
Scheduling process:
* Stocking program—First priority * Minimums based on projections monthly and historical usage. * Inventory levels are monitored daily and internal orders are placed to create demand for raw materials for purchasing.

P: * Minimums based on Historical usage, blanket customer PO’s, sales forecasts. * Inventory levels are monitored daily and internal orders are placed to create demand for raw materials. * 5 day lead times for most products
Stocking programs: * Inventory levels for stocked products checked daily. * Internal orders are placed for products at or below minimums. * Internal orders create demand visibility for purchasing
* Raw material shortage reports are monitored daily by purchasing and scheduling departments. * Once raw materials are on hand, orders are put into scheduled status. * Scheduled status orders are then put into a planned schedule based on: 1. Due Dates 2. Efficiency (can size, order of colors)
Line Capacity:
Line A and B * 2k-5k units/shift * Quantity dependent on color changes, component malfunctions * Marble dropper, date coder, hand tipping, hand stickering * Used primarily for match orders (small quantity orders, frequent color changes) * Component malfunctions
Line C and F * 12k-15k * Quantity dependent on can size/color changes, component malfunctions * Labeler, Tipper, hand tipping, hand stickering, ball dropper, valve inserter, crimpers out of spec
Line X * 30k-40k/shift * Quantity dependent on can size, color changes, component malfunctions * Box erector, weight checker, water bath clips, UPC labeler * Only line capable of running shrink sleeves.

Line Y: * 10k-12k/shift * Quantity dependent on color changes, component malfunctions

Line Z: * 10k-15k/shift * Quantity dependent on color changes, component malfunctions.

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