...focus and see different media differently than other people. The book, A Thousand and One Nights, is more for young adults to the older audiences. It would be for this age group because of the adult themes throughout the whole story. The book tends to be translated differently from translation to translation. When reading a book people frequently tend to get the same meanings from it, like for example, this book is mainly a collection of stories placed together into a larger story. The orchestra, Scheherazade by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsavov, is for anyone of any age. This is because instrumental can be for everyone since not everyone will interpret the music the same way. Rimsky-Korsavov had said, “All I had desired was that the listener if he liked my piece as symphonic music, should carry away the impression that it is beyond doubt an Oriental narrative of some numerous and varied fairy-tale wonders and not merely four pieces played one after another (Davis 1).” The ballet, Scheherazade, would also be for everyone. This is because ballets are not explicit so it will not be that inappropriate for a younger audience. The children will only see the beautiful, flowing movements made by the ballerinas. The ballet demonstrates the orchestra’s piece so that people can understand what is going on throughout the...
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