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School Leadership


Submitted By bigcharles7993
Words 3467
Pages 14
Building Synergies

Charles Woodall

August 9, 2010

Across the United States, state legislatures are responding to rising expectations in the workplace and the demands of a global economy by setting higher standards for schools. To enforce these standards, legislatures are creating high-stakes assessment systems that hold schools accountable for student achievement. In response to this initiative the president of the United States, Barack Obama, has created an initiative called “Race to the top”. This program was developed to give school districts financial incentives to improve failing schools and motivate educators about attaining these expectations. In addition, this “race to the top” initiative will increase the emphasis of accountability on teachers and school leaders.
More than ever, in today’s climate of heightened expectations, principals are in the hot seat. They are being scrutinized on their ability to improve teaching and learning. They need to be educational visionaries, instructional and curriculum leaders, assessment experts, disciplinarians, community builders, public relations experts, budget analysts, facility managers, special programs administrators, and expert overseers of legal, contractual, and policy mandates and initiatives. They are expected to broker the often-conflicting interests of parents, teachers, students, district office officials, unions, and state and federal agencies, and they need to be sensitive to the widening range of student needs. A principal is usually held accountable in formal and informal ways for school outcomes by their superintendent, the school board, the staff, and the parents.
The primary administrative role of a principal is hiring, supervising, and evaluating faculty and staff; providing

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