...School Profile Jeanny Martial-Knights Grand Canyon University: EDA-575 May 7, 2014 School Profile In 2001, the government developed the No Child Left Behind Act to provide equitable education to low-income schools. Its provisions include schools receiving Title I funds must evaluate students annually to demonstrate school’s progress to improving academics. However, opponents argue that provisions provided by this act does not provide enough funding to cover the cost of programs related to enhancing learning in low-income schools (“LeftBehind: Low-Income”, 2008, 591). Despite the failings of the NCLB Act, it still provides assistance to Avery Elementary. Many of the services provided due to the NCLB Act are free and reduced lunch, technological programs, assessments tools, and other support personnel to assist educators. These services in some cases have enabled this school to make some progress towards improving test scores. With the available resources provided, Avery Elementary strives to improve student achievement. Due to the NCLB Act Avery Elementary has made some progress based on the programs, resources, support, and performance; it has made some progress towards achieving higher learning. About Avery Elementary The Vision of Avery Elementary is to consistently develop young minds and self-esteem through an academically enriched environment. The goal is to bring teachers and educators together so that each learner can reach their potential to compete...
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...Camden City Accelerated School Strategic Plan Grand Canyon University: EDA 575 May 15, 2013 Camden City Accelerated Academy School Profile Camden City Accelerated Academy 1033 Cambridge Ave. Camden NJ 08105 856-966-5278 Ext. 24400 (Main office) Ext. 24501 (Academic Office) 856-342-6822 Fax Executive Director: Jamar Brown Principal: Charles Johnson Director of Operations: Jaquay Waller Director of Special Education: Maura Schlindwein Purpose: The achievement of all pupils and the establishment rely on the preparation and implementation of the school administrators. ISLLC 2008 Standard one, states that the leadership team must examine assorted elements of the school community in order to design and implement the specific actions for the schools vision to come together. Also, ISLLC 2008 Standard three, states that the schools vision has to be watched carefully to guarantee success for all students and staff. Mission: “The Camden City Accelerated Academy pledge to overcome obstacles, discover individual potential and establish goals for the future in a rigorous academic environment” (Camden City Accelerated Academy Brochure, 2012) Vision: “The Camden City Accelerated Academy is dedicated to establishing the most extraordinary learning environment that allows our students to spread their wings to their fullest potential and soar into the future” (Camden City Accelerated Academy Brochure, 2012). The intent of Camden City Accelerated Academy is not...
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...Elementary School Profile Bianca Doller Grand Canyon University: EDA 575 July 31, 2014 Navarrete Elementary School Profile Navarrete Elementary School is focused and dedicated to the growth and success of students, faculty, and community. Their philosophy is that rather than being just a school, they are a learning community and a parent friendly environment. From the front office to the PTO, Navarrete Elementary School thrives on parent involvement and support and encourages participation from the whole community. Year after year the Parent Satisfaction Survey rates one of the highest in the School District. All Navarrete teachers are highly qualified and consistently participate in professional development classes and programs to provide individualized education and enrichment for students. Training in Common Core standards and the implementation of the Accelerated Math Project, the teachers are continually learning and applying current research. Academics are supplemented with interactive activities that support programs such as, Character Counts Education and OLWEUS, a bully prevention program. The mission statement holds a powerful meaning for students at Navarrete. It states that, “Navarrete Elementary will provide a safe and nurturing environment where diversity is valued and everyone is treated with respect. Navarrete will consistently strive to empower students to become positive, independent, lifelong learners and critical thinkers by having high school-wide expectations...
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...ISLLC Standard 5 Unwrapping the Standards Template Standard: ISSLC Standard 5 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Knowledge Skills Enduring Understandings Essential Questions School leaders will know… • the principles in the Bill of Rights • the purpose of education and the role of leadership in the twenty-first century • various ethical frameworks and perspectives on ethics in education • the values of the diverse school community • the professional code of ethics • the philosophy and history of education • legal and contractual obligations School leaders will be able to … • ensure a system of accountability for every student’s academic success ( ISLLC 2008: 5A) • ensure a system of accountability for every student’s social success ( ISLLC 2008: 5A) • serve as a role model (ISLLC 2008: 5B) • examine personal and professional values (ISLLC 2008: 5B) • protect the values of democracy (ISLLC 2008: 5C) • protect the values equity (ISLLC 2008: 5C) • consider and evaluate the potential moral and legal consequences of decision making (ISLLC 2008: 5D) • promote social justice ( ISLLC 2008: 5E) • ensure that the needs of students inform all aspects of schooling ( ISLLC 2008: 5E) • promotes the success of every student by understanding and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context...
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...Process Reflection for Module 2: Unwrapping ISLLC Standard 1 This week’s assignment was very interesting. I had not participated in an unwrapping activity since a workshop I attended in 2004. At the beginning of the exercise I was worried about being a part of an online team. I was especially wary of using the online group forum for coordinating the completion of the group project. I am, by nature, a worrier, but I should not have been stressed. The team quickly responded to my original message, we exchanged numbers, divided the assignment into manageable pieces, and one teammate volunteered to put the assignment together. At first, I was confused with the requirements, but after receiving guidance from the professor, I understood the expectations. Once the parameters of the assignment were agreed upon and set, everyone has met the established deadlines. I view this exercise as basic-training for when I am charged with larger projects as an administrator and I fully expect that the personality conflicts and obstacles to the effective completion of the assignments will be repeated in future projects. The leadership skills acquired as a part of the cooperative learning group will translate and be useful in my future role as an administrator. For the future, I need to trust the established protocols for completing scheduled tasks. Although I am quick to take on leadership responsibilities, I need to resist the urge to reinvent the wheel. I need to acknowledge...
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...in their quest for school improvement. (ISLLC 2008: 1, 3) Assessment Tool Selected Essay Specific Performance/Task(s) • Create plans to achieve defined organizational goals. (ISLLC 2008: 1C; ELCC 1.1, 1.2) • Establish effective management of the organization to support the learning environment. (ISLLC 2008: 3A; ELCC 3.3) Relevancy of Task to Principal Candidate An effective leader must understand the fundamental concepts of organizational theories and leadership at a macro level, as well as the complexity of being a school leader with a vision for systematic change and practical skills that work to ensure smooth day-to-day operations of a school. Assessment: Student Prompts/Directions 1) Individual: The Big Picture: A Strategic Plan (Benchmark Assessment) a) School Profile i) In Module 3 and using the institution you with which you are associated, you wrote a school profile (1000–1250 words). The school profile’s major goal is to describe the school and its programs with the intent to improve the institution through informed decision making. Issues to consider when developing the school profile included: (1) Philosophy, mission, and vision. (2) Community and school (staff and students) demographics, including the well-being of the community. (3) Existing school improvement plans and activities, including support for remediation. (4) Special education programs. (5) Student performance/achievement profile. (6) School progress. (7) School resources. (8) Community...
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...Market segmentation is a subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. Marketing segmentation has dividing a market into smaller group distinct needs, characteristic or behavior those might require separate products or marketing mixes. The purpose of market segmentation is to increase marketing efficiency by focusing marketing efforts to a particular group, maximize scarce marketing resources, find a market with limited competition and select the most profitable segment. It has four major market segmentation variables, there are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral. Geographic segmentation tries to divide the market into different geographical units such as location, regions, population density, climate and countries. Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics. Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, attitudes, response to a product. There are four consumer and industrial product that we are going to discuss about their market segmentation, which are McDonald, Hugo Boss perfume, Mobil Nokia and magazine of National Geographic. Fast food: McDonalds Geographic segmentation ...
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...forefront of the successful effort in Colorado to pass sweeping legislation that tightened gun regulations and implemented extended background checks (Ferner, “John Morse, Colo.”) in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut shootings of 2012. For his efforts, he was pursued vehemently by pro-gun activists and organizations (Millhiser). Morse persistently fought for his beliefs despite knowing the political risk he was taking in the purple state of Colorado, where voters are sharply divided on the issue (“Colorado Voters”). With “no regrets” (qtd. in Ferner, “State Sen.”), Morse did what he 2014 Winning Essay: John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest for High School Students felt would be best for his state, martyring his Senate office for it and proving himself “courageous in [his] unyielding devotion to absolute principles,” as John F. Kennedy wrote in Profiles in Courage (Kennedy 19). As a state senator in the very state where both the...
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...The restaurant has been well received, and marketing is now critical to its continued success and future profitability. The store offers an extensive offering of gourmet pastas. The basic market need is to offer individuals, families, and take out customers fresh, creative, attractive, pasta dishes, salads and desserts. Sigmund's uses homemade pasta, fresh vegetables, and premium meats and cheeses. Market Demographics The profile for Sigmund's Gourmet Pasta's customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behavior factors: Geographics • Our immediate geographic target is the city of Eugene with a population of 130,00. • A 15 mile geographic area is in need of our services. • The total targeted population is estimated at 46,000. Demographics • Male and female. • Ages 25-50, this is the segment that makes up 53% of the Eugene market according to the Eugene Chamber of Commerce. • Young professionals who work close to the location. • Yuppies. • Have attended college and/or graduate school. • An income over $40,000. • Eat out several times a week. • Tend to patronize higher quality restaurants. • Are cognizant about their health. Behavior Factors • Enjoy a high quality meal without the mess of making it themselves. • When ordering, health concerns in regard to foods are taken into account. • There is value attributed to the appearance or presentation of food. Market Needs Sigmund's...
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...attitudes will most likely affect a person’s behavior. Work attitudes of teachers’ are clearly important to organizational, when attitudes are negative; they are both a symptom of underlying problems and contributing cause of forthcoming difficulties in an organization. Declining attitude may result in strikes, work slowdowns, absences and employee turnover. They may also be a part of grievances, low performance, poor product quality, and disciplinary problems. The organization cost associated with poor employee attitudes may severely reduce an organization’s competitiveness. It is useful to monitor and understand teachers’ attitudes and behavior towards work satisfaction. Relevant information by employing survey will be beneficial to school manager and stakeholders. Employees’ report their feelings toward their jobs satisfaction and work environment, its statistical generated through survey feedback are better conclusion to the existing human resource data. Thus, this study style is better performed base on facts about the teacher’s attitude and behavior towards work satisfaction. Socio- Demographic and Economic Characteristic * Gender * Age * Civil Status * Work Experience * Location of Residence * Monthly Salary * Educational Attainment * Employment Status ATTITUDE TOWARDS WORK * JOB AS THERAPHY * JOB AS SERVICE * JOB AS MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD WWWWWWwww Figure 1. Statement of the Problem Sub problem...
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...Alyssa Miller MKTG 320 SWOT Analysis Las Vegas The LVCVA has a strength with predicting trends and for the most part has been on top of changing their marketing techniques to suit those trends. Las Vegas is one of the most famous cities in the world and it is known for a great and crazy time. Las Vegas also has an enormous customer base. Las Vegas’s image is weak in the fact that it only appeals to some customers. The smaller audience it attracts and that there are almost no options for any other age group besides 21-50 year olds also weakens it. Las Vegas has an opportunity to expand and make it’s business and experience even bigger because almost no one is competing with them. There is also an opportunity to improve hotels, casinos, resorts, and other main attraction buildings with all the new technology that comes out every year. Las Vegas has an opportunity to expand their customer base and try to reach different and new demographics. The business also has an opportunity to try and make its large industry greener. They could find ways to save electricity and water at hotels and casinos and be sure that all public bathrooms in the city have automatic air hand dryers. A threat in Las Vegas’s microenvironment is that since they virtually have no competitors, it could eventually become a boring trend or a place that everyone’s already been to. On the other hand, places like Dubai are becoming trendy with new modern infrastructure and many opportunities to attract...
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...SURVEY Please read each of the following questions carefully. Please select the letter that most closely reflects your actual response to that question. Please just highlight your response and then UNDERLINE it. Please be honest with your responses. These responses will be held confidential and will not identify you in any way. Thank you for responding to these questions. You will note your responses can be from Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A), or Strongly Agree (SA). If you have no opinion, please select the N for Neutral. Again, please just highlight your response and then UNDERLINE it. Q1: I like a boss who watches my every move. SD D N A SA Q2. I like a boss who is there when I need them but allows me freedom to perform my duties independently. SD D N A SA Q3. I prefer a boss who allows me to be involved in the decision making process on issues that affect me directly. SD D N A SA Q4. I prefer a boss who inspires confidence and is charismatic. SD D N A SA Q5. I like a boss that has a passion for the work. SD D N A SA Q6. I prefer a boss who gives credit where credit is due. SD D N A SA Q7. I like a boss who feels that the company has a responsibility to society. SD D N A SA Q8. I prefer a boss that expects his or her orders to be carried out immediately. SD D N A SA Please...
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...Social Networking and Security Tips Unfortunately, we live in a world where some individuals think that causing virtual aggravation and loss of time and money is entertaining and productive. Ever since we have been connected to the digital highway through internet access, computers have been vulnerable to malicious intrusion by programs that were designed with intent to do harm. The amount of money that organizations and consumers have spent in securing their computer data and company networks is overwhelming. Everyone can protect himself or herself by making sure they have a security plan in place by equipping the computers with the necessary defense mechanisms. Social Engineering Awareness: One of the major elements of a security plan is to increase the knowledge of the common user and to make sure they are aware of the risks and how to take precautions. Consumers must be aware of the different methods that are used in order to breach the security system in place. Surprisingly, many of the tactics are not very technical at all. It is very important to know whether or not the sites you are visiting are secure and how your data is being used while you are visiting these sites. One should definitely use extra caution when downloading files and even clicking on links. Consumers should also beware of direct social engineering tactics used to persuade you to willingly give your information to unauthorized individuals. Never share your passwords with anyone. Do not be...
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...Galura The aim of this study is to describe and identify the most common types of coping strategy used by wives who were affected by the infidelity of their partner. It also sought to provide demographic profiles of these wives. The researchers’ motivation of choosing this topic had been influenced by the everyday situation of people they knew who had experienced being separated to their husbands due to infidelity. Also, the media had contributed to their choice because nowadays, infidelity has been featured to many movies, television shows and social media sites. In this study, the researchers have employed a descriptive design. The participants involved in this research were 40 wives, age ranging from 25 to 65 years old and coming from different cities and towns of Pampanga, who have experienced infidelity of their husbands. Their sample was gathered through snowball sampling. For their theoretical framework, the researchers used the Lazarus model of stress and model of behavioral self-regulation. To quantify it, they used the Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) inventory of Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub (1989). With the help of a professor, they have translated the inventory for their Filipino participants. They have also developed a demographic profile checklist. There were five variables in the checklist which were age, socio economic status, educational attainment, religion and occupation. The results showed that majority of the wives used turning to...
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...technology on the Web. On the contrary, social networks had been studied from the beginning of 20th century with the aim to comprehend how the members of a certain community interact and which mechanism can determine the interaction itself. In shorter terms it’s the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself. In today’s social networking refers to all activities that are carried out with-in specific online services that provides free space and software tools which allows you to create networks of people. In other words social networking is a Web site that allows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile. The mechanism following: social networking services enable users to create a profile for themselves, by inserting their personal data. Users’ data are not only constituted by vital statistics, but they include a lot of other information which pertains to user hobbies, passions, interests, professional background and so on. This kind of personal data, all spontaneously provided by the user her/himself, permit to create interconnected networks of people who decide to put in common their interests and to have an online identity which fully describes them. The great strength of social networking are the multiple ways the users have to interact. Below is a list of the main communication resources used to build social networks: chat; messaging; wiki; email; video; voice; ...
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