...I. Introduction SCM Globe is a supply chain game designed to teach concepts in supply chain design, demand forecasting, resource allocation, and production planning by the use of illustrating how different supply chain designs produce different operating results and explore how to manage those results. The game is performed in a real-time setting that allows for helping to create a supply chain that meet customer demands for products with the lowest operating costs and lowest inventory levels. The simulation gives students an opportunity to design and manage the supply chain of stores that sell Crunch Candy and Just Born Candy. During the simulation experience, students create products, facilities, vehicles and routes while attempting to control delivery frequency and forecast demand. To manage the collaborative supply chain successfully, students must create a supply chain that is flexible enough to react quickly to fluctuating demand. This is accomplished by defining products according to the needs of facilities and creating vehicles to move products between these facilities i.e. road, rail, air or water. A simulation is conducted that provides data showing where the operation breaks, where products accumulate or runs out, what your operating cost are etc. The simulation is repeated over an eight week period allowing students an opportunity to refine their decision processes after learning from the feedback they receive as a result of attempting to have the system...
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...ASCM 629 SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT MID-TERM EXAMINATION Each essay answer for questions 1 through 10 is worth ten points. Please use a between 150 and 300 words per answer. Your answer may include content from text or readings, conference discussions, or relevant workplace examples. These must not be merely cut-and-pasted from other sources. Please do not contact a UMUC Reference Specialist in developing any answer, as discussed in the syllabus. The answer for question 11 covering the SCM Globe Simulation should be at least 500 words and will take as long as required to discuss and document your learnings during Weeks 1 through 6. This answer is worth 100 points and represents ten percent of your course grade. Please save the examination with answers as a Microsoft Word document under a new filename the includes your last name, section (either 9040 or 9041) and “midterm.” An example is \scheer9040midterm.doc . Please include your name and section number at the heading inside the document. Answers should appear in order, from one through ten. Please make sure you have an answer for each question before submitting it for grading. Completed exams are to be submitted in the mid-term examination assignments folder. These are due before Saturday, March 24, at 11:59 PM ET. Note that your assignments folder is locked after this time and the exam cannot be submitted. The test represents 30 percent of your total class grade, so please spend quality time in preparing answers. I estimate...
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...1.8 Life Cycle Costing Purpose Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is an important economic analysis used in the selection of alternatives that impact both pending and future costs. It compares initial investment options and identifies the least cost alternatives for a twenty year period. As applied to building design energy conservation measures, the process is mandated by law and is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 10, Part 436, Subpart A: Program Rules of the Federal Energy Management Program. The A/E shall contact local utility companies to determine available demand-side management programs and nocost assistance provided by these companies to designers and owners. Applications Basic applications of LCC are addressed within the individual chapters herein and may be further defined within an A-E’s design programming scope requirements. In general, LCC is expected to support selection of all building systems that impact energy use: thermal envelope, passive solar features, fenestration, HVAC, domestic hot water, building automation and lighting. However, LCC can also be applied to building features or involve costs related to occupant productivity, system maintenance, environmental impact and any other issue that impacts costs over time. It is very important to recognize the significance of integrated building systems design in the overall e iciency of the design. Methodology There are many established guidelines and computerbased tools that e ectively...
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...the reading that Knowlton caught himself feeling apprehensive about the reaction that Fester might have to some of his work and that even Knowlton himself was a little surprised at his feelings because he had always been proud. Both men want to move forward with the project, and I feel like they were considerate to each other’s thoughts during the meetings. Fester is highly extraverted whereas Knowlton is more in the middle as the case goes on. In similarity, Knowlton and Fester are both open and conscientiousness. The GLOBE model could be used to describe the clash between Knowlton and Fester. This model addresses leadership qualities and recommends how leaders should conduct business in cultural clusters that are different from what they are accustomed to. GLOBE practices would help Knowlton feel more comfortable around Fester as he sometimes feels belittled by Festers ability to take over explaining the graphs and new methods to the project. The impact of GLOBE would enable Knowlton and Fester to have a better understanding of one another as the cultural dimensions included in the...
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...SHAKESPEARE: ESTUDIO MONOGRÁFICO 1. CONCEPTO DE SHAKESPEARE Muere en 1616. Siete años después sus compañeros publican el First Folio, sus obras completas. Tenía un valor colectivo, publicado en 1623. Para mantener viva su memoria: “our Shakespeare”, “our” se ponía con autores clásicos conocidos, término honorífico. Influencia de Séneca en tragedia y de Plauto y Terencio en comedia en el teatro renacentista inglés. Nació en 1564 en Stratford-Upon-Avon. Afán de la movilidad social, de una escala a otra. Quería hacerse un escudo familiar, símbolo de la nobleza, para subir en la escala social. Padre y madre de diferentes escalas sociales, ella pertenecía a la familia Arden. El padre era guantero y comerciante de lana ilegalmente, también compró varias propiedades y era prestamista. Gran poder financiero. John S. incluso llegó a ser alcalde. A partir de 1572-73 el padre pierde esa posición privilegiada y tiene problemas económicos. La Inglaterra isabelina era protestante, la familia S. podría ser católica. Religión impuesta con violencia y obligación. No hay prueba documental de la educación de W. S., aunque se supone que fue a la escuela de allí. Expuesto a la gramática latina y los clásicos: Ovidio, Virgilio, Plauto, Terencio, Cicerón. Expuesto a las miestery plays y morality plays. Las miesteries eran breves y católicas, personajes bíblicos. Las moralities eran representaciones alegóricas breves que muestran las terribles consecuencias del pecado. Los nombres de...
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...I. Introduction The SCM Globe system is a learning tool whose purpose is to provide hands on education in the basic dynamics of supply chain management. During the course of the semester, while using the SCM Globe simulation and performing the activities related to the case study presented, students were afforded the opportunity to manage and operate different supply chains. Students got a firsthand feel of how supply chains operate. A. Overview of Cincinnati Seasonings Supply Chain The Cincinnati Seasonings Supply Chain case study is a basic simulation of a simple supply chain to support a company that designs and markets food seasonings and sells its products in stores throughout the Midwestern United States. The purpose of the case study is to familiarize students with how to set up a supply chain and simulate its operations. Students get practice defining the product that the supply chain handles and in setting up the facilities, vehicles and routes that make up the supply chain. When students simulate the operation of the supply chain that is created they will get an appreciation of some of the central challenges involved in operating a supply chain. Students will get insights into balancing the need to run a responsive supply chain that never lets its customers run out of product with the need to run an efficient supply chain that also minimizes supply chain inventory and operating cost. Cincinnati Seasonings is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The founder of...
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...Shakespearean theatre Fact 1 - The Globe Theatre had a 1500 plus audience capacity. Up to 3000 people would flock to the theatre and its grounds Fact 2 - There was no heating in the Globe theatre. Plays were performed in the summer months and transferred to the indoor playhouses during the winter Fact 3 - The Globe was built in a similar style to the Coliseum, but on a smaller scale - other Elizabethan Theatres followed this style of architecture - they were called amphitheatres. Fact 4 - Elizabethan theatres were also used for bear baiting, gambling and for immoral purposes Fact 5 - Elizabethan theatres attracted huge crowds - up to 3000 people Fact 6 - Shakespeare and his company built TWO Globe Theatres! Fact 7 - The Globe theatre was built by a carpenter called Peter Smith together with his workforce. They started building in 1597 and it was finished in 1598 Fact 8 - Many Londoners were strict Protestants - Puritans in fact, who abhorred the theatres and many of the people they attracted and in 1596 London's authorities banned the public presentation of plays and all theatres within the city limits of London. All theatres located in the City were forced to move to the South side of the River Thames Fact 9 - At the start of the play after collecting money from the audience the admission collectors put the boxes in a room backstage - the box office Fact 10 - All theatres located in the City were forced to move to the South side of the River Thames...
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...Globe Theatre In Elizabethan England, plays were extremely important to culture. Many theaters were built to present plays. No theater around was more important than the Globe Theatre. The Globe Theatre was an important part of society. The history of the Globe Theatre is very rich. It was originally built in 1598 by Cuthbert Burbage, who was very involved in the acting scene in his time. In 1613 it was accidentally burned down by a canon in a show there. The next year it was reconstructed only to be destroyed by puritans, who believed plays were evil, 30 years later in 1647. In 1997 a working replica was opened. The Globe Theatre’s structure was unlike any other of its day. Its wood was taken from another theater because Cuthbert Burbage owned that but not the land. “He therefore had the theatre, a timber building, taken down and reassembled at a new site (Boyce 218). It was roughly cylindrical and three stories high. Each floor had seats that looked into open galleries. It held 2,000-3,000 people at a time. Shakespeare was a paramount figure not only in playwriting, but in the Globe Theatre as well. It was built specifically for the great acting troupe, Chamberlain’s Men, which Shakespeare was a part of. Some of Shakespeare’s most magnificent works of art were performed originally at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare himself was also a part owner of the Globe Theatre. The Globe Theatre was a place where many different types of social classes went...
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...EBAY Registration Screenshot Globe Telecom Profile and History Profile Globe Telecom commonly shortened as Globe, is a major provider of telecommunications services in the Philippines, supported by over 6,200 employees and nearly 1.05 million retailers, distributors, suppliers, and business partners nationwide. The company operates one of the largest mobile, fixed line, and broadband networks in the country, providing communications services to individual customers, small and medium-sized businesses, and corporate and enterprise clients. Globe currently has about 48.4 million mobile subscribers, nearly 3.5 million broadband customers, and 858.9 thousand landline subscribers. The company’s principal shareholders are Ayala Corporation and Singapore Telecom. It is listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol GLO and had a market capitalization of US$7.4 billion as of the end of June 2015. Globe Telecom’s principal executive office is located at The Globe Tower, 32nd Street corner 7th Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Metropolitan Manila, Philippines. History In 1928, Congress passed Act No. 3495 granting the Robert Dollar Company (a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California), a franchise to operate wireless long-distance message services in the Philippines. Subsequently, Congress passed Act No. 4150 in 1934 to transfer the franchise and privileges of the Robert Dollar Company to Globe Wireless Limited, which was incorporated...
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...With Reference to Two or More Examples Discuss the Role of Dramatic Text in Performance The role of dramatic text in performance is not a question that has a simple, straightforward answer. A dramatic text is a text that has been written for it to be delivered by some form of media, for example theatre, film or television. A performance text on the other hand is a version of the dramatic text, which is what ultimately gets performed. Therefore, to put it simply, a performance text is a version of a dramatic text that has been annotated and altered for the actual performance. This complicates the role of dramatic text, as there can be various different performance texts just for one dramatic text. Therefore you have to question, after a certain period of time, if the performances turn further and further away from what the dramatic text is trying to convey? Considering William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which is such an ‘iconic text of world theatre’ (Lavender, 5), you can compare the role of the dramatic text when it was first published and performed in around 1603 with performances leading up to the present day. This is something which doesn't only differ depending on what time period it is being performed or how renowned the text is but it differs from performance to performance mainly because of the various different concepts the directors have with this singular play. However, factors such as the set or audience can also have a considerable effect. Nevertheless...
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...still can see in town, but we don’t know much about what he learnt in school. In 1582 when he was 18 years old, he married Ann Hathaway, who was 7-8 years older; she was the oldest daughter of a well-to-do farmer. Their first child was born the year afterwards, only six months after the wedding; later they got twins. There are lots of explanations, why Shakespeare went to London, but most of the explanations are anecdotes from a time afterwards. Some scientists mean that he became a member of a theatre company, there were on a visit in Stratford. The first time we are hearing about him again is in 1592, and at that time he is a famous person in London. He is mostly famous as an actor and as an act writer, but he was also owner of the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays; comedies, tragedies and historical dramas. His play has something for every taste; there are exciting acts, strong feelings, colors and comedy. Shakespeare’s themes are the love, the nature, the power and its responsibility. The central theme is the human, and especially after 1600 you feel the bitterness against the humans. About 1611 he turned back to Stratford, maybe the same year as he wrote “The Strom”, which you can read as his goodbye to the theatre. He lived the last year in his home town and died in 1616. He is buried in Holy Trinity church, and on the grave in the left side of the church, there is a memorial for...
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...theme of divine right. These plays also help to view the class system of the time period. Ex. King John IV. Romance They contain a redemptive plotline with a happy ending involving the re-uniting of separated family members and a mixture of civilized and pastoral scenes. Ex. The Winter’s Tale A TYPICAL ELIZABETHAN PLAYGOER: A. What time did the performance of plays begin at the Globe? The times of plays at the Globe Theatre generally started at 3:00 pm. B. What did the flying flag mean? Red, White or Black Flags flying form the flag mast at the top of the Globe Theatre indicated whether the play to be performed was a history, comedy or a tragedy. C. Why weather could affect the performance of a play? Weather could affect the performance of a play, it only have thatched roof and if there was a bad weather, it will spoil the performance D. The shape of the Globe Globe Theater had been an octagonal shaped building. E. Who were the groundlings? They were who frequented the Globe Theatre in the early 17th century and was too poor to pay to be able to...
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...Today, The Globe Restaurant and Theater stands on the site of the former Old Globe Theater in Historic Downtown Berlin, Maryland. Its sole proprietor Jennifer Dawicki owns the 100-year-old building. February 2006, Jennifer remodeled the establishment “with a traditional kitchen, brand new Coppertop Bar and restored movie theater dining room” (The Globe Theater "About the Globe"). “Jennifer Dawicki remains true to the character of the building, hosting famous Murder Mystery Dinners and local art exhibits in The Balcony Art Gallery & Lounge, screening old-time films and hosting local, regional and national live music acts on stage” (The Globe Theater "About the Globe"). Maryland has recognized the town of Berlin as one of its twenty-four Art...
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...Performing Arts Theatre in London Amphitheatre –Romans at Guildhall Liturgical dramas (from the service of worship). Took place in church during the Easter celebration. Sung and in Latin – vast cycles performed all over Europe in medieval times. Performed by Monks and nuns inside church. The spice seller was the first comic character as well as the first non-religious character. Liturgical dramas developed into Mystery/ Miracle plays and were performed outside. This is when we get the first actors. Mystery Plays In England different Craft Guilds were employed to perform different plays e.g. Carpenters acted out the story of Noah’s Ark and the Fishmongers the story of Jonah and the Whale. They were performed on wagons or temporary stages. The audience would move to different wagons to watch different plays. They might see six or eight short plays in a day. The performers were all amateur and all male. The Mystery Plays that we know today are the York Cycle of Mystery Plays and the Chester Cycle. Most of the others have been lost over the centuries. The Tudor monarchy was very flamboyant. Henry VII had his own company of players. This dynasty loved tournaments, and royal processions etc. There was an increase of professional actors in 16thc. They were attached to noble and royal families who protected them from religious and political turbulence. This religious upheaval eventually silenced the performance...
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...Review of Henry V Globe Theatre 1. What was your overall impression of the play and the theatre? My overall impression of the play and the theatre was very positive. Although I had previously attended a play at the Globe Theatre a couple years ago, I never received a tour like we did before we saw Henry V. This enabled me to really learn the history of the building as well as exactly why and how the plays are reenacted. I was never aware of the intense preparation and practice that goes into putting on a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre. I was also intrigued at the materials the building was made out of and the fact that it resembled the old Globe Theatre as much as possible. I have always had a fascination with acting since I don’t have a creative side. It is so interesting to watch people put on a persona and become a whole different person while performing in a play. I find it so impressive when the plays are from Shakespeare’s time and the actors are able to convert themselves into old-fashioned personalities. Although I had a very hard time following the play and understanding what was happening at each moment, I still enjoyed being there for the experience. My favorite part about attending this play was the fact that I was able to sit up in a high seating section, which allowed me to view the expressions of the audience throughout the theatre. This made my experience even more enjoyable because the reactions of the audience were so powerful...
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