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Submitted By courtpam2010
Words 723
Pages 3
Courtland Trent Scott
University of Phoenix Axia College

The three companies that I have chose are Wendy’s, McDonalds, and Burger King. I have researched and also observe how the employees do their tasks within the business. In today’s assignment I will be discussing the main kinds of OMM cost companies have and how does the OMM cost companies affect the operations. I will also be discussing how does the company design their operating systems to give them a competitive advantage. Last I will identify which five main components of operations, materials management cost, and the methods companies use to reduce them. Within any company the primary goal for operation managers is creating a happy and loyal costumer. By effectively analyzing and managing their business operations, the company creates the right products with the right features at the right cost. Without using operation management materials you can do none of this. In a business you have to have the right product at the right price and the other way is having the product in stock that the costumers are buying. If you don’t keep products that customers are buying then the customer will find someone else to spend their money and you company will lose profits.
McDonalds is the world largest chain of hamburgers fast food restaurant, serving more than 58 million customers daily. A McDonalds restaurant is either operated by a franchise, an affiliate, or the corporation itself. The corporations revenue come from rent, royalties and fees paid by the franchises, as well as sell in company operated restaurants. McDonalds is a company that primary sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken product, French fries breakfast items, soft drinks, shakes, and desserts. The nature of McDonalds operating systems is to make show that customers are satisfied. Within McDonalds

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