...RYERSON UNIVERSITY Department of History Seminar: Early Christianity St Ambrose (340-397), Concerning Virginity, chapters 2-6, (377) (http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/34071.htm) 1. What does Ambrose say about Agnes, virginity and marriage? In essence, Ambrose is speaking about praise for Agnes. He encourages both married, unmarried, and children to both admire as well as take courage from the example set by Agnes. He goes on to talk about even at her young age of 12 there was strong faith in this girl who has suffered martyrdom. He praised virginity as a whole as it was thought to be brought down by the word of heaven. Virgins were strong as they were able to overcome powers which were not visible. In terms of marriage he talks about how there are benefits to a life of virginity but not discouraging marriage as a whole. Basically stating if you don’t have a wife do not seek one. In regards to virgins in general he states a person who gives a virgin in marriage is doing no wrong, but a person who does not is no better or worse than the one who does. Furthermore, he goes on to discuss how having children increases a woman’s sorrows (more responsibility). St Jerome (c. 340-420), Letter to Magnus, an orator of Rome (397) http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3001070.htm 1. Why is it all right for Christians to refer to the pagan authors of the ancient world? An example was stated in a passage which stated that a bishop of an Athenian church delivered...
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...กรณีศึกษา : บริษัทผลิตภัณฑ์นมข้นหวาน และแนวคิด SCOR Model กรณีศึกษานี้ได้ประยุกต์ใช้แบบจำลองอ้างอิงกระบวนการห่วงโซ่อุปทานหรือ Supply Chain Operation Reference-Model (SCOR-Model) เพื่อวิเคราะห์และปรับปรุงกระบวนการจัดการห่วงโซ่อุปทานของบริษัทผลิตภัณฑ์นมข้นหวานกลุ่มที่ขายภายในประเทศ โดยองค์กรมุ่งหวังที่จะพัฒนาขีดความสามารถในการแข่งขันตามกลยุทธ์ที่ได้วางไว้คือ กลยุทธ์การเน้นเป็นผู้นำทางด้านต้นทุนในขณะที่สามารถตอบสนองความต้องการของลูกค้าได้ตามเป้าหมายของบริษัท การวิเคราะห์ห่วงโซ่อุปทานด้วย SCOR-Model SCOR-Model มีขั้นตอนในการวิเคราะห์จากภาพรวมขององค์กร เพื่อวางขอบเขตและเป้าหมาย แล้วจึงนำมาวางโครงร่างของห่วงโซ่อุปทาน หลังจากนั้นจึงเจาะลึกในระดับกระบวนการ เพื่อนำไปวิเคราะห์และพัฒนาหาแนวทางในการปรับปรุงกระบวนการ แล้วจึงนำไปออกแบบกิจกรรมย่อย ซึ่ง SCOR-Model ได้จัดทำมาตรฐานไว้ถึงระดับกระบวนการและได้กำหนดระดับในการวิเคราะห์ไว้ 4 ระดับ แต่มีการทำมาตรฐานไว้เพียง 3 ระดับเท่านั้นได้แก่ระดับบน (Top Level) ระดับโครงร่าง (Configuration Level) และระดับองค์ประกอบกระบวนการ (Process Element Level) SCOR-Model ระดับที่ 1 (Top Level) (ชนิดกระบวนการ) ในขั้นตอนนี้มีการระบุขอบเขตและเนื้อหาของห่วงโซ่อุปทาน โดยอ้างอิงแบบจำลองกระบวนการโซ่อุปทาน ในกิจกรรมหลัก ได้แก่ การวางแผน (Plan: P) การจัดหา (Source: S) การผลิต (Make: M) การจัดส่ง (Deliver: D) และการรับ/ส่งของคืน (Return: R) ที่มา : http://www2.rdi.ku.ac.th/kasetresearch54/GroupEconomic/33-3-Chokechai_Eak/template.html ภาพที่ 2 แผนที่ภูมิศาสตร์ของห่วงโซ่อุปทานของบริษัทผลิตภัณฑ์นมข้นหวาน ...
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...To what extent are established brands best placed to make the most of the growth opportunities of e-commerce? E-commerce refers to commercial transactions that are conducted electronically on the Internet. There are many arguments that explain if established brands are best placed to make the most of the growth opportunities presented by e-commerce such as having the access to finance. However, some arguments suggest that it is not just established brands that can take advantage of the growth opportunities because of other e-commerce platforms such as Just Eat. Firstly, one reason why established brands have a head start in order to make the most out of the growth opportunities presented by e-commerce is because they have the access to the finance available to involve themselves in the e-commerce world. These established brands have the capital to start up, develop or even improve their own e-commerce platforms. These firms, for example can choose to improve their distribution and logistics network by investing in more capital and high skilled workers. This shows that the business is able to increase the quality of their delivery times and returns policy. This would lead to the satisfaction of customers as expectations for delivery times as well as returns have been more demanding, for example, having free returns rather than having to pay to send it back. An improved distribution and logistics network could lead to the business being able to absorb the costs if a customer wanted...
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...dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdfdsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd sdfsdf sdfdsf dsdf dfsdfsdf dfdsfsdsdfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfdsfdsfd...
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...Asdf asdf asdf sdf asdf sdf dsf sdaf sadf dsf df dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf sdf df dsf dsf df dsf dsf kl j jkj h g uytu yiu j k iui uiu o iu iu iu iu dsf dsf dsf dslj lkj jlkj j kjkiuyui y ug jbbmv g gj hi iji oi guguyu oijf v iov jj dsfjkfjd jfkajf d f ffsd fdfdsfsdf d df d fd fdsfd sdf sf ds fhgfh f df df dsfsd dsf sd sd ds fdsf sd fdf fgrrt u I I iu ui ui u uy ui yihjk hiu iu uihjh u rt I I jj k kjh jh jh jh hi I iu iu ui ui k jlkj lkjf sdf sdfdsf dsf dsf df dfds dfdds j lj lkj lk Asdf asdf asdf sdf asdf sdf dsf sdaf sadf dsf df dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf sdf df dsf dsf df dsf dsf kl j jkj h g uytu yiu j k iui uiu o iu iu iu iu dsf dsf dsf dslj lkj jlkj j kjkiuyui y ug jbbmv g gj hi iji oi guguyu oijf v iov jj dsfjkfjd jfkajf d f ffsd fdfdsfsdf d df d fd fdsfd sdf sf ds fhgfh f df df dsfsd dsf sd sd ds fdsf sd fdf fgrrt u I I iu ui ui u uy ui yihjk hiu iu uihjh u rt I I jj k kjh jh jh jh hi I iu iu ui ui k jlkj lkjf sdf sdfdsf dsf dsf df dfds dfdds j lj lkj...
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... Fjaldkfjhal alkjdhfklajsh jkasdhfhsdjkf jadkfhlksjhf kjasdfhkljsdhf jalkdfhskjdhfs jdkshfjkdf jdjfkhalsdkhf jhdlfkajhdsjklf jhadlksjfhlsdkjfh jkdhalkdsjhf Sadfadsfadsfadf aljdhfksjldhfd jkahfdlkjfh fklajhsflkajdhsfk lakjhdfjksh Safdsfsdfadsfadsf aldhfjlksjd jflasdkjhf hjlkjhsadf hlfakdsjhf jhladsjfhlkdsj Dads jlkadhflksjdhf ljfhadlskjhf dlaskfjh lkjh ajhlsdjkf hfjh lkjhadsklh lk Fdsfajklhkdjh jlkahldkjfh ahljh lkjh jhaldfh jh klajdhf jha lhjadljh kjdhflkj hlaks Sdfaadfadfa hjlflaksdjh jh kljhf kjlhlkasjh lkjhfdk jhlkj hkjah kljhklja hklajsdf Adfsdafa aljhdsfkjl h hjlaksdjfh klj jhdkaljf lkj jhalkj h jhadhf lkjh jhaljk hkl Dadfadf ajkdhf kljjlkajhdskfj jh lkjahsd ajlkhalkjsd lkajsdhf lkjk jhalkdsjhf Adfadf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfsfs fd hfgshhfgh sfhggfh ytr sdfgsfg ljkahdskjfh jhklaksdjhf hfdaslkjhf ljhfklasdjhfkl jhkjfh kjfhkaldsjh kljhfldkj hlkjfh lkjhfaldjhf lkjhdfkljsdh kljhflk jhkldfjhsl khl kjhlfkjadshf lkjadhsfljhajs lh kjhdflkjdshf ljkfh kljhfaklsdjhf klajhdlkfajshfjkl hkljdsafhkj hdlaksjfh ljkashkl jfhsafldh lkjdhfklsjdfhkl jfhkjdh kljajkdfhjdlksh kjhfieuiwuehbvd...
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...Xgdsgdsgdsdfdsfdsfdsfgdgfdsfgdsgfdsgfzxvzxgfbdsg fdsfdsgfdsgdsfdsff fdsfdsfsdgfasdfgdasgfsdgfdsf dsfdsfdsfsdfsdfds fdsfdsfsdfsdgfsdgfsdgfdsgf sdfdsf f f f fsdf f dsfds fsd fs f f dsf ds fd f ds d f f dsf f fsd fs f dsf f dsf f df f f fdf f df f dMcEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Meleis, A. (2012). Theoretical nursing: development and progress (5th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.f d f f dsf sf f fd ff f dsfd f sd f df f df df f d fds f d fs f f df d The stage is set for the mother of all battles in Amethi, which is going to the polls on Wednesday. With campaigning for the high-profile contest coming to an end at 5pm on Monday, both the BJP and Congress have lined up their arsenal in full force for a fight to finish. While BJP's charge will be led by its PM candidate Narendra Modi, Congress will have Priyanka Gandhi leading from the forefront. While Modi is defying tradition to storm into the constituency of his chief rival, Congress insiders say that even party chief Sonia Gandhi might join her razing army on the front on Monday to give the prospects of her son one last push. The Aam Aadmi Party, too, will have its star campaigners bolstering the campaign of Kumar Vishwas which, of late, has got mired in the tangle of attacks and FIRs. Even BJP top brass in the state was taken unawares when word reached them on...
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