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Secuirty in Today's World


Submitted By spitz8826
Words 351
Pages 2
Security in Today’s World

I believe the world of private security industry is growing each day and so is their public relation image. More and more companies, apartment buildings, and communities are hiring private security companies to secure their premises. However the public relation images of private security companies are full of mixed emotions. Most of the public see the private security industry as a good thing in the aid of police officers and protecting the community and for some the private security industry are seen as a hassle and so called “Want to be cops.” In the article The Private Arm of the Law it states, “"There is a limit to the amount of law enforcement you can expect taxpayers to support," said Ron Hodge, Durham's deputy police chief, who said some of his requests for additional officers have been turned down in recent years.” (Goldstein, 2007, para. 15). This illustrates the need for the private security industry; the need for more eyes and persons to protect the citizens and their assets is a huge task police officers cannot tackle alone. Some security officers are highly trained to act as a police officer, “the department has trained 600 security officers on elements of an arrest, how to write incident reports and how to testify in court.” (Goldstein, 2007, para. 15). With police departments training security officers and ex-police officers actually being security officers it helps them retain the same level of professionalism as law enforcement officers. However this professional image is destroyed all of the time when security officer have abused the powers given to them. A negative image is placed on the private security industry when private security officers mess up and commit crimes against citizens. Security officers are seen as want to be cops, when a security officer tries to go overboard. This image can be improved by simply

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