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Security Monitoring Activities


Submitted By scrappinbug03
Words 894
Pages 4
Security Monitoring Activities
By: Ellie Schutt
David Conway
University Of Phoenix
December 12, 2011

Introduction This paper focuses on the security monitoring techniques that should be conducted within an organization in order to propose and recommend a solid action plan when a potential risk is identified.
Many organizations and businesses must consider risk management a crucial part of their business in order to achieve the organizations set goals and to help ensure that the organization is conducting quality business to consumers.
Security monitoring and measuring must be conducted with the organization’s IT department and e-commerce applications.
Security Monitoring Process Conducting a security monitoring process is about preventing new attacks and responding to possible threats. Taking preventative steps can help organizations prevent small risks from turning into large and costly problems. The monitoring system should be used as part of the IT department’s regular duties and must be implemented both internally and externally.
The first step of the process should be for the organization to determine what a potential risk is. Determining a list of risks must be among the considerations made by the organization, in order for the organization to operate in a true secure system. “Security monitoring helps to ensure both integrity and confidentiality for sensitive information. Security monitoring also serves as a way for IT administrators to be held personally accountable for quality and securing an organization’s financial assets” (Rudolfsky, 2010).

Internal IT and Secure Monitoring Processes Internal IT consists of tasks within an organization such as payroll, human resources, inventory monitoring, budget, and accounting and management personnel. These internal structures constantly grow and

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