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Seeing Is Not Believing Research Paper

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So you believe in the saying “seeing is believing”? This idea is about 50/50 but I myself disagree with this saying. There are many things people believe in without evidence. One of the two reasons why seeing is not believing is that people often make false conclusions. Two is that people often take only what is seen as the truth I will show you why seeing is not believing. People often make false conclusions. An example of this is found in “Magic and the brain”. This can be found on page 80 of the 7th grade collections book lines 76-84. These lines state “Like visual illusions, cognitive illusions mask the perception of physical reality. Yet unlike visual illusion, cognitive illusions are not sensory n nature. Rather they involve high-level functions such as attention, memory, and casual inference with all those tools at their disposal, well-practiced magicians make it virtually impossible to follow the physics of what is actually happening-leaving the impression that the only explanation is magic.” This explains how when people see things they can make their own conclusions to explain it which maybe incorrect. …show more content…
An example of this can be found in “Heartbeat”. This can be found on page 26. Of the 7th grade close reader lines 26-33. These lines read “I was so frustrated that nothing was working-but the frustration didn’t last. I was sitting in the study hall two weeks ago when Sarah said the magic words. “Have you been working out, Dave? You look bigger.” I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic. I went home and inspected myself in the mirror. I did look bigger! But then I realized the reason: I’d accidentally worn two T-shirts under my rugby shirt that day. It was just an illusion.” This shows how that even when you see something is still might be

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