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Why I Want To Attend College

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My mother once told me of the time she was attending college which may seem quite normal, but at the time attending college was not practical. She shared to me how fortunate she was to be able to do attend college since she would be the first in the family. At the time my grandparents were struggling financially; therefore, they asked their two eldest children to drop out of school in order to provide for the family. Little did my grandparents know that this would set an example for all their younger children. You see college at the time was seen as a luxury due to how expensive it was, so that lead to my mother’s younger siblings believing that attaining a degree would be much too expensive. That would make my mother the only one in her family …show more content…
When I began to ponder all the financial debt I would accumulate just to begin my career I began to worry. I believed I considered all my options from attending community college, a private university, and even a public university. Furthermore, one might believe that community college would be the most practical option in my financial situation. However, I have came to the conclusion that attending community college would leave me with even more assumed debt because I would be adding to the years and number of institutions I would need to attending order to achieve my dream career. One might think that I would receive so much financial assistance if I attended a community college, but in reality being part of the middle class with little room to choose. Therefore, I decided to attend a public university because I believed it would be an investment for my future. On the contrary, if the United States were to change the cost of attending community college I would have chosen that route. Now reflecting on my choices if I was given the chance to earn a degree at no cost I would most definitely take up the

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