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George W. Bush: Real Plans For Real People

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In 2000, George W. Bush ran for president. One of his various slogans was, “Real plans for real people”. This particular slogan refers to a promise to talk honestly to the American people to keep all the promises he makes during his campaign. In numerous ways, this is true, but in a context of being upfront and honest about everything. Being brutally honest has its flaws, but, at least with that, there is little room for misunderstanding. For example, relationships by being upfront and honest your significant other know what they are getting themselves into. Who would want to find out three years into a relationship that your significant other doesn’t want to ever get married or absolutely hates children? Your heart would be crushed, your time wasted. You could have gone out to find your perfect someone, but no this was how you spent your time.
Nowadays who is truly honest? Another phrase comes to mind “False truths for “real” people”. By breaking this phrase down, we can better understand it. Starting with the “ “real” people,” in this phrase. The quotation marks around real refer to, how nowadays we do not truly know what people look …show more content…
Lying in a sense is never favorable but, if a lie can’t hurt anyone what's the difference? By coming up with these insignificant lies or in this case false truths you can give whoever you are speaking with a boost in their self-esteem. As the great RuPaul has said, “if you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else,” so by telling the “truth” you are actually helping them. An example is when in relationships, there are some common white lies can be, “oh no honey, your food tastes amazing,” or “ no, that dress does not make you look fat.” These have little affect the person, it will only raise their self-confidence which is better. A high self-esteem person is better than a low self-esteem

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