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Sentiment Analysis


Submitted By seemab
Words 1524
Pages 7
Solution overview

Shape strategy with social media mining
HP Live Customer Intelligence

Your customers’ opinions are everywhere—in status posts, tweets, blogs, online forums, and countless other interactive outlets. It’s a wealth of data, but it’s also information that is scattered across literally millions of sites. This logistical challenge leaves many enterprises floundering when it comes to social media. Though you see the potential, the practical implementation seems unattainable. Harnessing this market sentiment can create a much greater breadth and depth of social intelligence. Your organization can develop more targeted solutions and products, differentiate from the competition, shift from reactively tactical to proactively strategic management of your brand, get inside the minds of customers and intimately speak the language they understand, and provide engaging service and support. All it takes is a realistic way to mine and sort the data.

As part of our actionable customer intelligence, this function helps you improve product marketing and product support. It can also position you to significantly enhance the customer experience as you listen in on candid conversations about your products and services.

Enabling sentiment analysis
HP Live Customer Intelligence enables organizations to systematically gather market intelligence with unprecedented scope, accuracy, and transparency. Through advanced sentiment analysis capabilities, we translate an overwhelming volume of data into market understanding and help you create market-driven products and services that reflect the voice of the customer.

Managing social intelligence Leverage social intelligence
HP Live Customer Intelligence is a sophisticated social intelligence engine that makes it easier to use the power of social media. Developed using cutting-edge HP Labs research around sentiment

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