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Servant Leadership and the 10 Characteristics That Describe Servant Leadership


Submitted By fenam
Words 412
Pages 2
Listening: For any leader, there is a need for communication skills because it is important that the leader

understands the situation and make the decision to resolve the problem and avoid the problem.

Empathy is about understanding others. Empathy is more a sense that one can truly understand or

imagine the depth of another person’s feelings. It implies feeling with a person, rather than feeling sorry

for a person.

Healing is the process of recovery to get back to the original. In case of conflict servant leader must work

to resolve that conflict. Only then things can become stronger and smooth.

Awareness is refers to public or common knowledge or understanding about a social, scientific, or

political issue. A servant leader needs to gain general awareness and especially self-awareness in this

area to view situations from a more integrated, holistic position. As a result he gets a better understanding

about ethics and values.

Persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s or a group’s attitude or behavior towards some

event, object, idea or other persons by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings or

reasoning. A servant leader does not take advantage of their power and status by coercing compliance.

Conceptualization is the process of development and clarification of concepts. It is about being future

oriented. You need to visualize a long term plan for the group. A servant leader thinks beyond day to day


Foresight is about learning from the past, be aware of what is going on today to plan for the future. It is

the ability to predict or plan for the future.

Stewardship is about holding something in trust for another. For example CEO, trustees have the task to

hold their institution in trust for the greater good of society.

Commitment to others growth

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