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Serve Rather That Steer ; Npm in the Philippines: a Query on How to Apply Npm Principles to Reform Initiatives


Submitted By adch
Words 478
Pages 2
The article Serve Rather Than Steer ; NPM in the Philippines: A Query on How to Apply NPM Principles to Reform Initiatives tackles about kinds of leadership, how to manage people well and that someday leadership will turn to “no one is in charge”.

Leadership is a process that occurs throughout an organization, it is not just for the President, Governor, Head Officials or any person that is in high position but it is for every citizen. Shift leadership is also necessary for any country to survive. Leadership needs to be conceptualized,it is inevitable associated with important human and public policies, individually and collectively.Top – Down leadership is outdated, new approach to leadership is advisable because today, citizens are more cooperative, wants to participate in decisions that involves them and their family, they want to be heard not said. People became more educated about their rights as citizens and how to put it in use.

New Public Management (NPM)is an approach being glorified by government officials of Germany, it is tested and used in most countries, and it results to success and positive feedback's. NPM is said to be a respective government need. If it is implemented properly, it can be an effective approach to reform public sector. The only main concern is that, “Is Philippines ready? Do Philippines have the ability to embrace it?“ Since Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries with problematic election, bloated bureaucracy, fiscal deficit, budget deficit, deterioration investment climate and economic stagnation. All of this causes Filipino citizens to doubt.

NPM central feature according to Moore is the attempt to introduce or simulate, within sections of the public service that are not privatized, the performance incentives and the discipline that exist in a market environment.

NMP Principle are:
• An emphasis on hands-on professional management skills for active, visible, discretionary control of organizations (freedom manage)
• Explicit standards and measures for performance through clarification of goals, targets, and indicators of success
• A shift from the use of input controls and bureaucratic procedures to rule relying on output controls measured by qualitative performance indicators
• A shift from unified management system to dis aggregation or decentralization of units in the public sector
• An introduction of greater competition in the public sector so as to lower costs and achievement of higher standards through term contracts, etc.
• A stress on private-sector style management practices, such as the use of short-term labor contracts, the development of corporate plans, performance agreements and mission statements
• A stress on cost-cutting, efficiency, parsimony in resource use and “doing more with less”

NPM is no longer a new concept on our country, reform interventions led to introduce some of NPM concepts in the Philippines. Successive economic and fiscal crises led Philippines to look for alternative models of governance, but still, didn’t fully embrace the framework of NPM.

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