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Submitted By Jasmine8168
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Pages 10
Issues in Client Services – HSE 240 (800)
Summer 2011

| Contact Information | E-mail: | Office Hours | During the summer, I do not maintain regular office hours. Please email me if you need assistance. I am also available via Skype. | Skills Needed | (1) competency in reading and writing skills, (2) basic computer skills (ability to successfully use the internet, Blackboard, and word processing software, etc.); (3) competency with email correspondence, (4) competency with saving, uploading, and downloading documents as needed | Class Meeting Times and Location | This class is 100% online. There are no face-to-face meetings. However, please be aware that in order to successfully complete this course, students are required to visit a human services agency once during the course of the semester and then write a report about the agency and the visit. | Last day to withdraw without penalty | Tuesday, June 21, 2011If a student must withdraw from the class, he/she should complete a drop form and turn in to the records department. Drops must be completed by the above listed date. If a student drops after the above listed date, a grade of WP or WF will be assigned based on the student’s progress and grades to date. | Materials Required | Corey, G., Corey, M.S., & Callahan, P. (2011). Issues and ethics in the helping professions (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. | Software Required | Students must have access to a word processing program that allows documents to be saved as .doc or .rtf files (Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, Apple iWork for examples) as well as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software (the link for this free software can be found within our BlackBoard site). If the student has Microsoft Office 2007 installed on their computer, all files must be saved in an earlier version of Microsoft Office (ie. Office 97 file format, or .rtf). Class members must also use Microsoft Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to effectively operate BlackBoard. Students who use Explorer 7 with Windows Vista may experience technical problems within the Bb environment. Participants must also use the new Forsyth Techlink Online Portal as their email address for all course work |

Course Description
Prerequisites: none Co-requisites: none
This course introduces systems of professional standards, values, and issues in the helping professions. Topics include confidentiality, assessment of personal values, professional responsibilities, competencies, and ethics relative to multicultural counseling and research. Upon completion, students should be able to understand and discuss multiple ethical issues applicable to counseling and apply various decision-making models to current issues.
This class is designed to include a minimum of 6 hours of training and education related to substance abuse ethics as required for applicants to the North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board. Applicants are encouraged to save a copy of their syllabus and major assignment specimens for their records if they wish to apply to NCSAPPB.

Learning Outcomes * The student provide evidence of understanding of NOHSE Ethical Guidelines (quiz)

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: * explain how to use a decision-making model when faced with an ethical dilemma * describe her/his own personal values and their impact upon her/his work * discuss client rights, counselor responsibilities, and the dynamics of confidentiality. * describe the importance of boundaries in working with clients * explain the impact of multiple relationships upon practice * discuss the importance of competency and training * explain some of the multicultural issues confronting the field * discuss the unique ethical challenges when working with minors and in small communities * describe the unique ethical considerations when working with substance abusing clients
Grading and Evaluation Methods * Regular online attendance and participation * Timely completion of chapter quizzes and the final exam * Conduct a Multicultural Interview and write a summary paper of your findings * Regular participation in the Discussion Board forums

There is a total of 440 possible points; your grade will be computed using the following point system:
10 Quizzes @ 15 points each = 150 points
Multicultural Interview = 100 points
Comprehensive Final Exam = 100 points
9 Discussion Board forums = 90 points

Forsyth Tech Grading Scale A | 94-100 | W | Withdraw before midterm (Does not affect GPA) | B | 86-93 | WP | Withdraw after midterm, passing the course (Does not affect GPA) | C | 78-85 | WF | Withdraw after midterm, not passing the courseCalculated in GPA as an F | D | 70-77 | Students who are concerned about their grade should contact their instructor to determine their best options. If you intend to withdraw, please submit a drop form to the Records Office. | F | 69 | |

Late Work/Makeup Work/Extra Credit
No extra credit is available for this course. Typically, I will not accept late work. If you have extenuating circumstances, contact me as soon as possible (i.e., do not wait weeks or months to address grading issues or missing assignments)! For work that is accepted late, I will deduct points for each day that the work is late (typically 5 points per day) or offer up to half credit, depending on the circumstances. Please check the assignment guidelines for specific policies about late work.

Academic Integrity
Forsyth Tech is committed to academic excellence through honesty and integrity. To protect all students from the results of dishonest conduct, the College has adopted policies to address these issues. It is the responsibility of each student to become familiar with and to understand all academic policies and the consequences for failure to adhere to these policies. Please read and follow all policies listed in the College Catalog or in the Student Code of Conduct. (See page 44 of the 2009-10 Student Academic Planner, page 422 of the 2009-10 College Catalog, or go to (When the catalog displays, scroll down, and choose the Code of Conduct option from the drop-down list.)

Plagiarism is the use of another person's words or ideas as if they were your own. This includes copying another student's paper; copying words or ideas from a book, journal, website, etc. without referencing the source; and paraphrasing without citation. All work turned in should reflect your own efforts. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and/or removal from or failure of the course.
Accommodation of Disabilities
Forsyth Tech is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. If you would like to request accommodations for a physical or learning disability, you must register with the Disabilities Services Office (DSO), located in the Allman Center, Room 148 (336-734-7155) or e-mail or . You will be required to provide current *official documentation of your disability. The Disability Services office will work with you to determine your classroom needs.

It is important that you register early with the DSO as the office needs adequate time to arrange the appropriate accommodations. With proper documentation, most accommodations can be completed within a minimum of (5) business days. Listed below are the deadline dates for requesting accommodations. Any further registration for accommodations will only occur for special circumstances.
* Returning students who received accommodations Spring 2011 their deadline to return Accommodations to Disability Services Office is May 31, 2011. * Any student who did not receive accommodations Spring 2011 their deadline to Self-Disclose and Request Accommodation is June 21, 2011.

* Official Documentation refers to 1) A doctor’s clear statement of the disability including the DSM-IV TR diagnosis and/or 2) Psychological Evaluation completed by a Licensed Psychologist. Please keep in mind scheduling an appointment with a practitioner may take up to 2-4 weeks. Please stop by the Disability Services Office to pick up forms to take to your appointment.

Campus Resources
The Learning Center, located in the Ardmore Building on the main campus, provides tutoring services, computers for student use, and the library. Tutoring may be done one-on-one or in small group sessions, and is available for nearly all courses. For more information and current hours, contact The Learning Center at 336-734-7480 or at

College Closing
If the college is closed, you will still be able to complete your assignments online via Blackboard.
Course Information and Policies * Nonparticipation does not constitute an official withdrawal.

Guidelines for Discussion Board forums * Students must complete all assignments by the due date indicated. * Failure to complete an assignment by the due date will result in a grade of "0" for that assignment. Any postings made after the respective weekly due date will not be given credit. * There are no make-ups allowed for Discussion Board forums, so make sure that you complete these assignments by the due date. * Discussion Board: * Original posts: Students should post thoughtful entries that demonstrate reflection of the course material and critical thinking skills. Simply re-typing or re-stating the text is not an acceptable response. Original posts must be at least three sentences. * Response posts: Students need to read the responses posted by their classmates in each Discussion Board forum. Students need to respond to TWO of their classmates’ entries in two separate response posts. Note: The same guidelines for the original posts apply for the response posts. Responses that simply indicate “I agree” or “I disagree” are not acceptable responses. Your response entry should be meaningful and add something to the discussion. * The instructor will participate in the Discussion Board forums as warranted. * Most graded Blackboard Discussion Board forums are worth 10 possible points: * 6 point possible for each original post * 4 points possible for both response posts (2 possible points for each post) * Grammar and Spelling
Points will be deducted for incorrect usage of grammar and spelling errors. Please carefully proofread your work before posting and use the spell check function.

All Forsyth Tech students are assigned a campus e-mail address. This is the address that your instructor will use to send you individual messages. If you send your instructor an e-mail from Blackboard, the reply will be sent to your student e-mail address. Please be sure that you can open your TechLink e-mail account. If you haven’t used TechLink before, please go to Your student e-mail address is:

How to Navigate the Blackboard Course Site Once you log on to Blackboard, you will need to select the course from the list at the right. Then, you will see several buttons on the left of the course page. UNDER THIS BUTTON | YOU WILL FIND | Announcements | * Announcements posted by the Blackboard administrator * Announcements posted by your instructor. | Your Instructor | * Your instructor’s contact information * Info about online support and the online learning environment | Course Information | * Copy of the Syllabus and other pertinent course information | Assignments | * Course content and related assignments | Discussion | * Required and optional forums to discuss course material and assignments with peers and instructor. * For personal questions, such as a question about your grade, please e-mail your instructor for a confidential response. | Student Support | * Information about the college and various support services | TechLink/Email | * A convenient link to TechLink (and your student email account) | |

Expected Course Schedule
Please see the due dates as indicated in the course.


Students should check their email at least three times per week and log into the course via BlackBoard at least two times a week to monitor course changes, additions, and announcements.

Students are required to: (1) participate in a manner that demonstrates professional behavior and a commitment to their college experience, (2) examine course assignments and be responsible for completing and successfully submitting assignments by their due dates, (3) read all assigned material prior to class discussions, (4) respect the opinions of others expressed in class, and (5) Accept personal responsibility for your own learning, including class attendance and academic performance.

In addition, students should:

* Have regular access to a computer and seek any necessary technical support needed to successfully participate online. * Acquire the computer skills necessary to participate in the course. * Regularly check your grades in the Gradebook. Do not wait until the end of the semester to report an issue with a grade for a particular assignment(s). * Always check via Blackboard to see if your assignment was successfully uploaded each time you submit an assignment. * Seek tutoring or additional support as needed. Take a proactive approach to your learning and seek assistance as soon as you recognize that you are having difficulty. * If you are having academic problems, keep the instructor informed that you need additional support. * If you are having personal issues that are interfering with your academic performance, please feel free to inform the instructor. I cannot assist you if I am unaware that there is an issue. * Be an active learner (i.e., prepare for each class, ask questions, form study groups, etc.) * Realize that learning is hard work that requires self-discipline and self-motivation. Establish time priorities. Academic coursework, work, hobbies, family and friends are all important. Remember that being a student has to be a high priority if you expect to do well. * Have a professional attitude. Having the time and skills are meaningless if you do not have a good attitude and enthusiasm for learning, especially about the art of human services

Students should not commit to this course if you know that you will not have the time to fulfill your academic obligations. All assignments must be typed using 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced in black ink and formatted using the APA Referencing Style. Keep a backup of all assignments. All assignments must be successfully submitted by their respective due dates.


Professionalism * Present the information in an organized manner * Have a regular presence online & notify students in advance when she will not be online for an extended period of time (excluding holidays and weekends) * Uphold the academic rigors of the course * Help students along a path of understanding the process, but not complete the work for them

Fairness * Provide a course environment conducive to learning * Establish fair and appropriate methods of evaluation * Treat all students fairly (i.e., without favoritism) * Be sensitive to the reasonable needs of individual students

Communication * Communicate expectations clearly * Regularly reply to email or other online communication * Regularly grade assignments so that students are informed about their performance in the course (generally within one week of due date)

The schedules and procedures for this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.

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Customer Service

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