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Sesso Degli Angeli


Submitted By agnesrusso81
Words 429
Pages 2
Demographic shifts transform the global workforce

“Never before has demographic change happened so quickly. Global employers face the challenge that, despite a growing global population, they will soon have to recruit from a shrinking workforce due to an aging population”.
Despite a growing global population, the availability of skilled workers is actually shrinking. Studies show this is only the beginning of problems. The labor market shrinks and the struggle for talent workers becomes increasingly fierce.
Although the global population increases is observed a significant reduction in labor force. The large economies such as Russia, Canada, South Korea and China will also face this problem having more people to retirement age than are entering the workforce. State such as Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will have a version a young working force. The question appears only if they will be able to provide them indispensable education and opportunities to develop their skills.
Demand for highly skilled employers is growing rapidly. An estimated 31% workers in the world has a problem with fulfilling its obligations due to lack of necessary skills; “today, 65% of global companies, and more than 80% of companies in fast-growing economies have trouble finding employees with the skills”. The reasons for this phenomenon detects increase of level of skills needed in the dynamically developing global economy, and the failure of education systems to produce the relevant base of talent. Access to education increases but a small amount of graduates have skills desired by global employers.
In connection with the situation, employers will be forced to fill a variety of jobs workers, older workers and women. “The leading US advocacy group for retired people, the AARP, believes that 80% of baby boomers will keep working full- or part-time past their current retirement age”. The role of women will increase in work environments. Although many well-educated women are still not fully utilized.
The labor market seeking talents is becoming more global. Developed markets are still a top choice for economic migrants and at the same time we are seeing the most amazing reverse migration as well. In the last 20-30 years, the relationship between employer and employee has changed. The crisis led to the dismissal of many changes. Employees are searcing for new job more often and employer expectations have risen talented employees. The key role of the employer is appreciating, the attraction ,and effective development of acquired talents.

Problems attracting critical-skill employees;

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