...TOPIC: ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND MOTIVATION TITLE: Motivating Employees through Incentive Programs ISSUE: Lack of an effective incentive program pertaining to work motivation 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Motivated employees are the cornerstone of any successful organization. The objectives of this research are to explore the motivational factors and the effectiveness of these incentive programs pertaining to work motivation. The thesis consists of two main components: theoretical and research. The first part is the theoretical framework, which examines the various motivation theories and the different categories of incentives. Information for the theoretical background was collected from publications, books and internet sources. For the empirical study, a close-ended questionnaire was employed as the primary research instrument in the data collection period to gather information from six (6) employees. The results from the study showed that incentives do have a very strong motivational potential to influence the employees‟ willingness to work harder. The three motivating factors valued by employees are interpersonal relationship, interesting work and work environment, all of which have the potential to motivate employees at higher levels. For long-term motivation, job related factors such as the meaningful work, flexible working hours and friendly social gestures were found to be effective motivators while, on the other hand, it was discovered that monetary, social gatherings...
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... 5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………....10 Executive summery This report is prepared for the Carringbush Council. The purpose of this report is to analyse, and indentify internal and external issues, and suggest if any changes to the work culture and performance management system can help, overcoming these identified problems. In future, there are a few changes expected, in external environment. They will affect the council. Along with these external influencing factors, there are internal issues as well, which need to be addressed, in order to maintain or improve the performance of the council. Various theories developed by researchers are used to suggest the effective ways, to overcome these issues. This organization is a public sector organization, so obviously it is a hierarchical organization. The work is well defined with no room for flexibility. From this mechanistic approach, the organization has to transform into an organic type of organization, in order to achieve the desired structure. Next identifies issue is lack of managerial skills in middle level managers. A training to upgrade their skills and tools like 360 degree feedback can be helpful. In addition to that, there is no platform where employees can go for training and development, rather than just relying upon managers; they can be benefitted by creation of a learning organization. This important characteristic of HPWS does, not only improves...
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...Science Vol. 6, No. 5, 2010, pp. 102-123 ISSN 1712-8056 [Print] ISSN 1923-6697[Online] www.cscanada.net www.cscanada.org The Effect of Reward System on Job Satisfaction in an Organizational Chart of Four Hierarchical Levels: A Qualitative Study L'EFFET DU SYSTÈME DE RÉCOMPENSE SUR LA SATISFACTION AU TRAVAIL DANS UN ORGANIGRAMME DES QUATRE NIVEAUX HIÉRARCHIQUES: UNE ÉTUDE QUALITATIVE Ekaterini Galanou1 Georgios Georgakopoulos2 Ioannis Sotiropoulos3 Vasilopoulos Dimitris4 Abstract: Rewards systems are one of the most significant issues of the human resource management. Throughout the literature, it is obvious that theorists and academics, as well as practitioners and managers emphasize the important factor of rewards. Additionally, job satisfaction is another crucial term within the same body of literature. Job satisfaction is likely to provide employees of all levels with feelings of fulfillment, achievement and even pleasure for their job. Thus, such feelings can make people more productive, creative and therefore more profitable for the organization. Furthermore, feelings of job satisfaction can strengthen the commitment and loyalty of employees with the organization, which is very necessary in present times where all firms are looking for competitive advantage and especially through their people. The objective of this study is to examine the correlation of the rewards systems and job satisfaction, based on a qualitative research. An attempt is also made to identify differences...
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...key role in improving the competitive advantage of the business, especially on the global platform. Globalization calls for specific approaches that promote harmonious working relationships within increasingly culturally diverse workplaces. Hansen (2002) observes that workplace diversity is critical to the existence of businesses and identifying key strategies to ensure harmonious working relationships among culturally diverse employees is integral to the survival of any business. Diversity in this case means the differences between individuals based on their culture, which influences their perceptions, values and beliefs. There is increased pressure on human resource departments to integrate culturally diverse employees, while at the same time maintaining high levels of motivation among the divergent groups. The main issue in a culturally diverse workforce is creating synergy, teamwork and...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The mining industry in Ghana, is an important sector for the socio economies of countries that have substantial gold deposits. To achieve rapid economic development, many countries resort to various activities to exploit natural resources. One of such activities is mining. Consequently, mining is an important economic activity which has the potential of contributing to the development of areas endowed with the resource. In North America, raw mineral production in 1998 was valued at approximately US$ 70 billion. The industry employs approximately 1 million people (Mbendi Profile, 2005). In Peru, the mining sector accounts for 50% of the country’s annual export earnings. During 1993, the mining industry’s contribution to the Peruvian economy was represented by $240m paid in taxes; $400m spent on local purchases; $280m in imported goods and accounted for over 11% of GDP (Acheampong, 2003). In South Africa, where gold is the largest mineral foreign income earner, gold mining alone contributes 27.4% in mineral revenues. The gold industry is also responsible for 56% of South Africa’s mine labour force (Mbendi, 2005). In Ghana, the sector plays a vital role in the development of the economy. In 2000, minerals accounted for 38.96% of total export earnings, followed by cocoa (22.51%) and timber (9.03%) (ISSER, 2001). The mining sector now contributes 41% to the country’s foreign exchange and is the leading foreign exchange earner. Of...
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...products by using new selling strategies. To improve Tesco performance the HR changed the internal and external factors. Internal factors Organisational needs and skills requirements: organisational needs are constantly changing that is why Tesco’s HR has to training the employees as far as they can keep their position. The organisation must watch the marketing in order to open new stores in other countries or in other regions. In this way the business will need to expand its organisation needs(which are also called workforce) and these new people must be trained and also must be able to speak other languages(if the store will open in different countries). However, nowadays the technology that Tesco had include in its supermarkets, has affected the organisational needs because by using the equipment customers do not need more than two people to help them. Workforce profiles: As any business Tesco has got workforce profiles which include information such as: gender, age, ability and ethnicity. In fact, if Tesco had people who retire at the same time, Tesco would be able to cover them by introducing new employees. In order to have the equality at work, Tesco also have ethnicity as a paragraph within the workforce profiles. By using this method Tesco may assemble the same ethnicity together to obtain better performances. External Factors Supply of labour: To cover all the new markets demand Tesco’s HR has to cover all the gaps by training the new employees and by making them flexible...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHER MOTIVATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THIKA WEST DISTRICT, KIAMBU COUNTY BY TERESA KEMUNTO NYAKUNDI A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OCTOBER, 2012 DECLARATION This Research Project is my original work and has not been presented to any other university for a degree or any other award. Signature________________________________ Date__________________________ TERESA KEMUNTO NYAKUNDI REG. E55/CE/14342/2009 This Research Project has been submitted for examination with our approval as University Supervisors: Signature_______________________ Date ________________________ Prof. Grace Bunyi Associate Professor Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies, School of Education Kenyatta University Signature_______________________ Date ________________________ Dr. Libese Senior lecturer Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies, School of Education Kenyatta University ii DEDICATION I dedicate this study to my family. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge my supervisors Prof. Grace Bunyi and Dr. L.I Libese for their guidance during the writing of this project. If it were not for their guidance, this work could not have been a success. I also acknowledge teachers and principals of public secondary schools in Thika West District ...
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...0 Managing transnational teams Cultural heterogeneity within a team: A value or burden? Bachelor Thesis Organization & Strategy, 2009-2010 Name : Grace Bronmans Anr : 588850 Supervisor : Miranda Stienstra E-mail : gracebronmans@gmail.com Date : 11-06-2010 Nr. of words : 7967 Management summary Globalization has become an important aspect in business the last decennia. Companies’ competitive position is challenged by a globalizing market, and globalization is a natural development for growing companies to sustain their competitive position. When a firm enters the global market, management faces the challenge to work with transnational teams. International project teams are where most of the boundary spanning works in international enterprise goes on, making them a key factor in organizational success and an important catalyst for individual and organizational development. However, little is known about the management strategies on motivation of diversity, and existing information is scattered. Motivation is a key driver of performance, therefore it is important for management to know how they can influence motivation of transnational teams. This thesis will provide an overview of the effect of culture on the motivational strategy of management on transnational team motivation. This will be guided by the following research questions: RQ 1: How is management...
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...has became important for the management in order to accomplish what employees expect from the organization in order to return what organization expect from them. Therefore it becomes clear from the researches that a motivated work-force is an instrument of success for full filling the needs of a rapidly changing work environment for both, the employees and the organization. It also becomes clear that a well- motivated workforce will eventually lead to the organization achieving its goals and objectives in a better an efficient manner. To serve this purpose of building a strong bond between the management and workforce, the role of the top management is very crucial in this respect. According to Carnige (1985), human capital is capable of playing a pivotal role compared to financial capital, in the effectiveness of the organization. In modern times people are believed to me a source of competitive advantage and carry more importance in...
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...Leadership Leadership is a process, by which a person influences, guides, motivates, commands and controls the behavior and work of the subordinates to accomplish the organizational goals. It is an unique combination of some qualities that transforms potentials to reality. Leadership acts as the catalyst that makes all other elements work together. Without leadership, all other resources of a concern remain dormant. Characteristics of Leadership Leaders and leaderships are in every level of an organization. There are some generally known qualities of leaders but some unique characteristics make them great leaders. The characteristics include - Dedication: Dedication means spending whatever time or energy is needed to complete the task in hand to proceed towards the goal. By setting an excellent example, a leader can show the followers that one must do whatever it takes to achieve something great. Flexibility: Not everything goes as per the plans. Sometimes, the competitors change their tactics, the Government may force new regulations on business, inflation may take place. A leader should have the adaptability to take things normally and be flexible to handle situations easily. Communication Skills: A leader should be a great listener and a speaker also. A good leader can communicate with all his subordinates. Great leaders show their strengths and personal character through communication with the employees and empower them. Confidence: A leader must possess confidence...
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...been made in the text. Millicent Nduro (PG 4128310) Student Name & ID ...................................... ................................ Date Signature Certified by: Mr. Samuel Kwesi Enninful Supervisor …………………………… Signature …………………………. Date Professor I. K. Dontwi Dean, IDL ……………………………… Signature ………………………… Date ABSTRACT The success or failure of any business as a matter of fact depends largely on its employees; thus human resources are very essential to the organisation as they are the key to prosperity, productivity and performance. How employees are perceived, treated and how they feel about themselves and ultimately their output directly or indirectly has an impact on their performance and development of the organisation. De motivated employees under no circumstance will churn out decreased performance. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of motivation on the performance of Guaranty Trust Bank workers. The study adopted the mixed approach of research design and the case study method to provide answers to research questions formulated. A non probability design with the purposive sampling technique was employed to select and...
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...Arrow Financial Services AFS A Sallie Mae Company SLM Salitha Deberry MGMT 401 Organization Industry Organization defined as an act of organizing or the process of being organized; with a number of persons or groups that are united for a particular purpose. Industry defines as the commercial production and sales of goods and services; industrial management as distinguished from labor. Arrow Financial Services LLC (AFS) is part of the Sallie Mae (SLM) family and a nationally recognized leader in the receivables management industry with over $ 16 billion in consumer debt under management. AFS offer a full range of recovery solutions across a variety of asset classes including credit cards, student loans, utilities, telecommunications, retail, and automotive. AFS employees specialize in balancing courteous and professional customer service with the goal of maximizing recovery on managed accounts. AFS unique combinations of experience, reputation and world class analytical capability set them apart from others in the industry. AFS is a leading purchaser and servicer of performing and non-performing consumer debt. AFS was established in 1961 and has grown today into a nationwide company with over 1,000 employees across two outbound call centers: Whitewater, WI and our headquarters in Niles, IL. Our offices in Rockville Centre, NY and Austin, TX, are dedicated to finance, capital market, risk and portfolio management activities. AFS currently, manages receivables on debt...
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...maximize the benefits it receive from their employee with greater productivity and individual performance seems to increase in the same proportions. Organizational commitment and employee productivity issue are emerging as the most critical work force management challenges of the past, present and immediate future driven by, employee loyalty. Frontline manager, supervisions, a project leader, team captain or human resource manager actually has more power in an organization to reduce poor productivity, because the factors that drive employee satisfaction and commitment are largely within the direct manager’s control, and for this to be achieved successfully there is need to understand the motive as a bases of performance require to motivate employee in order to improve their commitment to the organization. KEYWORDS: Employee’s Identification, Productivity, Commitment, Organizational Thinking INTRODUCTION...
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...The Project Team Leader is the individual with responsibility for ensuring that the project is planned and executed. The Project Leader does not do all the work of project management, that is shared among the Core Team Members. However, the Project Leader does ensure that the work of project management is carried out on the project. The Project Leader is normally the individual who leads the Core Team meetings and is normally the individual who speaks for the project in project review meetings with the PMO or senior management. The Project Leader is also the person responsible for maintaining the project plan and the current project status and any associated project management documentation or databases. Finally, the Project Leader needs to review all major project decisions to ensure they are in the best interests of the project objectives. When the Project Leader believes a decision is inappropriate, he or she must take action to change or elevate the decision. Over the years I have found that effective Project Leaders have mastered two vital aspects of project management. The first is Risk Management. The Project Leader must ensure that project risks are identified and analyzed, and not suppressed or overlooked. In addition the Project Leader should verify that risk response plans are established and implemented for all significant risks. The second aspect of project management that the Project Leader must do well is Project Communication. The Project Leader must manage...
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...22/11/2012 |HNC/HND in Business Pathways Interim Assignment HNBS121 Human Resource Management | |Hoda Ahmed Ibrahim ID:10799 | [pic] CONTENTS Task 1 (1.1) • Human Resource Management vs. Personnel Management…………...Page 3-5 (1.2) • Human Resource (Role & Functions)………………………………......................Page 6-8 Human Resource Managers and Line Managers (1.3) • Impact of Legal Framework ………………..................................................Page 9-10 Equal Opportunities, Employment Legislation and Discrimination Task 2 (2.1) Tesco and Scottish Power Case Study • Human Resource Planning & Stages……………………….......................Page 11-12 (2.2) Tesco and Scottish Power Case Study • Compare Recruitment and Selection …………………………………… Page 13-14 List of References • Authors…………………………………………………................Page 15 • Internet Source ………………………………….……………..Page 16 1.1 Human Resource Management vs. Personnel Management Human Resources Management developed from the origins of Personal Management. Personal Management helps in dealing with the management of people working within an organisation. It primarily focuses on systems that provide the foundations of employment. This method is used to ensure these systems are developed,...
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