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Shark Finning Research Paper

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MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Cows are 40% more likely to kill you than sharks, interesting, huh? The shark population has drastically downsized in recent years due to multiple reasons one of which being finning, and while some think the “world would be a better place without sharks.” People don’t fully grasp the fact that they play a vital role in the marine ecosystem.
Sharks deserve our protection just as much as any other endangered animal. Like the WildAid organization said people “tend to want to help animals they care about” like pandas or elephants. Raising money to help sharks, however, is a tough case because when people think of sharks they think of shark teeth black eyes and monsters not cute little fluffy bears with big eyes. Sharks have been around since “the tyrannosaurus rex was roaming around the Great Plains of america” and when you’re around about a ten million years you certainly have and affect on the ecosystem. Sharks play a vital role in the marine ecosystem and without them there would be drastic changes. One change being throwing off the ecosystem entirely because without sharks eating their prey’s population will increase causing whatever the prey is eating to go endangered or even extinct and causing a chain reaction until nothing is left. …show more content…
Finning is the process they use to get the irreplaceable ingredients for the soup . In this process the fisherman “cuts the sharks dorsal fins off” and releases it back into the ocean. Now with no means of which to move or swim so they all die in the long run by becoming prey, suffocating or bleeding to death. Sharks are endangered for more than just the reason of finning but the others are due to disease and other things that are out of our control. So shouldn't we stop what IS in our

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