...ACC 646: Module 6 Case Study Student Name: Short Case 10, page pg 228 : Responses: The first steps I would use would be Document examination, audit, and electronic searches. These steps would allow me to take a look at the numbers behind the purchase to develop an expectation of what the issue could be. It is possible that one vendor really did provide a better or cheaper product and that is reasonable. If you found something adverse to that expectation the next steps would be interviewing the buyers. After finding out their thinking it could be possible you would need to seize their computers or the very least their electronic communications. Short Case 11, page pg 228: Responses: The first step would be to document and exam the process for which the cash collection happens. At that point you will need to interview the people involved. The only other step you could have taken is setting up surveillance cameras in the area where cash collection happens, but that won’t necessarily catch the fraudulent collection of cash. Short Case 13, page pg 228: Responses: 1. When looking at the employee’s computers you need to be aware that he could possibly have some private information on there. This could be looked at as an invasion of privacy and a breach of the 4th amendment. 2. You could search the computer manually through using the internet history and searching through his email. You best bet is to get a forensic software like forensic toolkit...
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...Total mark: ________/15 3004IBA SEMINAR PREPARATION – NO REFERENCING NECESSARY Seminar week and time: Week 3 (Seminar 1), 11-11.50am Student name and ID number: Jayeshlin Naidu, s2943053 Case name: JOHANNES VAN DEN BOSCH SENDS AN EMAIL Goal of analysis: GET THE REQUESTED INFORMATION TO THE CLIENT IN A TIMELY MANNER; PREVENT LOSING THE CLIENT A. Case introduction (describe relevant case background and scope of analysis): The case is clearly about the email exchanges between both Johannes van den Bosch and his British client, Malcolm Smythe- Jones. However, his colleague at the Mexican City office was in charge of the dealings, hence the differences and the lack in communication. In this case, there is a matter of time different at both firms which causes delays with emails back and forth; particularly from a client in Britain. Thus causing confusion between old time veterans Van den Bosch and Mendez, along with the disappointment Van den Bosch puts across to Mendez, Van den Bosh did not reread what he had sent. There is clear spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the email, as well as expressing concerns for clients over his co-workers. It is quite obvious that there is no sense of understanding cultural differences, no effective communication (as said before) and bringing the different perspectives together and building on the issue. ____ / 2 ____ / 2 ____ / 2 ____ / 2 B. List critical management issues that need to be solved in order to achieve the specified...
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...In today’s business environment, many young talents are brought into a business at a higher entry position than previous employee because of their higher level of education, energy, and enthusiasm. In one of the short cases I read in this week’s chapter, the supervisor who is in charge of the employees is 20 years younger than two of the four employees who he/she is in charge of. The supervisor has been very supportive and has gone out of his/her way to praise the employee's of his/her work. But whenever there is a disagreement or problems, the older employees always run to the head boss. The problem here is that the older employees are neglecting the supervisor’s power or is not accepting him/her as their supervisor even though he/she has asked them numerous times before to come to him/her first when there is a problem. If I was that supervisor, the first thing I’ll do is to sit down with the big boss and discuss the whole situation as detailed as possible so he/her understand the problem. The next thing I’ll do in the process of resolving this issue is to have a meeting with all these employees with the big boss in the meeting to discuss the problem further and try to implement a solution. By having the meeting, it’ll help the older employees understand that even though I’m younger than they are, I’m qualified for the current position and that is why I’m in the supervisor position in the first place. Also by having the big boss there, he/she can explain to them why they must...
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...As you all know, we have recently had significant loss in our revenue and market share because of the disrupted distribution caused by the union strike. We have launched a new ad campaign in hopes of recouping some of the lost revenue and to help cover the cost of the increase in wages and benefits. The new campaign focuses on the purity of our product. This campaign has shown great promise as it has had a positive initial response. Unfortunately, I have received some disturbing and unsettling news from the head of operations in one of our bottling plants. One of the employees of the plant has contaminated a machine with a chemical that has affected 120,000 bottles of our spring water. The good news is that the chemical will not cause harm to our customers as it was an extremely minute amount, and all machines have been sterilized for future use. The bad news is that since our new campaign focuses so strongly on the purity of our product, this could cause serious issues for our company. Even though our customers will come to no harm, I believe it is in our company’s best interest to be honest and straightforward with this issue. The company needs to pull all contaminated bottles off of the shelf and offer refunds to those that have already been sold. We need to launch another campaign that provides our customers with information about the issue and what are plans are to resolve the problem. Although a recall of the contaminated product and providing customer refunds will...
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...Case 49 #4: The Concerns of Sarah Issue: Sarah rented a house from Franks. Every time it rains, the roof leaks, causing plaster to fall from the upstairs bedroom ceilings. One ceiling is beginning to sag. Sarah has complained about the roof leaks to Franks and Franks told Sarah he has caulked the roof, however the roof still leaks. Sarah feels it is Franks’ responsibility to repair the roof; Franks believes since Sarah has sole control of the leased premises, she has the duty to repair the roof. Legal Application: Constructive eviction, maintaining the premises, implied warranty of habitability, and application of the warranty. Resolution: There are four remedies available to Sarah. Sarah can withhold rental payments, repair the property herself and deduct that amount from her rent (provided that doing so is in conformity with state and local laws), cancel the lease, or sue for damages. Additionally, Franks would be liable for any injuries caused from defects on the property. Case 49 #5a: Lease Assignment Issue: I am a college student and plan to attend classes for nine months. I signed a twelve-month apartment lease and paid a $150 security deposit. School is now over for the year and I have a summer job back home. I want to assign the balance of my lease, which is three months, to a fellow student who is going to attend summer school. Legal Application: It depends on what the original lease states; does it allow for a sublease or assignment? In any event...
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...ACTPACO INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS CASE 1T AY 2013-14 Reference: Accounting 2nd edition. Waren,C., Reeve, J.,and Duchac, J. ( with slight modifications) Case 1. Partnership agreement Jose Reyes, M.D. and Joseph Luke, M.D. are sole owners of two medical practices that operate in the same medical building. The two doctors agree to combine assets and liabilities of the two businesses to form a partnership. The partnership agreement calls for dividing income equally between the two doctors. After several months, the following conversation takes place between the two doctors: Reyes: I have noticed that your patient load has dropped over the last couple of months. When we formed our partnership, we were seeing about the same number of patients per week. However, now our patient records show that you have been seeing about half as many patients as I have. Are there any issued I should be aware of? Luke: I see. Well, I find that I am working as hard as I did when I was on my own, yet making less that I did previously. Essentially, you are sharing in half of my billings and I am sharing in half of yours. Since you are working much less than I am, I end up on the short end of the bargain. Reyes: Well, I don’t know what to say. An agreement is an agreement. The partnership is based on a 50/50 split. That’s what a partnership is all about. Luke: I that is so, then it applies equally well on the effort end of the equation as on the income end. Answer...
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...(For Course participants only) Reading Material & Work Book On Effective Noting & Drafting (Edited by Smt. Jayanthi Sriram, Asst.Director) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INSTITUTE SECRETARIAT TRAINING & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK, JNU CAMPUS (OLD) OLOF PALMS MARG, NEW DELHI-110067 TEL. 26105592 TELEFAX: 26104183 Revised - 2005 FORWARD In responsive administration it is obvious that the response has to be meaningful. Yet, it may not be effective unless the response time is optimised. This twin objective can be achieved through streamlining of the decision making process itself. In the Central Secretariat, as in other spheres of Government, contribution by all rungs of employees particularly by those at the cutting edge level, namely the Section Officers and Assistants, generally helps arriving at the right decision. Besides collection of information, such contributions are rendered through Noting & Drafting. Effective noting & drafting at every level, therefore, is a matter of prime concern. 2. To address this concern, we in ISTM have been according utmost importance to the inclusion of 'noting and drafting' as a subject in all our foundational and refresher Courses. Besides, focussed workshops on effective noting & drafting are also organised in large numbers. To help participants team effectively, the need for practical exercises cannot be overemphasised. Similarly,...
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...ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 26, No. 3 2011 pp. 609–618 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/iace-50029 A Series of Revenue Recognition Research Cases Using the Codification R. Mark Alford, Teresa M. DiMattia, Nancy T. Hill, and Kevin T. Stevens ABSTRACT: This series of four short cases is designed to help students develop the skills to research the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification and other authoritative literature. It also is designed to help improve students’ ability to analyze and critique the complex issues that often surround the accounting for revenue recognition. The case scenarios describe transactions in which students must decide whether, when, and how much revenue to recognize. The issues analyzed involve bill-and-hold, multiple-element arrangements, gross versus net revenue reporting, and sales incentives. The cases are also designed to improve teamwork and communication skills. The sequence of cases is intended for use in an intermediate accounting class that covers revenue recognition, or in a capstone class that emphasizes critical thinking and research skills. Keywords: revenue; recognition; codification; research. INTRODUCTION evenue recognition is one of the top causes for financial statement restatements (Whitehouse 2010). In addition, revenue recognition is an area commonly questioned by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff in their review of public filings and resultant comment...
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...Business Case for HR Self Service Systems Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Project Overview 3 Business Case for Proposed Project 4 Conclusion 5 References 5 Executive Summary This paper addresses the business case for implementing self service in the IT industry with the aim of gaining higher efficiency for a majority of HR functions and other benefits that can be derived from improved information access. The paper also discusses the various challenges an organization might face while attempting to implement self-service. The business case for self service revolves around reducing administrative costs and gaining better efficiency. It also aims at improving the overall performance and other benefits such as information management, trend analysis and also operational efficiency. The chief argument presented here is that a self-service initiative allows the HR to concentrate more towards the core functions such as people management instead of getting burdened with administrative tasks. While self-service has the ability to improve the service expectations from HR, it may also result in some of the savings being consumed in order to meet the higher quality expectations. However, on the long run, it is bound to reduce expenses to a great extent while enhancing the quality. Self-service also enables an organization to implement flexible work and helps employees to remain connected with the organization through a centralized HR system aimed at remote...
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...and to start the cutting process, are usually requested by the CAM systems as input information. These data are usually strongly influenced by the consolidated experience of the operators, by the specific previous similar machining cases and by several other factors depending on the machining practices. In a project, financed by the Swiss national organization for the industrial research, the authors have developed an expert system (ES) in order to get this information through software processes. The paper shows the structure of this expert system. The ES has been realized through the definition of ontology of components and elements of the machining. The ES includes a very large data base of cutting parameters, and is based on the establishment of rules for the competition between the machining strategies. The ES includes learning methods which are able to identify similar operations. The learning methods are based on the measure of the distance between the actual machining conditions and those already experimented. Therefore the system is able to learn from similar cases. The system has been designed especially for an application in the field of the watch industry which requests a very large spectrum of machining operations and includes also the cases of the HSC. The new expert...
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...With these developments, it is obvious that conflicts between parties of different nationalities occur and liability to tax on income of foreigners especially among those engaging in trading venture. Whilst the laws affecting domicile and residence may be sufficiently settled, it is paramount for courts to pursue a detailed analysis to ascertain specific preliminary issues so as to avoid controversial rulings. Courts often handle numerous financial cases that involve what can be best described as foreign or international elements. In such cases, court must decide whether it has the jurisdiction under the Family Law Act 1975 to make a decision on such cases. In the event that it is determined that the court is invested with the jurisdiction to determine the case, the court has to consider whether there is a system of law in foreign country that also has the jurisdiction to handle the case. As it was addressed in the case Attorney General of New Zealand v Ortiz [1984] AC 1, these benefits and costs to either party if the case resolution is made in foreign country as compared with the apparent country should also be a subject of concern. [1] Legal systems in most countries around the world adopt community property regime, which takes effect at the inception of marriage or at the time of divorce. For instance, California and Massachusetts in the United States have adopted community property regimes that support equal division of assets upon divorce. However, this provision...
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...Adapted from Bernhardt & Kinnear (1988). Cases in marketing management, pp. 6-16. Plano, TX: Business Publications, Inc. Pay careful attention to the following points. They are often used by instructors to evaluate either a written or oral analysis. 1. Be complete. Each area of the situation analysis must be discussed, problems and opportunities identified, alternative presented and evaluated using the situation analysis and relevant financial analysis, and a decision must be made. An analysis that omits part of the situation analysis or only recognizes one alternative is not a good analysis. Second, each area must be covered in-depth and within insight. 2. Avoid rehashing case facts. Every case has a lot of factual information. A good analysis uses facts that are relevant to the situation at hand to make summary points of analysis. A poor analysis just restates or rehashes theses facts without making relevant summary comments. 3. Make reasonable assumptions. Every case is incomplete in terms of some piece of information that you would like to have. A good case analysis must make realistic assumptions to fill in the gaps of information in the case. For example, the case may not describe the purchase decision process for the product of interest. A poor analysis would either omit mentioning this or just state that no information is available. A good analysis would attempt to present this purchase decision process by classifying the product and drawing upon real life...
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...are given. It is understandable then that we should seek out more opportunities to apply our skills and make more positive impacts within our jurisdictions. It is this general attitude that led us to get involved in investigating cold cases. How We Got Started Mark had, for several years, been consulting with our Coroner’s Division as a forensic anthropologist. During this time he came to learn that there were numerous coroners’ cases in which the identity of the decedent was unknown. These cases were kept in three-ring binders on a shelf in the Sergeant’s office. Over the years, in the course of this forensic work, we would discuss these cases and the progress that was being made on them. The conversation usually ran along the lines of us asking “any luck with that 1980 homicide victim?” and the sergeant answering “well, we’ve gotten so many new cases that I haven’t been able to even look at it yet.” This went on for a few years and through two different sergeants. One day we, as a crime analysis unit, were brainstorming about how we could broaden our “client base”, as it were. We had been successful in integrating ourselves into our Investigations Bureau and had been involved in numerous major cases. And, of course, we had always been active in producing tactical and strategic analyses for our patrol personnel. But we knew that we could be doing more, particularly given the size and responsibilities of our agency. It was during...
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...BUSINESS CASE Presented to the Accountancy Department De La Salle University In partial fulfillment Of the course requirements In ACCTBA2 (C33) March 2, 2015 A stakeholder is typically concerned with an organization delivering intended results and meeting its financial objectives. In general, a stakeholder can be one of two types: internal (from within an organization) or external (outside of an organization). The stakeholders in this situation are Lanie Marquez and Tim Rodriguez who are also partners in the retail distribution business and their capital contributions are as follows P500,000 and P300,000 respectively they are an internal stakeholder since they are also the owners. The total Capital of both stakeholders is P800,000 and with a monthly salary for both partners at P15,000 on the assumption that both of them will contribute to manage the business equally. Assuming that both managed the business equally the total salary for the year for Lanie and Tim are P180,000 each. They share profit and loss equally and no interest will be given on capital contributed. The problem for this situation is that Lanie is starting to get concerned with the behavior of her other partner Tim. He only manages the business 50% of the time, which will mean that his salary of P15,000 will need to decrease by also 50% since he does not manage the business equally with his partner. The business has seen a downturn in the profit outcome and for the current financial...
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...Ralph’s Grocery and United Food and Commercial Workers Union The case that I chose for the week 6 critical thinking assignment concerns Ralph’s Grocery Company, located in California. It applies to this week’s material due to the fact that the case involves unlawful suspension and discharge of an employee, as reviewed by the National Labor Relations Board. Background In May 2011, Vittorio Razi was an employee at Ralph’s Grocery and was suspended and terminated after he refused to take a drug test without first consulting with his UFCW Local 324 representative. The company (Respondent) says that on the day in question, Razi’s behavior was in question, acting nervous, anxious, agitated, and slurred speech. After a couple managers discussed the...
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