Free Essay

Apple Pc


Submitted By izaakhaliq
Words 4837
Pages 20

MICROPROCESSOR: Microprocessor Clock Frequency: Effective Cycle Frequency: (Including Ref r e sh Waits)

MOS TECHNOLOGY 6502 1.023 MHz 0.960 MHz


Composite positive video, 75 ohms, l e v e l adjustable between z e r o a n d -15Vpp.

Line Rate: F r a m e Rate: Format: 40 c h a r a c t e r s / l i n e , 24 lines; with automatic scrolling Dynamic shift r e g i s t e r s (1K x 7)

Display Memory: C h a r a c t e r Matrix:

RAM MEMORY: On-board RAM Capacity:

16-pin, 4K Dynamic, type 4096 (2104) 8K bytes (4K supplied)


+5 Volts

@ 3 amps, +/- 1 2 Volts @0.5 amp and -5 Volts @ 0.5 a m p s

Input Power Requirements:

8 t o 10 Volts AC (RMS) @ 3 a m p s , 26 t o 28 Volts AC (RMS) Center-Tapped, Stancor # P-8380 o r T r i a d F31-X Stancor # P-8667 o r T r i a d F40-X

Recommended T r a n s f o r m e r s :

A P P L E COMPUTER COMPANY 770 Welch Road, Suite 154 P a l o Alto, California 94304 Phone: (415) 326-4248

The Apple Computer i s a complete micro'~,ocessor system, consisting of a Mos Technology 2 m i c r o p r o c e s s o r and support hardware, inJral video display electronics, dynamic m e m o r y and r e f r e s h hardware, and fully regulated power supplies. It contains resident s y s t e m monitor software, enabling the u s e r , via the keyboard and display, t o write, examine, debug, and run p r o g r a m s efficiently; thus being a n educational tool f o r the learning of m i c r o p r o c e s s o r programming, and a n aid in the development of software. The integral video display section and the keyboard interface r e n d e r s unnecessary the need f o r a n external teletype. The display section cont a i n s i t s ownmemory, leaving a l l of RAM for u s e r p r o g r a m s , and the outputformat i s 40 c h a r a c t e r s / line, 24 lines /page, with auto scrolling. Almost any ASCII encoded keyboard will interface directly with the Apple system. The board h a s sockets f o r upto 8K bytes of the 16 pin, 4K type, RAM, and the system i s fully expandable t o 65K via the edge connector. The system u s e s dynamic m e m o r y (4K bytes sup-

plied), although static m e m o r y m a y a l s o be used. All refreshing of dynamic memory,' including a l l " off board" expansion memory, i s done automatically. The e n t i r e s y s t e m timing, including the m i c r o p r o c e s s o r clock and a l l video signals, originates in a single c r y s t a l oscillator.


F u r t h e r , the printed circuit board contains a "breadboard area", in which the u s e r can add additional " on board " h a r d w a r e ( f o r example, e x t r a P I A f s , ACIAfs, EROMfs, and s o on).


This manual i s divided into t h r e e Sections: Section I GETTING THE SYSTEM RUNNING. Section I1 USING THE SYSTEM MONITOR. (listing included) Section I11 EXPANDING THE SYSTEM. P l e a s e r e a d s e c t i o n I thoroughly, before attempting t o "power-up" your system, and study 1 Section I 1 carefully before attempting t o expand your system. In addition to this manual, Apple "Tech Notes" a r e available which contain example s of expansion hardware and technique s .

SECTION I GETTING THE SYSTEM RUNNING The Apple Computer i s fully assembled, tested, and burned in. The only external devices n e c e s s a r y f o r operation of the s y s t e m are: An ASCII encoded keyboard, a video display monitor, and AC power s o u r c e s of 8 to 10 Volts (RMS) @ 3 a m p s and 28Volts (RMS)@1 amp. The following three a r t i c l e s describe the attachment of these devices in detail. Keyboard: Any ASCII encoded keyboard, with positive DATA outputs, interfaces directly with the Apple s y s t e m via a "DIP" connector. If your keyboard h a s negative logic DATA outputs ( r a r e ) , you can install i n v e r t e r s (7404) in the breadboard a r e a . The strobe can be either positive o r negative, of long o r s h o r t duration. The "DIP" keyboard connector (B4) h a s inputs f o r seven DATA lines, one


ST ROBE line, and two normally-open pushbutton switches, used f o r RESET ( e n t e r monitor), and CLEAR SCREEN ( s e e schematic diagram, sheet 3 of 3 , f o r exact circuitry). T h i s keyboard con- nector a l s o supplies t h r e e voltages, (+5V, +12V, and-12V) of which one o r m o r e m a y be n e c e s s a r y to operate the keyboard. P i n 15 of the keyboard connector (B4) m u s t be tied t o +5V (pin 16) f o r normal operation. NOTE: The s y s t e m monitor accepts only upperc a s e alpha (A-F, R). It i s therefore convenient, though i t ' s not essential, tohave a keyboard equipped with upperc a s e a l p h a l o c k (usuallyintheelectronics). E i t h e r of the following suggested c i r c u i t s m a y be used t o provide alpha lock capability, if needed, and can be built in the breadboard a r e a .




Vcc(+S) l5 14

1 3

Display: The Apple Computer outputs a composite video signal (composite of sync and video information) which can be applied t o any standard raster-scan type video display monitor. The output l e v e l is adjustable with the potentiometer located n e a r the video output Molex connector, J 2 . T h e additional two outside pins on the Molex connector supply $5 andi-12 volts, to be used in future Apple a c c e s s o r i e s . The composite video signal can a l s o be modulated a t the p r o p e r RFfrequency, with a n inexpensive commercially available device , and applied to the antenna t e r m i n a l s of a home television r e c e i v e r . Since the c h a r a c t e r f o r m a t i s 40 c h a r a c t e r s / l i n e , all television r e c e i v e r s will have the n e c e s s a r y bandwidth t o display the e n t i r e 40 c h a r a c t e r s . Two l a r g e manufacturers of video display monitors, which connect directly with the Apple Computer, a r e Motorola and Ball. The mating four-pin Molex connector i s provided. AC P o w e r Sources: Two incoming AC power s o u r c e s a r e required f o r operation: 8 t o 10 VAC (RMS) a t 3 amps, and 28VAC (RMS) Center-Tapped a t 1amp. These AC supplies enter the s y s t e m a t the Molex connector, J l . The 8 to10 volts AC provides the raw AC f o r the + volt supply, while the 28 VCT sup5 plies the r a w AC f o r the +12 and -12 volt supplies, and t h e -5V supply is derived f r o m the -1 2V regulated output.

Simply w i r e the equivalent ( 28VCT a t 1 a m p ) secondaries to the mating six-pin Molex connector supplied, and w i r e the p r i m a r i e s i n parallel, as shown in the schematic diagram (power s u p d section, Dwg. No. 00101, s h e e t 3 of 3.



TEST PROGRAM After attaching the keyboard, display, and AC power sources, you can t r y a simple p r o g r a m to t e s t if your s y s t e m and the attachments a r e functioning together properly. While i t does not t e s t many possible a r e a s of the m i c r o p r o c e s s o r system, the t e s t p r o g r a m will t e s t f o r the c o r r e c t attachment of the keyboard, display, and power supplies.


The board, a s supplied, requires no m o r e than 1 . 5 a m p s DC f r o m the t5V supply, while the regulator is capable of supplying 3 amps. The remaining 1.5 amps DC f r o m the t5V supply i s available f o r u s e r h a r d w a r e expansion (provided ratings a r e employed). r c e of the raw AC voltages a r e two commercially available trans, Stancor P / N P-8380 o r equivalent ( 8 t o at 3 amps), and Stancor P I N P-8667 o r


FIRST: Hit the RESET button t o e n t e r the s y s t e m monitor. A backslash should be displayed, and the c u r s o r should drop t o the next line. SECOND: 4Y 0 : A9 b 0 b AA b 20 b E F b FF b TypeE 8 b 8A b 4C b'2 b i b - ( R E ~ ) ( 0 i s a z e r o , NOT a n alpha "0"; b m e a n s blank o r space; and (RET) h i t the "return" key on the keyboard) THIRD: Type0 A (RET) ( T h i s should print out, on the display, p r o g r a m you have just entered. )




ifhmetic mode. LDY #$7F STY DSP LDA #$A7 STA KBD C R STA DSP C R C M P #$DF BEQ BACKSPACE C M P #$9B BEQ ESCAPE INY B P L NEXTCHAR LDA #$DC * J S R ECHO LDA #$8D JSR ECHO LDY #$a1 DEY BMI GETLINE LDA KBD CR B P L NEXTCHAR LDA KBD STA IN, Y JSR ECHO C M P #$8D BNE NOTCR LDY #$FF LDA #$a0 TAX ASL STA MODE INY LDA IN, Y C M P #$8D BEQ GETLINE C M P #$AE BCC BLSKIP BEQ SETMODE M a s k f o r DSP d a t a d i r e c t i o n r e g i s t e r . S e t i t up. KBD and DSP c o n t r o l r e g i s t e r mask. Enable i n t e r r u p t s , s e t CAI, CB1, f o r positive edge s e n s e / o u t p u t m o d e .


I i

8D 11 D0 8D 13 D0 FF0F C9 D F FFll F0 1 3 F F 1 3 C9 9B F F 1 5 F0 03 FF17 C8 F F 1 8 10 0F F F l A A9 DC F F l C 20 E F FF FFlF A9 8D F F 2 1 2 1 E F FF 4 F F 2 4 A0 01 F F 2 6 88 F F 2 7 30 F 6 F F Z ~AD 11 DQ FFZC 10 F B FFZE AD 1 0 D 0 F F 3 1 99 00 02 F F 3 4 20 E F FF F F 3 7 C9 8 D I F F 3 9 D0 D4 F F 3 B A0 FF F F 3 D A9 00 F F 3 F AA F F 4 0 4A F F 4 1 85 2B FF43 C8 F F 4 4 B9 09 02 F F 4 7 C9 8D F F 4 9 F0 D4 F F 4 B C9 AE F F 4 D 90 F 4 F F 4 F F g F0 F F 5 1 C9 BA F F 5 3 F0 E B F F 5 5 C9 D2 F F 5 7 F0 3B F F 5 9 86 28 F F 5 B 86 29 F F 5 D 84 2A F F 5 F B9 (40 02 F F 6 2 49 B0 F F 6 4 C9 0A F F 6 6 90 06 F F 6 8 69 88 F F ~ A C9 F A



Yes. ESC ? Yes. Advance text index. Auto ESC if > 127.
11 \ I t ,


Output it. CR. Output it. Initiallize text index. Back up text index. Beyond s t a r t of l i n e , r e i n i t i a l i z e . Key r e a d y ? Loop until ready. L o a d c h a r a c t e r . B7 should b e '1 I . Add t o t e x t buffer. Display c h a r a c t e r . CR? No. R e s e t t e x t index. F o r XAM mode.




'Advance t e x t index. Get character. CR?

Skip d e l i m i t e r .





Yes, s e t STOR mode. "R"? Yes, run u s e r prbgram

M a p digits t o $@ -9.


Hex l e t t e r ? No, c h a r a c t e r not hzx. H e x digit .to MSD of

Shift count.

6502 HEX MONITOR LISTING (continued) FF75 FF77 FF79 FF7A FF7C FF7D FF7F FF81 FF83 FF85 FF87 FF89 FF8B FF8D FF8F FF91 FF94 FF97 FF99 FF9B FF9D FF9F FFAl d ~ ~ 26 28 26 29 CA Db F 8 C8 DQ E Q C4 2A F d 97 24 2B 50 1 0 A5 28 81 26 E 6 26 DQ B5 E 6 27 4C 44 FF 6C 24 00 30 2B A2 02 B5 27 95 25 95 23 CA A 2 7 D0 F ROL L ROL H DEX BNE HEXSHIFT Rotate into LSD. Rotate into MSD's. Done 4 shXts? No, loop. Advence text index. Always taken. Check next c h a r a c t e r f o r he, Check if L , H empty ( n o h e x digits). Yes, generate ESC sequence. T e s t MODE byte. B6 = 0 f o r STOR, 1 f o r XAM and BLOCK XAM LSD's of h e x data. S t o r e a t c u r r e n t ' s t o r e index'. Increment s t o r e index. Get next item. (no c a r r y ) . Add c a r r y t o ' s t o r e index' high o r d e r . Get next command i t e m . Run a t c u r r e n t XAM index. B7 = 0 f o r XAM, 1 f o r BLOCK XAM. Byte count. Copy h e x data t o ' s t o r e index'. And t o 'XAM index'. Next of 2 bytes. Loop u n l e s s X = 0. NE m e a n s no a d d r e s s t o print. CR. Output it. 'Examine index'high-order byte. Output i t in h e x f o r m a t . Low-order 'examine index' byte. Output it in h e x f o r m a t .






A5 25 20 DC FF A5 24 20 DC FF A9 BA 20 E F FF A9 A0 20 E F FF A1 24 20 DC FF 86 2B A5 24 ,C5 28 A5 25 E 5 29 B0 C l E 6 24 D0 02 E 6 25 A5 24 29 07 10 C8 48 4A 4A 4A 4A 20E5FF 68 29 0F 09 B0 C9 BA

Output it. Blank. Output i t . Get data byte a t 'examine index'. Output it in hex f o r m a t . 0-C MODE (XAM mode). Compare 'examine index' t o h e x data.

Not l e s s , s o no m o r e data t o output. I n c r e m e n t 'examine index'. Check low-order 'examine index' byte F o r MOD 8' 0 Always taken. Save A f o r LSD.

MSD t o LSD position. Output hex digit. R e s t o r e A. Mask LSD f o r h e x print. Add "0". Digit?


0 Variables
24 25 26 27 28

Other Variables IN KBD KBDCR DSP D S P CR 200-27F Doll DQ13


2A 2B

SECTION I11 HOW TO EXPAND THE A P P L E SYSTEM The Apple s y s t e m can be expanded to include m o r e m e m o r y and I 0 devices, via a 44-pin edge connector. The s y s t e m i s fully expandable to 65K, with the entire data and a d d r e s s busses, clocks, control signals ( i. e. IRQ, NMI, DMA, RDY, etc.), and power s o u r c e s available a t the connector. All a d d r e s s lines a r e T T L buffered, and data lines can drive ten equivalent capacitive loads (one T T L load and 130pf) without external buffers. All clock signals a r e T T L . The Apple s y s t e m runs a t approximately 1 MHz ( s e e spec sheet) and i s fully compatible with 6800/6500 style timing. T h r e e power s o u r c e s a r e available a t the edge connector: f 5 volts regulated, and raw DC (approximately +/- 14V) f o r the +12'V, -12V, and -5V supplies. If +12V, -12V, o r -5V supplies a r e required, EXTERNAL REGULATORS MUST BE USED. An e x c e s s of 1.5 a m p s f r o m the "onboardu regulated f5V supply i s available f o r expansion (assuming suitable t r a n s f o r m e r ratings a r e employed). E x e r c i s e g r e a t c a r e in the handling of the raw DC, a s no short-circuit protection i s provided. DMA: The Apple s y s t e m h a s full DMA capabli F o r DMA, the DMA control line t r i - s t a t e s , a d d r e s s buss, thus allowing external devices t, control the buss. Consult MOS TECHNOLOGY 6502 Hardware Manual f o r details. ( F o r DMA use, the solder jumper on the board, m a r k e d "DMA", m u s t be broken. ) F o r the 6502 m i c r o p r o c e s s o r , the RDY line i s used to halt the p r o c e s s o r f o r single stepping, o r slow ROM applications. Refer t o Apple "Tech Notes" f o r examples. SOFTWARE CONSIDERATIONS: The sequences listedbelow a r e the routines used to r e a d the keyboard o r output to the display, Read Key f r o m KBD: LDA KBD CR (D011) LDA KBD DATA ( D Q l o ) Output to Display: BIT DSP (D012) STA DSP (Do12) REFRESH: F o u r out of e v e r y 65 clock cycles i s dedicated t o m e m o r y refresh. A t the s t a r t of a ref r e s h cycle (150 n s a f t e r leading edge of 01), R F goes low, and remains low f o r one clock cycle. $42 i s inhibited during a r e f r e s h cycle, and the p r o c e s s o r i s held in 01 ( i t ' s inactive state). Dynamic m e m o r i e s , which m u s t clock during r e f r e s h cycles, should derive t h e i r clock f r o m 00, which i s equivalent t o 02, except that i t continues during a r e f r e s h cycle. Devices, such a s PIA1s, will not be affected by a r e f r e s h cycle, since they r e a c t t o 02 only. Refer t o Apple "TechNotesl' f o r a variety of inte riacing examples



PIA Internal Registers: KBD Data I3010 High o r d e r bit equals 1. KBD Control Reg. D o l l High o r d e r bit indicates "key ready". Reading key c l e a r s flag. Rising edge of KBD s e t s flag. DSP DATA D012 Lower seven bits a r e data output, high o r d e r bit is display ready" input (1 equals ready, 0 equals busy) DSP Control Reg. D013


If m o r e than one s o u r c e f o r RDY u s e owen-collector gate 7401 (not '00) CS (Slow ROM a d d r e s s decoded)




, ' needed only f o r single INSTR mode










(NOTE: F e a t u r e s not needed may be omitted)



D0 Dl







The Apple Computer Company hereby w a r r a n t s each of i t s products, and a l l components therein contained, to be f r e e f r o m defects in m a t e r i a l s a n d / o r workmanship f o r a period of thirty (30) days f r o m date of purchase. In the event of the occurrence of malfunction, o r other indication of f a i l u r e attributable directly to faulty workmanship a n d / o r mate rial, then, upon return of the product to the Apple Computer Company, a t 770 Welch Road, P a l o Alto, California, 94304 (postage prepaid), the Apple Computer Company will, a t i t s option, r e p a i r o r replace said products o r components the reof, t o what sve r extent Apple Computer Company shall deem n e c e s s a r y , to r e s t o r e said product to proper operating condition. All such r e p a i r s o r replacements shall be rendered by the Apple Computer Company, without charge t o the customer. The responsibility for the failure of any Apple Computer product, o r component thereof, which, a t the discretion of the Apple Computer Company, shall have resulted e i t h e r directly o r indirectly f r o m accident, abuse, o r misapplication of the product, shall be assumed by the customer, andthe Apple Computer Company shall a s s u m e no liability a s a consequence of such events under the t e r m s of this warranty. While every effort, on the p a r t of Apple Computer Company, i s made to provide c l e a r and a c c u r a t e technical instruction on the use, implementation, and application of i t s products, the Apple Computer Company shall a s s u m e no liability in events which may a r i s e f r o m the application of such technical instruction, n o r shall the Apple Computer Company be held liable f o r the quality, interconnection, o r application of periferal products, which may have been recommended by Apple Computer Company, but which havenotbeensuppliedaspart oftheproduct. This warranty contains and embodies the l i m i t s of responsibility of the Apple Computer Company, with r e g a r d t o i t s products, and no other liability i s expressed, implied, o r should be assumed by the purchaser, and in no event shall the Apple Computer Company be held liable f o r the l o s s of time, effort, o r transportation costs, nor f o r l o s s of potential profits o r other consequentiallosses whichmight a r i s e f r o m the purchase, a s s e m bly, use, application, o r subsequent sale of the products of Apple Computer Company, n o r f r o m any instructions a n d / o r technical information thereto related.



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Mobile Computing

...used as well as give some examples of what the future may bring in the way we compute in the future. Mobile computing past, present and the future Over the past years we have evolved into a new era of mobile computing, one that guarantees a wide variety in application, improved usability, and faster networking. Apple’s iPhone 5 is a prime example for the trends were heading into, but there are plenty of other options on the rise. Google Android made its appearance in 2008, offering a great alternative to apple devices. Apple had control of almost all computing systems since it was the only platform that could be used in mobile computing. Google brought competition to Apple allowing people to have a choice and the competition caused by this has benefited the user by giving them more applications and quicker processing abilities. Before the Apple and Android platforms there were many simple computing devices. Including ring sized abacus and at one time there was a simple computer that a cheater in Las Vegas put in their shoe to beat roulette wheels. These were simple...

Words: 1182 - Pages: 5

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Htc No Me-Too Products, Why Not?

...CEO HTC Corporation Prepared by HKU-FUDAN IMBA No.670,Guoshun Lu October 8, 2012 No Me-Too Products? Why Not Me-Too Products! Executive Summary To stay competitive in an ever-evolving landscape and in response to the emerging trend of mobile computing a decade later, HTC should introduce “me-too products” and join the tablet PC bandwagon. My research shows that HTC is likely to remain the major player in smartphone and tablet PC manufacturing if it follow suit. First, tablet PC category is fairly new, HTC does not necessarily need to sustain this “no-me-too” rule as long as its product concepts are no less innovative than the current offerings by competitors. Second, the 3G smartphone market is far from saturated. With HTC’s brand and R&D ability, HTC can vastly improve its market share. Third, Good artists borrow great artists steal--Pablo Picasso To implement and maximize the Me-Too Products strategy, my recommendations are as following: 1. Ensure the originality and creativity of “Me-to Products” • “Learn” from Samsung and “Steal” from Apple • Not necessarily price war involved, stay cool and stay stylish • Disruptive innovation—develop “Textbook” for students and “Solus” for the senior citizens. • Stick to Google Android system 2. Remain the pioneer of mobile computing a decade later • Keep the R&D intensity over 8 • Cooperate with both Google and Microsoft to develop products with...

Words: 2249 - Pages: 9

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...detachable keyboard so that the touch screen can be used as a stand-alone tablet. Booklets include dual-touchscreens, and can be used as a notebook by displaying a virtual keyboard in one of them. An early information tablet concept, named the Dynabook, was described by a Xerox scientist Alan C Kay, in his Aug 1972 paper: A Personal Computer for children of all Ages, the paper proposes a touch screen as a possible alternative means of input for the device. The first commercial portable electronic tablets appeared at the end of the 20th century. In 2010, Apple Inc. released the iPad which became the first mobile computer tablet to achieve worldwide commercial success. The iPad used technology similar to Apple's iPhone. Other manufacturers have produced tablets of their own including Samsung, HTC, Motorola, RIM, Sony, Amazon, HP, Microsoft, Google, Asus, Toshiba, and Archos. Tablets use a variety of operating systems such as iOS (Apple), Android (Google), Windows (Microsoft), and QNX (RIM). As of March 2012[update], 31% of U.S. Internet users were reported to have a tablet, which was used mainly for viewing published content such as video and news. Among tablets available in the market in 2012, the top-selling device is Apple's iPad with 100 million sold by mid October 2012 since...

Words: 6265 - Pages: 26

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Unit 1: Paradigm Gs1140

...chose to write about is fairly new. While it has not been around as long as maybe Televisions or Radios, it has definitely made a huge impact on our lives today. I chose to write about Tablets and how they started and where they could go in the future. The first Tablet was not in fact created by Apple. Apple just took the idea and vastly improved upon it. The first tablet was actually introduced in 1987 with the Linus Write-Top which was essentially a tablet that had handwriting recognition software. Basically you could hand-write on it and the tablet could read it. The first tablet computer was introduced in 1989 by Jeff Hawkins, the founder of Palm Computing. It was called the GridPad, and it ran MS-DOS though the idea was mostly ignored by the general public. A few other attempts were made through the years. Apple branched off and came out with the Newton MessagePad in 1993 which wasn’t really aimed at replacing the home PC, but more of a Personal Digital Assistant or PDA. Then in 2000, Microsoft released its first tablet computer, and later in 2002 the Microsoft XP tablet was released which ran its own version of Windows XP. Then the market for tablets really skyrocketed when Apple released the iPad in 2010. It had a touchscreen which was very popular on the iPad Touch and the iPhone. This created a huge market for tablets which got all sorts of companies trying to release their own. For example the Samsung Galaxy Tab, or the Amazon Kindle Fire. From how the tablet has...

Words: 372 - Pages: 2

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History of Portable Computing Devices

...supplemented by physical buttons or input from sensors such as accelerometers. An on-screen, virtual keyboard is usually used for typing. Mobile phones also known as smartphones are also portable computing devices. A mobile phone or smart phone is a mobile phone, small enough to fit in your hand and in your pocket, built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability. Portable computing devices are increasingly powerful and affordable. Their small size and functionality make these devices a desirable replacement for traditional desktop and laptop computers in a wide number of applications. Pocket PCs are another way to conveniently access the internet on the fly. Everyone has probably heard of the Palm Pilot. While they were the pioneers of the pocket pc, many other companies such as Dell, HP, and Toshiba have all delved into the market. Pocket PC...

Words: 1271 - Pages: 6

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Ipad Technology Workplace

...With the seismic shift in recent years to the way pharmaceutical organizations approach sales and marketing, physicians are demanding alternate methods of interaction with sales representatives. All the while, patients are relentlessly searching for disease state and treatment information that can provide them with an understanding of their condition and even help them cope.  The evolution of mobile technology and its integration into a brand’s sales and marketing strategy can be the key to building value-based relationships with physicians and patients that last.  Pharmaceutical manufacturers face increasing pressure to refine their strategic and operational approach to sales and marketing. In the primary care setting, physicians typically give a pharmaceutical sales representative less than thirty seconds per interaction, most of which is time spent signing for samples. In specialty therapeutic areas, sales reps receive much longer periods of time but still struggle with their ability to differentiate themselves through clear, concise, and interactive messaging delivered to each physician, while also dealing with the challenge of increasing their effectiveness. This need is motivated by a quickly changing industry landscape driven by healthcare reform (HCR) and an expanding web of strict government regulations. This includes gift ban laws, aggregate spend compliance/sunshine laws on both the state and the federal level, and diminishing physician availability because of...

Words: 1538 - Pages: 7

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Factors Affecting Study Habits

...Trends 1. Touchscreen PCs with Window 8: Microsoft’s new OS Window 8 is expected to launch in October 2012, but there are still speculation revolving around about its release. It’s likely that in few months you will be seeing Window 7 products in the market with a tag saying ‘Windows 8 ready’. Only by the end of this year or may be in starting of 2013 we will get a chance to see an actual Window 8 running device. There are rumors that HP Slate 8 might be the first tablet to have the Window 8 OS, but there are not details about its release date or price details. 2. When Intel high-end CPUs Hits Market: At CES 2012 Intel was mum about its next generation of CPUs which are dubbed as Ivy Bridge. We hope that even if there is a short delay the Intel's higher-end third generation Core i series of CPUs will become a standard in all new desktops and laptops before this Christmas. The history of market trends shows that there will be a lot of improved mainstream parts in the market after the Intel’s high-end CPU hit the stores. 3. A Refresh to MacBook and Mac Pro: From the past three we haven’t seen any change in MacBook Pros design and we surely expect a refreshed model of MacBook from Apple this year. With the new Intel high-end processors we can dream of a slimmer and more powerful Pro model or a hybrid of Pro and Air is also a possibility. It’s for sure that there will be a major update in MacBook Air as Apple will be having the idea of...

Words: 905 - Pages: 4

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...that loss can be played down as an anomaly for a company that has been a reliable moneymaker for decades, weak sales in Microsoft’s Windows business cannot. Microsoft said on Thursday that its revenue from Windows fell 13 percent in the fiscal fourth quarter, which ended June 30. Windows sales looked worse than they really were in part because Microsoft had to change how it recognized that revenue because of an offer it has extended to people who buy PCs running Windows 7. Under that offer, users can pay $14.99 to upgrade to Windows 8 when it comes out in October. If Microsoft had not had to defer a portion of its Windows sales — $540 million in this case — its Windows revenue would have declined 1 percent, still a dismal performance that underscores the challenges in the traditional computer business right now. Sales in the PC market have stagnated as consumers have diverted their technology spending to more exciting technologies, including smartphones and tablet computers like the iPad. Microsoft and other companies in the PC industry are hoping to reignite growth in the business with the release of Windows 8, an operating system that has been revamped to work better on touch-screen devices. The blockbuster success of the iPad has forced other significant changes at Microsoft, most notably the company’s decision to design and sell its own tablet computer, called Surface. Technology executives and analysts say they believe Microsoft chose to make Surface, the first computer...

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