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Lenovo: Disruption of the Pc Industry


Submitted By damonli
Words 1986
Pages 8
Executive Summary

Lenovo is currently the Top 1 market leader in PC industry globally. With the acquisition of IBM’s x86 server business and Motorola Mobility on 2014, and the changing landscape of tablets and smartphone market, we will look into Lenovo’s strategic position.

There are several issues facing by Lenovo now:

♣ Bad economic environment might post threat to Lenovo’s PC and enterprise business
♣ Declining growth in worldwide tablets market would hurdle the Lenovo’s growth of market share in tablets market
♣ Lack of Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Products would leads Lenovo missing out of future key driver in business
♣ Lenovo’s Smartphone market share is declining due to confusing brand positioning of Lenovo brand and Motorola brand Based on the issues identified, below are the recommendations:

♣ Lenovo to utilizes the merger of IBM x86 server business to be more price competitive and enhance global reach
♣ Lenovo to focus on low-end to middle range tablets to avoid competition with top tablets vendors which focused on high-end devices
♣ Lenovo to reposition Lenovo brand and Motorola brand in smartphone market to gives clear differentiation to consumers
♣ Lenovo to expand product lineup for Wearables
♣ Lenovo to deploy more resource on research and development on Internet of Things (IoT) products


In 2014 Q4, Lenovo finally achieved its goal in becoming the world’s largest PC vendor, and continue to maintain the top position in 2015 Q2 by aggressively expand outside of Asia Pacific region. It proves that the company’s “protect-and-attack” strategy works well in the PC industry. However, the global PC market is still in the declining trend amid of the shifting of consumer’s demand to 2-in-1 devices, tablets and smartphones. 1
Once again IBM moving away from its hardware business and sold

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