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Short Essay on Health


Submitted By majorblank
Words 588
Pages 3
It’s meaning: We all know the popular saying “Health is Wealth”. By health we do not mean the absence of physical troubles only. But it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The loss of health is a loss of all happiness. Mahatma Gandhi also says, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.

Health is more important than wealth. A rich person can afford various luxuries of life such as a big car, large house, costly accessories, air-conditioners, etc. But, he can enjoy these luxuries only if his health is good.

Importance of light, air and water: Good health depends on several things. Fresh air and sunlight are very important for our health. Fresh air helps us to improve our immune system and overall health. So a morning walk is very useful for health.

Sunlight helps our body to produce vitamin-D. A dirty and damp atmosphere causes lots of diseases. Fresh and pure drinking water is also necessary for good health. Impure drinking- water is the cause of several diseases. So, we must take care of these things.

Food: Food is another necessary thing for the body. Nutritious foods helps us to maintain good health. Consumption of healthy foods helps us to minimize any health related problems. We all should know, how, when and what to eat.

We should always include a portion of green vegetables, fruits or salads in our meal. Green vegetables are sources of vital nutrients. Our digestive system plays a key role in our overall health. Fiber rich foods such as whole grain wheat, bran rice, etc. help us improve our digestive system.

A balanced and nutritious diet helps the proper growth of the body. But we must remember that we eat to live and not that we live to eat. In India, over-eating causes a large number of deaths. If we eat less, we may live more.

Physical exercise and sports: We know the proverb, “A

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