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Short Hours Research Paper

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Studies have shown that people who take short breakes throughout the day to do light, outdoor exercise are more productive than those who do not.
I think light, outdoor activites are very helpful. The only break students get is lunch and thats it. It also gets very boring when all you do is sit in a desk and listen to someone talk. As the day goes on techers don't want to teach and stundents just want to go home, so no one is really paying attention and teachers dont teach to the fullest. Therefore, I think light, outdoor activites are very helpful because it would take our minds off school, we would focus better when coming back from breaks, and there would be better teaching and learing.
Short breaks would take our minds off school. Short …show more content…
It would let our brain relax. If our brains where able to take a break they would be better when we came back from the breaks.The breaks would let our minds at ease. We wouldn't have to think and think and think all day. Also they would take students and teachers headachs, anxity, and stress away. When we have headachs will sleep. When we have stress and anxity we don't focus at all.
We would all focus and consatrait more when coming back from breaks.
Nobody would get bored as easly, unless its a bad teacher. Students wouldn't get bored. Usally when students get bored we go to sleep, play, or start talking. Everybody wants to leave school so we stair at the clock till we leave. If we had breaks then we wouldn't be staring at the clock till we leave school. There would be better teaching and learing. Better teaching and learing would mean that students would constraint more. If students constraint more then our grades would go up more. Teachers wouldn't be stressed and tired. If the techer fells good then they will teach better. Students would learn more because of the teachers feeling better.
In conclusion, I think light, outdoor activites are very helpful …show more content…
Exercise is what some students need knowing that most of the students eat the school cafeteria food. students stay in the same spot unless students switch classes or go to luch. Students just sit and do work and students arent getting any exericise. Students dont do after school activities and eat the schools food and some students are getting over wight. Also, if students go outside they will get vitimen D.
Vitimen D is good for students that have low vitimen D. Out of adults and teens teens are most likely to have low vitimen D.

The second reason why students should have breaks dureing school is student and teachers will have less stress. Sudents stress out alot about school work and test and if students were allowed to go outside they will give off some stress. Teachers stress about grading test and work that they go home and are tired and some teachers put all the streess and anger out on there kids. If students where allowed to go outside they can get releaved of sress. If students and teachers are allowed to go outside they releave stress and become more motivated to do their work. If students are realeaved of stressed and are more motivated to doing their work then more students will get better

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