Premium Essay

Short Story: Nico's Running The Maze With The Greenie

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Pages 5
Nico’s running the Maze with the Greenie the first time it happens and frankly, he’s totally shocked it even happened to begin with. He naturally remembers the turns and the curves of the Maze like the back of his hand, the flows of it mending naturally with his mind. So when he trips over a particular bit of vines on the stone floor, nearly falling on his face in the process, he’s shocked, surprised, and actually really embarrassed.

It wasn’t meant to happen, and usually, it wouldn’t have. It just, Nico never realized just how pretty the newest addition to the Glade was. He’d heard things of course from that certain group of boys who’d discovered they had a thing for one or more members of their little collection. And hey, he wasn’t …show more content…
They’re in the Maze again (seriously, who keeps pairing them up. Have they not seen how much Nico likes staring at the Greenie’s face or do they just like to torture him?) when Tom gives him this smile. This completely breathtaking smile that should not make Nico’s chest tighten nearly as much as it does.

And it’s completely shucked up that his stupid, shucking adorable and amazing smile makes it feel like time’s stopped in it’s place (which it totally should because Mother Nature needs to stop and look at this beauty for a second, okay?) because it doesn’t and the very quickly approached wall is more than happy to remind Nico of this fact.

Lucky for Nico, he’s not nearly that unobservant and his brain catches up to him just fast enough to save him from a bloody nose and possibly the most embarrassing explanation ever.

But yeah, Nico is totally blaming that one on Thomas and no one can stop him.

And no one can get him to admit that his face burned when Tom kinda leaned towards him to ask “Hey, are you okay?”

And he’ll say no if anyone asks if he made the most ridiculous sound and reply that sounded a lot like “Me. Yep. Fine. Dandy. Running now,” before picking up the pace in an attempt to escape his embarrassment faster than they could escape the

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