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Should College Students Attend College Essay

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As college admission fees continue to skyrocket, the payoff is extremely worth the debt. The money spent is most definitely not being wasted with an investment in a college degree. The debt might seem too much to stomach, but who does not want to earn more money in the long run? Even with the shocking sticker price, students should attend college because college helps you develop into the person you are meant to be, it lets you explore new fields and opportunities, and in a lifetime college attendees receive more money.
Many people who are looking to attend college just see it as an educational value. However, there are many other opportunities that can come from attending a college. In college, learning is not just with people from your hometown anymore. Students are combined with people from all over the country, and possibly even the world. There are …show more content…
They learn more about themselves, possibly even completely changing their mind about what they want to do with their life. According to a statistic from the University of La Verne’s article “Major Exploration,” 50% to 70% of all college students will change their major at least one time. Most will even change it up to three times in their college career. This shows that as students are attending college, they are realizing more about themselves and what they want to do with their life. The College Board, expert on all things college, also recognizes that college is more than a learning opportunity in their article, “College: What’s it all about and why it matters.” They state that a university experience is about becoming more independent. In college, students get to pick their own classes and schedule, and they are on their own for getting to class and completing the work. It lets people discover new things that they have never even heard of instilling a feeling of exploration and new opportunities to expand the student’s

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