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Should Graffiti Be Charged Around The World?

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Despite its social acceptance and its ability to have multiple meanings, including positive meanings, graffiti is by definition a crime of vandalism. No matter how many people are in favor of graffiti in modern times, it is still illegal. The punishments for graffiti will vary depending on a variety of factors which can include things such as the cost to repair damages and how the province decides to handle graffiti crime. As per California Code, Penal Code - PEN § 594, graffiti is described as anything that, “includes any unauthorized inscription, word, figure, mark, or design, that is written, marked, etched, scratched, drawn, or painted on real or personal property”. On top of this, depending on the repair costs, in California a person found guilty of graffiti vandalism can be charged with time in jail, a fine, or both. …show more content…
The punishments also vary from state to state, from country to country, and so forth. According to the online article “What are the punishments for graffiti around the world?”, a multitude of punishments are given worldwide. While many of them follow the rule of “jail time, fine, or both”, the severity of said jail time, fine, or both varies. For example, in Detroit, Michigan one can face up to five years in jail for graffiti. In Singapore, one can face up to nearly three years and a fine of up to almost $1,500. Ironically enough, in Berlin, Germany for spray painting a wall one can expect a fine of nearly $7,500. The last example will be Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In Dubai, fines start at roughly $140, which is surprising for a country with such strict societal norms. Keep in mind that all these fines are converted to the equivalent US dollar, and that these numbers are based on averages. Not everyone will receive the same punishment, whether it be higher or lower than the

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