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Should High School Students Have Paid Too Much Essay

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If my school received 5,000 dollars, I believe that they should use all the money on educational things. They should spend the money on more books, calculators, laptops, and etc. I believe this because, we do not have enough materials to supply everyone with. Students should be able to take a textbook home when they need help or when a class needs the laptops they should be able to have them. Students’ often have to worry about staying after school because they can not take a text book home because they are not enough. Many students come from low income families and and they have a hard time getting transportation home from school when they do stay after. If we had books where students had enough to take home then students would not have excuse not to have their work done on time. Not having enough books for everyone causes many issues for students and teachers and if we had enough then we would not have these issues. Everyday teachers tend to stress about materials that are need during class. I have known teachers that have took their own money to buy supplies for their students. Teachers have families to take care of also and they should not have to supply materials for their students. With this being said …show more content…
I tend to see many of my peers worry about how they are going to do some of their homework because they do not have the materials at home that they need. If the school could supply needs for them then they would not have to worry about how they will complete their homework. Students have a right to a free education and it’s not quite free until all students have their materials they need in order to complete all their

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