...Paternity Leave: For Him, Her, and Them The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, instituted by President Bill Clinton, established that companies are required to give at least 12 weeks of unpaid leave to new mothers. Over twenty years later, and there are no laws or acts that benefit new fathers in the workforce. While tradition has always been an influence in the way of life, traditions do change often and most usually to the benefit of the citizens. There was a time in history when tradition was that women stayed at home, but traditions have changed to the point where there is a woman in the presidential campaign. Not only did the tradition of women working change benefit women, but it benefitted all of the citizens. Traditions are being...
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...as the children get older its school and extra circular activities. In the sixties and seventies not all women worked full time. At the same time men in this country at least were not as involved in the day to day upbringing of their children. Many European countries are helping men to become more involved in their children’s nurturing from birth. They are provided paternity leave along with maternity leave. This makes for healthier and happier families and that equates productive and contented workers. Case Summary The article from the textbook tells of Sweden taking a different stand. “Whereas America stands almost alone in the world in not guaranteeing women paid maternity leave, Sweden provides sixteen months paid leave per child, with the cost shared between the employer and the government” (Shaw, 2014). Sweden, Germany and Iceland all provide varying amounts of time off for new parents. These countries are attempting remove distinction between men and women when it comes to working and having a family. America can learn a lot from these countries. “Women’s participation in the labor force has nearly doubled since 1960; today they occupy more than half of all professional and management positions” (Shaw, 2014). One would assume that the United States would be at the top of all countries offering maternity, paternity leave and help with child care. However that is not the case. “While the United States prides itself on its family...
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...contribute to it, and what steps should be taken to help reduce it. The gender wage gap is the term to describe the amount women make, on average, to what men make. Generally speaking, the wages that are tabulated come from the Current Population Survey, which is a monthly report funded by the US government (Hill 6). The formula is simple: the difference of women’s wage subtracted from men’s, divided by men’s (Hill 6)....
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...Activity 1 ------------------------------------------------- 1. Describe the internal and external factors that impact on the employment relationship Internal factors that impact employee relations are Organisational Culture Each Organisation and company has its own culture. Company culture consist of many things, how managers relate to their employees. It also shows how employees are treated. For instance how the company rewards its employees creates an enviornment of loyality and high morale. The company which embraces the attributes of employees tend to improve employment relationship between managers and employees. Wages: is the significant factor influencing employee relations. When company provides employees with pay that are above the market standards employee feel value and employee relations run smoothly. External Factors Family Life Employee’s family life can have a direct impact on their behavior, if there’s a conflict in the family life, it can affect the employee’s relation with the colleagues, they may respond negatively to criticism at work. Economic Environment Economic climate, interest rates, pay cuts and redundancies are few of the factors that affect employee relations. Employee’s worry about the job cuts and losing their colleagues puts extra strain on the morals. ------------------------------------------------- 1.2. Explain Different types of employment status The scope of this easy is to discuss three types of employment status...
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...1 ( 1.1) internal and external factors which impact on the employment relationship Unions try to obtain a higher wage for their members than would be offered in the absence of the union which results in workers taking a greater share of profits at the expense of the firm. This monopoly of unions might lead to deteriorating employee relations where it leads to management adopting anti-union strategies, intensifying conflict, while the union mobilization needed for the union to have monopoly power may lead to anti-management views on the part of the workforce. Pay bargaining may have similar effects in the public sector where wage demands must be satisfied, along with competing claims for resources, from fixed budgets set by officials. On the other hand, unions can lead to improved employment relations through effective communication between management and employees and the resolution of employee grievances. Quits are lower where unions are present and where unions are stronger supporting the idea that effective union voice reduces employee exits and therefore contributes to stability in employment relationships. Diversity in the workforce is normally regarded as a positive for companies that manage it effectively as enhances customer relations, creativity, flexibility and innovation and development, however if not well managed, significant differences in ethnicity, race, religion, gender and other individual traits can produce negative effects. If you have...
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... * Information about disciplinary and grievance procedures * Pension scheme details As the contract is a mutual agreement signed copies should be kept. As permanent contracts are for an indefinite period the employer is obliged to add some flexibility into the contract such as working hours, employee benefits, maternity, paternity, pay rules and also details should they change working hours or location. A permanent employee could be employed in either a full time or part-time capacity and the hours agreed will be written into the contract. Temporary: This refers to an employment situation where the working arrangement is limited to a certain period of time based on the desire of the employer, the temporary worker is hired to assist employers to meet business demands but allows the employer to avoid the cost of hiring a permanent employee, it’s usually the employer that benefits from employing temporary workers. Temporary workers can also be employed on a full time or part time basis dependant on the employer’s requirements. Temporary employees rarely receive any benefits from the employer or the job security afforded to permanent employees, a temporary assignment can end at any time depending on the employer’s needs. Fixed Term: This is a contract with a start and end date fixed term workers are often employed to cover a leave of absence from the...
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...maternity leave in the U.S. and discusses both pros and cons to leave policies and the difficulties women have in the workplace as it relates to maternity leave. Maternity leave is a big issue in this country. Many political aspects to this issue are being dealt with and the hope is that women will benefit from the awareness of changing maternity leave policies throughout the U.S. Eight articles were reviewed and summarized in the annotated bibliographies below. These articles were found using the databases that were discussed. We chose these sources because they had to do with the idea of women’s rights involving maternity leave. The sources are put into three subheadings. The first subheading is The Family and Medical Leave Act, which talks about what rights women have concerning maternity leave. The second subheading is the Effects of Childbirth, which discusses the problems with childbirth. The third subheading is Changing the System, which talks about why the system should be changed and the benefits that come with changing it. Annotations: The Family and Medical Leave Act Kaufman, Gayle, Clare Lyonette, and Rosemary Crompton. "POST-BIRTH EMPLOYMENT LEAVE AMONG FATHERS IN BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES." Fathering 8.3 (2010): 321-40. ProQuest. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. This study compares the policies of paternity leave in the United States and in Britain. Studies show a positive correlation with father involvement, however in the United States, not all fathers qualify for leave and...
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...workplace, home, and their safety while out and about. Nationally, women are subject to horrible mistreatment such as domestic violence and sexual assaults. Globally the amount of abuse to women is disgusting. War rapes, gendercide, genital mutilation, honor killings are not only being done to women, but are being accepted as a part of some cultures. The main issue most women face daily is inequality between men and women faced in the media, workplace, marriage, and many other important areas. It’s not only that women need to be accepted in everything they want to do, but also the...
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...dollar paid to men. Even today, there is still a pay gap that exists between women and men. It is said that the organizations that are pro-equal pay, including some unions, support the idea that the government should set wages for all jobs. To the contrary, the organizations that are proponents of equal pay are not for job wages being set by the government-they wish to have the discrimination taken out of pay scales from within the company. Commonly, this pay gap is attributed to the fact that women in the United States are still expected to attend to familial obligations over work. Data shows that women do attend to family obligations, like having a child, caring for a sick family member, or caring for an elder; but they also do not give up on work. Yes, women often chose lower paying jobs in exchange for flexible hours and do spend a lower number of hours per week long-term at their jobs than their male counterparts. Because women are socialized to be the primary care givers they are kept at these lower paying jobs that are more flexible, the jobs allow them to care for their family yet still retain an income (possibly a second income for the household). Women’s changing roles in society has resulted in this workplace problem. Women are allowed and often encouraged to work but they are not rewarded or compensated at the same level, for their efforts, that men in the work force are. The pay gap would be narrowed if companies were more conducive to family schedules. Men and women would...
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...see the impact as positive. Feminists argue that many government policies promote the patriarchal family and reinforces the women’s economic dependence on a man. Policies such as tax benefits and maternity leave are seen as negative policies as they promote the ideology of women being the main childcares in a relationship. Women are entitled to 9 months maternity leave whereas men are only able to receive 2 weeks paid paternity. Consequently, this means women are forced to be the parent that stays at home to look after the child as a couple would not be able to have financial stability if the man stayed at home for 9 months without pay. The new right also do not support these policies however for different reasoning. Feminists have a negative view on policies that insinuate that they have to care for their elders, as they believe the role of a caregiver to the sick and elderly should be shared between men and women equally and should be a women’s obligation. Although feminists are against laws that enforce the inequality between men and women they support policies that allow women to be independent from a patriarchal relationship, for example the divorce reform act and working tax credits. The divorce reform act allows women to file for divorce and have the same rights as men throughout the process. The new right are strongly in favour of the conventional ‘traditional nuclear family’, which is a hetero sexual married couple that have children. In a conventional family, there...
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...RESOURCESSupporting Good PracticeIn Managing Employment Relations2015 | | Tracy King 3MER Table of Contents Internal Factors Which Impact On Employment Relationships | 4 | Pay and Reward | 4 | Organisational Culture | 4 | External Factors Which Impact On Employment Relationships | 4 | Economy | 4 | Technological Changes | 4 | Reasons to Determine an Individual’s Employment Status | 5 | Examples of Employment Status | 5 | Worker | 5 | Fixed term | 5 | Self Employed and Contractors | 5 | Employee Rights During the Employment Relationship | 6 | Work-Life Balance | 6 | Holidays | 6 | Rest Periods | 6 | Working hours | 6 | Night Working | 7 | Maternity Leave | 7 | Paternity leave | 7 | Adoption Leave | 8 | Special Leave | 8 | Reasons Why Employees Should be Treated Fairly In Relation To Pay | 9 | Employee Satisfaction | 9 | Recruitment & Retention | 9 | National Minimum Wage | 9 | Main Points of Equalities Legislation | 10 | Direct Discrimination | 10 | Indirect Discrimination | 11 | Harrasment | 11 | Victimisation | 11 | The Concept of the Psychological Contract | 12 | Types of Psychological Contracts | 12 | Issues To Be Addressed At The Termination Of The Employment Relationship | 13 | Fair and Unfair Dismissal | 13 | The Importance of the Exit Interview to Both Parties | 14 | Key Stages of Redundancy | 14 | Planning | 14 | Identifying the Selection Pool | 15 | Seeking Volunteers | 15 | Consultation...
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...3MER ASSESSMENT CONTENTS | | | |CONTENTS |PAGE NUMBER(S) | | | | |Contents |1 | |Activity 1 | | |Understand the impact of employment law at the start of the | | |employment relationship | | | |2 – 4 | |Activity 2 | | |Understand the main individual rights that the employee has | | |during the employment relationship | | | ...
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...false class consciousness which is where they are unaware of what is happening. The bourgousi maintain this to avoid a revolution. Marxist feminist say the solution to this is a revolution to a communistic society. Mitchell a Marxist feminist said that women should be freed from their domestic responsibilities! He believed by doing this the women could pass on her roles to other agencies such as education and cleaners to allow her the freedom to do as she wishes in whatever domestic and relationships she chooses. Criticisms of Marxist feminist are that they assume all families are stereotypical nuclear families (biological mum, dad and kids) by doing this they are ignoring family diversity since they don’t account for other family types such as bean pole (where a family have one child who goes on to have one child and this continues) . Also radical feminist criticize Marxist feminist as they believe the cause and solution are different. Radical feminist believe that the root of women’s oppression is patriarchal society (male dominant society where male are superior and women are inferior). Due to their belief of the cause radical feminist believe that the solution for women is to create their own separate society without men where each sex live their own life’s away from each other. This would...
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...Tenpin Guidance Leaflet This is a guidance leaflet aimed towards Tenpin employees it will give you knowledge and understanding regarding HR policies, procedures and guidance on high standards of conduct. Internal factors These can impact on the employment relationship (over and above statutory minimum) Probation- All new employees must complete and be successful in a three month probation period (management six months). All employees are subject to meet set criteria by their final review sign off in areas of:- * CPL on line training. Training in basic skills such as Safety at Work, Food Safety and Fire Awareness. Subject to minimum pass levels within these courses. * Measurements against minimum levels of absence, lateness and conduct. * Satisfactory references Employees are offered training and support through mentoring and regular reviews during this period in order to understand and achieve minimum levels in the above. Pay and Reward- Tenpin offers staff benefits and training to exceed minimum pay, currently above statutory minimum wage. These include:- * Completion of one of four basic pins to achieve minimum requirement, however staff that become multi-trained achieve Higher Grade Duty (HGD) of 25p per hour once successful and signed off by training mentor and manager. * Bonus payments scheme of successful achievement of 9/10 or higher of customer satisfaction review (Mystery Bowler, MB) measured against engagement and...
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...of the business, the size of the organisation may also play a part in how stringent the rules can be. These rules are unilaterally determined by the employer and can be lawfully changed by management at any time. A refusal to adhere to the revised rules amounts to a breach of contract i.e. failure to obey lawful and reasonable instructions. External 1. Statute. Statutory rights are legal requirements. All employees, regardless of the number of hours per week they work, have certain legal rights, for example: • the right to a written statement of terms of employment within two months of starting work • the right to be paid at least the national minimum wage • the right to a paid holiday • the right to Maternity/Paternity/Adoption leave 2. ACAS Code of...
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