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Should Religion Be Taught

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About 84% of the human population on earth today is religious. Much of the teachings in some religions like Christianity or Islam are based on beliefs held by certain people over thousands of years ago, so it can sometimes conflict with standards today. For example, while science tells us that the creation of the universe probably resulted from an event called “The Big Bang,” religions often hold beliefs that their particular god or gods created the universe. I think this brings up the question of whether religion should be taught as truth or if it should even be learned and believed in at all. While I do think that there are many positives like morals taught by Christianity, letting go of God is the best way for mankind to progress in the future. Believing in god can lead to many people being complacent about the truth of the universe. Many religious people think that the answer to anything is god. God created everything that we know and continues to influence our lives on the daily. This is bad because the findings of science are ultimately false under the presumption that God created everything. It limits and discourages what we can ever find out about the universe as humans. I think that …show more content…
For example, the religion of Islam places women much lower than men in society. Women are expected to stay uber-modest at all times and wedded women are expected to wear hijabs and are actually required to wear it in some countries like Saudi Arabia out in public. And although we can’t compare today’s standards with those of the past, many religions like Christianity specifically state marriage as a pact between a man and a woman. This has caused recent events such as county clerk Kim Davis not giving marriage licenses to gay couples because gay marriage didn’t align with her christian marriage beliefs. Overall, some religious teachings are backwards and shouldn’t be

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